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Messages - Sigilstun (7)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: Shak'ars Revenge (FG-Voodoo)
« on: January 01, 2011, 02:17:41 am »
Can anyone think of why this deck would be more useful than this system? (,6546.0.html)

Seriously, I've played this deck in the trainer for about 3 hours now subbing cards to try different things to see what works and what doesn't, and to be honest with you, I don't like the results at all. I mean, it's more fun to win when you do win with this deck, but most of the time, things just don't work out the way you want to, with the added bonus of taking longer while you're doing it.
The version I would recommend is this one:
Code: [Select]
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 74d 74d 74d 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 7qb 7qb 7qb 7tg 7tg 7tg 80b 80b 80b 80b 80bI do not quite see how this is slower than RoL Hope, this deck usually wins in about 8 turns. If used correctly that is. It takes a lot of games to get the hang of all the tricks you can do for different fgs. Learn how they tend to use TU, how much extra damage they tend to use next turn etcetera. Win percentage is about 30-35% after you really get the hang of it.
I'll give that version a try for a few hours, then. I am a little puzzled by the "tricks you can do" comment. This deck is pretty straightforward, and barring what you can clone with TU, and amusing uses of grav pull, there aren't many "tricks" that can be pulled with the few cards to work with here. Honestly though, compared to the time spent playing success of the rol/hope deck that Seravy came up with, even with the fractal "nerf" recently, I don't see a reason to use this deck instead, other than something fun to toy with from time to time.

I'll try it out, though.

EDIT: I just realized this is the exact version I've been playing the whole time. Heh, I should have looked more closely the first time.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Shak'ars Revenge (FG-Voodoo)
« on: January 01, 2011, 01:49:07 am »
Can anyone think of why this deck would be more useful than this system? (,6546.0.html)

Seriously, I've played this deck in the trainer for about 3 hours now subbing cards to try different things to see what works and what doesn't, and to be honest with you, I don't like the results at all. I mean, it's more fun to win when you do win with this deck, but most of the time, things just don't work out the way you want to, with the added bonus of taking longer while you're doing it.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / 20 wins in a row = spin for a nymph
« on: December 31, 2010, 11:43:49 am »
I think Nymphs should be a little more available for people. There are a lot of nice deck ideas surrounding Nymphs, and I think it would be nice if people got a more realistic chance at them. I'm not a big pvp guy, and the oracle is just so finicky.

I propose that, if fighting T3 and you can get 20 wins in a row, you should get a "nymph spin". This is a spin with all nymphs, and if you get 3 same nymphs, you get that card. Lets face it, even 20 wins in a row vs T3 is crazy lucky anyway. All I'm saying's something. Something to hope for while a new player is grinding for rares instead of trying for t50 farms. Something to get excited about. It's very, very rare to get 20 wins in a row for anything really, but why not throw that in there? I mean, many times you have to grind for rares if you're new anyway unless you want to take the easy way and only farm t50 for farms, but at least this is something for people that fight the "legit" way and get super lucky, to get a nymph. Keep in mind, I mean ONE SPIN. Not the 3 that you normally get, but just a crazy out there chance. Why not?

Any thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: Newbie luck?
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:51:41 am »
No. The game is programmed to give you the minimal amount of fun you can have, with the maximum amount of time you spend on the game.

General Discussion / Re: Frustration
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:13:51 am »
I have to agree with the OP. (Yes I know it's an older post, but that doesn't mean it's not correct.)

The thing about this game, is that everything rewards you properly as far as strategy goes during the match. Playing your cards right, countering at the right times, making the right moves at the right time to win a strategic match, and you're rewarded with....maybe 15 electrum and a RANDOM SLOT MACHINE SPIN?

It's just pathetic really. I'm really close to just not playing anymore because of how unrewarding the results of a win in this game is. You don't get rewarded properly for your efforts, as far as I'm concerned. I've actually been spinning my tires all day today, using a rol/hope deck. I win most of the matches that I can actually have a chance at, but since I have to skip so many impossible to win matches, the amount of elec I win in the matches I do win doesn't cover it, and then the random casino pathetic-idea-whoever-came-up-with-it spin thing decides to not give me a card. I've won 30 games against false gods today and gotten exactly 2 cards. I've lost piles of electrum. This is not challenging or fun. It makes me hate playing. I sit there clicking away with a grimace on my face because I know that even if I play a good match, FATE decides if I deserve a reward or not.

