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Messages - Sir Rebrl (282)

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Design Theory / Re: Requires quanta, but it's free.
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:21:51 am »
I kinda like the idea, somewhat of a reward for already having quanta, but instead of making it free but requiring quanta to exist, why not make it cost 3 and generate 6?

Design Theory / Re: Card idea: The Gift
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:17:23 am »
I love the concept and I think it could fit in really well with Aether. In that case, though, Gift doesn't feel quite right.

Maybe Spatial Shift or something? Moving it from your space to theirs? Sounds more Aether-y to me. ^_^

A desktop app version of Elements would simply allow users to play against AI when they don't have operational internets, and it could still have PVP that would require LAN or internets. The internet portion could still have ads - I think - so the only revenue necessarily lost is when people can't get on to generate revenue anyway... so 0.

I think. I could be wrong. I fully admit I reeeeaaaaaaally want a desktop app version so I may be unconsciously forgetting things that'd make it be bad. :D

Deck Help / Re: Looking for Opinions on an Aetherial Gravity Deck
« on: December 22, 2010, 06:02:57 am »
I mostly like the dragons cause they're a relatively high damage and one lightning won't frag it. I also kinda like having a Chimera that can deal some damage while it's alive, though I definitely agree that Armagio is more efficient for a hardcore defensive Chimera.

I have been considering a balance shift towards Chargers, so I'll definitely be giving that more serious thought.

As far as Lightning and Oty go, that's a good point I hadn't considered. I don't think I've even looked at Aether in the Bazaar since my Deathly Dark Aether deck. XD

The Black Holes have literally saved me from certain doom a couple times already (I've had the curious luck to hit up a bunch of total/partial rainbow deckers), so I'm gonna be kinda reluctant to let that go.

As far as things seeming out of balance or out of place, like my single Oty, it's just cause I haven't played Gravity and I'm experimenting with a variety of cards before I settle on a more focused strategy. No more purpose than that for having just one.

I have had the opportunity to fractal my Charger once or twice, with glorious results against my opponent who stubbornly reupped his Dimensional Shield every time it ran out. Definitely a good potential focus.

Thanks for the help!

Deck Help / Looking for Opinions on an Aetherial Gravity Deck
« on: December 22, 2010, 05:10:35 am »
Code: [Select]
4t4 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55l 55m 55o 55o 55o 55q 55r 55t 55t 55v 55v 560 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61r 61r 61r 61t 61u 621 621 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a
First off I want to put it out there that I feel a strong attachment to the Aetherial cards in general, so I don't really see myself ever eliminating them altogether. It's just not gonna happen. ^_^

That said, I'm experimenting with different core marks to augment with Aether, cause as much as I love it I can't play mono-Aether. Nope nope. So far I've tried Aetherial Entropic, Deathly Dark Aether, straight Dark Aether, and now I just recently decided to test the Aetherial Gravity combo. I haven't played it enough to notice specific issues, so for the time being I'm just looking for ideas and opinions from more experienced players, or even newbies since they've got fresh eyes and a less potentially biased view. If I do notice any problems with the deck as is, I'll be adding them to the bottom of this post.

For the time being, I'm still unsure of what cards I wish to upgrade (if any so far). Any ideas on that are welcome as well. For the time being, I'm bored with AI so my deck is intended for basic PVP with no upgrades.

Basic Thought Processes Behind Current Deck Build:
  • I have a bias towards Gravity Pillars because, as I said, Gravity is my core Element and I'm using Aether as augmentation.
  • I'm heavy on Pendulums because I like the idea of them as a former Magic player who was oft annoyed when I drew all black land cards and all white spells.
  • My balance of Quanta Generators to other cards comes from (limited) experience dealing with Mana Drought (no energy generating cards in first few draws) and Mana Flood (all or almost all energy generating cards in first few draws) in Magic. As the experience was limited, any suggestions on that are most appreciated.
  • I'm delighted that a Fractal-ated Oty makes wonderful snackage for a Quint-acular Momentum-acious Oty. Makes him big and strong.
Thanks in advance for all assistance! ^_^

All right, I've taken some advice and experience into consideration and my current deck is now thus:
Code: [Select]
4t5 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55l 55l 55m 55m 55o 55q 55q 55q 55r 55r 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61q 61r 61r 61t 61t 61u 621 621 621 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a
You may notice I've managed to cut back to 40 cards. ^_^

General Discussion / Re: Elements Christmas Sweeptakes!
« on: December 22, 2010, 02:34:07 am »
Oh Elemental Santa, will you really bring me all I ask for this year? I do hope you do, not like that cheapskate normal Santa.

First I'd be delighted to receive a Gravity Pillar Staff, one which could use the generated Gravity Quanta to bring all who stand in my way to the ground as if they weighed ten times their normal weight! That would please me greatly!
I'd also appreciate a personal sized Sapphire Charger, so that I may ride it around the town! It seems to me it would be a most exhilarating and speedy form of transport. ^_^
I will also require a hand-sized Lobotomizer, that I may bring anyone who questions my superior intelligence to bow before  my vast brain-meat-powers. ...Yeeeesssssss...
OH! OH OH! And a little gerbil-sized Abomination to hold in my lap and stroke as my subjects look on in mingled fear and disgust! SQUEE, it'd be so fantastic to see that look on their faces!
Equally important to the rest is a personal Fog Shield to hang on my belt, so that as I claim rule over the lands I shall be known by the fog always surrounding me, and in frightened voices my subjects will refer to me as the Doom Fog! HAHA!
Oh, yes, and I'd also like to see Elements as a desktop app. Even rulers get bored in places lacking teh internets. Mmm... yes we do.

I know this is a lot to ask, Messr. Elemental Santa, but I'm rather confident you'll come through for me. I suppose I should mention... I have Rudolph. Should you, God forbid, fail to meet my demands - I mean grant my request - I will be forced to remove his nose. THEN HOW WILL YOU DELIVER GIFTS ON FOGGY CHRISTMAS NIGHTS?! YOU WON'T! AHAHAHAhahaha.....

Thank you in advance for the wondrous gifts. ^_^

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