I mentioned that our mind gives us an advantage in this situation, but it is the only advantage.
Does that include the advantage of knowing the exact contents of our opponent's deck and every one of its "thoughts"? That's a pretty good advantage IMO
Despite the number of cards we are presented with, the game allows us a 30-60 card deck, which isn't too limiting considering too few cards limit strategy and comebacks, while too many cards will cause bad draws. However, I think you're ignoring the fact that although more cards give us the advantage while planning a long-term strategy, we are limited to the cards we will draw before the god can kill us (unlike chess, in which all of your options are presented from the beginning),
Sorry, if I fail to grasp this but - what is your point? That we only have access to the limited of cards that we included in our deck AND drew in the actual game before it finished? That would be obviously true but true for both sides and another factor of complexity that we could use against the AI.
but particularly by the fact that we have to plan for every false god. To keep from designing too complex an AI for one god, new false gods are created, and we now have to plan for each one.
Not really. Of course it is impossible to create a deck that does well against each of the 18 Gods. That's what you call a metagame - there is no optimal choice, at some point any improvement you make against one God will come at a cost of weakening your matchup against the others. Everything else would be pretty dull.
The problem does not stem from the increased number of strategies, in which case, we are able beat every god with ease,
Once again I have to ask you what exactly you mean with this... wouldn't a greater variety of strategies among the Gods make it harder for us to beat each of them?
but rather the way they are handled in the game. I am proposing finding a better way of dealing with the introduction of new cards to keep players and false gods at a good balance, not stopping the production of new cards entirely.
So now we come to your basic point (as far as I can read it): That the new cards are somehow making games against the AI harder. I just fail to see any validation for your opinion. Take the latest additions to the game - the Nymphs, Shards and Alchemy cards. The AI has no access to the Shards and is horrible at handling the Nymphs and Alchemy cards correctly (just for laughs, grind AI5 for a while to see how it tries to use Liquid Shadow). Tell me a concrete example, where the addition of new cards was detrimental to the chances of the humans.
Twenty uncomplicated AI systems given the advantages false gods are find it easier to defeat one very complex, yet very limited mind that must deal with all of them at random.
Once again - what is your definition of
defeat? The point of the False Gods is that they are extremely hard, even for players who have achieved everything in the game, already. Currently, with a good deck you can get about 40-60% of the games against the AI, which sounds like a neigh-perfect ratio for me to make the game interesting. What would you want to change about it?