Does that not seem wrong to anyone else? I mean, the game is fun and all, but I don't think I will dedicate my next 4-5 months on it to be able to see what it's like to actually build my own decks because I have the electrum to do it.

Want a paypal donation? I know. How about you spin a random RNG wheel somewhere and if it says to donate, then you get to spin again and see if it's 25 cents or 1 dollar? Not very rewarding either way, is it?
This game is a lot like many others in that those that are persistant tend to reap the most.

I don't think anyone, after passing the first few quests and getting a first look at what upgrading costs are, says this game will be easy to win and build a lot of electrum/score/upp'ed cards. Point is, in order to make this game something worth coming back to one has to go through all the mucky, bloody, tear-filled ruts to get to a spot they can safely say, "phew."

Having spent a few months playing this game and grinding, grinding, grinding *mutters* I can say it is rewarding and worth it. But what makes it really fun for me to pass the grinding time is to chat with peeps suffering with the same issues. Makes it more interesting for me and prompts me to want to log in more, not only to get the better cards, but to hang out with the community. Granted, I am somewhat a new face on the forums and in the chats here, but I got to make a lot of fun online friends and that makes the grinds and pains of going up the food chain that much more fun.

I guess ultimately it's all in how you make the game out to be. If you treat it as nothing more than a miserable way to slosh through the time, I can almost guarentee you'll burn out fast. But if you explore the community, rant with others in chat about how good/bad everything is going, I'll bet there'll be peeps who will give ya a shoulder to work with. So far, peeps here are pretty good about that kind of thing ;)
The problem I have with the game is there is no normal progression. You can either grind away forever on AI3 using a rush deck in mind numbing tedium, or you can spend the electrum (after the super unfun mind numbing tedium in AI3 to even MAKE the elec you need to make the deck) on a deck that can luck out on FG's and hope the stupid spinny thing decides to be nice. When I first started this, I was barely making enough elec to even challenge the FG's. I had to go back to the super unfun, unchallenging AI3's to get the elec to even try the FG's multiple times. There is NO SENSE OF PROGRESSION IN THIS GAME. It's basically, grind until you want to claw your eyes out, then grind a little more. When you're tired of grinding mindlessly, too bad, BUCKLE UP FUCKFACE, because you're going to grind a whole lot more before you have enough electrum to stand a chance of having any fun. This game wants you to suffer for months, a slave to an RNG before you can do anything useful. It doesn't even try to make it fun while you're doing it either.

General Discussion / Re: Frustration
« on: August 21, 2010, 01:49:51 am »
I have to agree with the OP. (Yes I know it's an older post, but that doesn't mean it's not correct.)

The thing about this game, is that everything rewards you properly as far as strategy goes during the match. Playing your cards right, countering at the right times, making the right moves at the right time to win a strategic match, and you're rewarded with....maybe 15 electrum and a RANDOM SLOT MACHINE SPIN?

It's just pathetic really. I'm really close to just not playing anymore because of how unrewarding the results of a win in this game is. You don't get rewarded properly for your efforts, as far as I'm concerned. I've actually been spinning my tires all day today, using a rol/hope deck. I win most of the matches that I can actually have a chance at, but since I have to skip so many impossible to win matches, the amount of elec I win in the matches I do win doesn't cover it, and then the random casino pathetic-idea-whoever-came-up-with-it spin thing decides to not give me a card. I've won maybe 30 or so games against false gods today and gotten exactly 2 cards. I've lost piles of electrum. This is not challenging or fun. It makes me hate playing. I sit there clicking away with a grimace on my face because I know that even if I play a good match, FATE decides if I deserve a reward or not.

Does that not seem wrong to anyone else? I mean, the game is fun and all, but I don't think I will dedicate my next 4-5 months on it to be able to see what it's like to actually build my own decks because I have the electrum to do it.

Want a paypal donation? I know. How about you spin a random RNG wheel somewhere and if it says to donate, then you get to spin again and see if it's 25 cents or 1 dollar? Not very rewarding either way, is it?

False Gods / Re: Here are the decks of the actual False Gods:
« on: August 18, 2010, 12:59:02 am »
Thanks much for putting this together, but it's not entirely accurate, at least for Chaos Lord. He for sure has at least 2 improved steals and 2 Discords.

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