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Messages - Sira84 (5)

Pages: [1]
Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Multiple Deck saving.
« on: September 29, 2010, 09:33:38 am »
why you not save it in the text strings that can be copied now to text documents? this should not use much space maybe 300 bytes for one deck?

Or save it on the computer instead of saving it on the server. This would make it possible to save decks on trainer too

1. Zanz has completely rejected multiple decks many times as it takes to much space to save them

Why not save it online in the strings you can now copy to a text data i dont see any problem in space because this is only some kb for 100 decks. It would be MUCH more comfortable then to copy and paste it allways from my text data.

I would like to have a possibility to save multiple decks on normal account but also on trainer too.

i think the game needs some kind of campaign thats not only a simple questline but more like scenarios just to play 1000 times the same game only with different cards is getting boring, there should be more difference between the battles than only changed cards.

i think its the game needs really more varity so its not getting boring after a while.
now the games are too similar and after while this is getting boring because allways the same.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Pve with Changed rules
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:50:32 am »
I would suggest that there should be some kind of special mode that gives battles with special rules to make the game more interesting.

The original idea comes from the card game spectromancer (first campaign is free to play):

Some suggestions for changed rules might be:

You or you opponent has at the beginning of the game some creatures maybe normal creatures or maybe special creatures that cannot be used normally.
As examples:
on every side one creature with 0/100 and gravity pull.
On every side one 10/10 creature with momentum and immortal at the begin of the battle.

Changed Rules some suggestions:
No shields / Weapons / some special abilitys do not work / all creatures and permanents get immortal when played.
All Pillars create random color / colors in a special way after changed rules / on both player scrambler is used every second turn / only monocolor game for both player (all pillars give the color of the mark).
The damage a creature deals is random / a fixed number.
Weapons / shields have a random effect instead of theyr normal effect when activated.

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