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Messages - Sghignifiss (5)

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Yep I'm sorry for not having searched before asking this. Anyway thank you very much for all your patient answers  :)

- EDIT -
I just tried to search for some posts in the forum but this error message appears:

"You are not allowed to search for posts in this forum."

Someone knows why? (sorry for the OP  :()

If things are like this I absolutely agree with the strategy of automulligan  ;D

My question raised because of a game I started with just a Nova in hand, which was free to play the first turn, but my deck had just 3 Nova and around 13 Pillars, so Nova was just a support card. The same thing I think could happen if, for example, I've got just a Photon in hand at first round... I don't think it's properly right to have a system like this, but I also have seen very strange decks around, with no pillars or with a photon-immolation philosophy, so maybe this is just the right way to let all types of deks exist.

I personally like very much this game and the way it's built, I believe Elements builders have already done all these discussion about this matter, so I'll just say I'll take it as is and just think of a deck that won't come in disadvantage because of this well thought automulligan method  ;)

Thank you very much for the answers!

Ok I didn't know thank you for the answers ^_^

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Little suggestion - mulligan rule
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:51:42 am »
Dunno if this idea could be good or not, but it sometimes happens to me that I poorly lose a game just because I don't have pillars in my first hand and I don't get any of them during the first turns, just to have them all in sequence in later turns (mostly too late). I think this is not because I've got few pillars in my deck, but just because sometimes card mixing doesn't work as we expect.

I used to play Magic the gathering a few years ago, and I remember that there was the same problem in that game. To solve the problem there was the "mulligan rule": if you don't have any land (= pillar) on your first hand you can choose to remix cards.

I honestly think that maybe the same rule could be applied here for Elements: if no pillars appear in the first hand of a game, two buttons could appear (just one time per game, maybe) and the player could choose to remix card or take them as they are and continue playing.

Issue Archive / Abilities cost lost on cancel action [Not a bug]
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:30:50 am »
Hi all, I've noticed that if I activate a creature ability and then change my mind and push the "Cancel" button instead of choosing a target for the ability, I loose the quantum for that ability even if I haven't used it. The same thing doesn't happen if I activate a card form my hand, for example a Mutation spell, and then push the "Cancel" button when I have to choose a target: in this case the quantum amount lost when I clicked on "Mutation" is added again in my reserve.

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