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Messages - Selenbrant (353)

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War Archive / Re: War betting - Guess the winners and win prizes!
« on: June 05, 2010, 05:03:00 pm »
 :fire :earth :darkness :aether  :life :air :time  :entropy :death  :gravity  :water  :light

Darkness / Re: Dusk Mantle / Improved Dusk
« on: June 05, 2010, 03:34:11 pm »
this card sounds bad at first but when you think about it you can halve the damage of a full field of fireflies permantently (not just 3 turns like dim shield :P)
Diashield can even block all the damage vs unupped Fireflies and 75% vs upped Fireflies.
Even if really 50% of Creatures hit, the damage will not be halved considering that there are mostly  strong and less strong hitters on the field. Maybe you have a Lava Golem with 23damage and a Photon with 1 damage. If the Photon hit, but the Golem not your damage is almost completely blocked although you blocked only 50% of the attacks.
cute shiny  Photons :))

Lower  :darkness cost,but shouldn't the upgraded version do like 75% of missing?
I hate this Shield in such a way I started counting hits....
Its almost every time way above 50% about 60-70% and its annoying...
I dont even want imagine what happens with an Improved Dusk (75%).

Entropy / Re: Dissipation Shield | Dissipation Field
« on: June 05, 2010, 01:09:22 pm »
With the same amount of Quantum or Amethyst Towers the Shield can even absorb 2 damage more, because the mark is worth 3 damage (only 1 with the Field). Just 2 damage, but the could save you ;). However each used quanta for other cards will reduce your max possible damage absorb by 3 and not only by 1 like with the Field.

And I dont know how it really works unupped. Does it round for each Monster or in total?
For example you have 2 monster(10 and 4 damage).

Is it:
10/3 = 3,333 --> 3 quanta +
4/3 = 1,333 --> 1 quanta
= 4 quanta

(10+4)/3 = 4,666 --> 5 quanta

I dont know, whether it keeps the position after decimal point for each monster in mind(1,333 + 3,333=4,666) and rounds after or not.
The difference is at most just 1 with 2 monsters, but 1 unequal 0 and with further monsters the difference could increase.

20 monster with 4 damage

4/3 = 1,333 --> 1 quanta * 20 = 20 quanta
(4 * 20)/3 = 26,66 --> 27 quanta

Deck Help / Re: Help me with my Earth Deck
« on: June 03, 2010, 11:24:03 am »
Now I am trying this:

Code: [Select]
6rk 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77c 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77j 77j 77j 77j 7q4 7q4 7q4
I ran 3 pulverizers, some gravity pillars, quicksands, and black holes...
I like the idea, but i am afraid of adding too many different cards and a further element.

I'm glad to see someone playing Steel Golems; they really are strong enough to deserve a place in :earth decks.  I'd suggest you do a Search for "quantum index" on the forums and look up ScaredGirl's thread on it.  According to the Quantum Index, you're running way to many Towers.
I reduced the number of Towers by 3 as you suggested and also I read the post about the Quanta Index. I understand it but I am also a bit skeptic, because the chance not drawing any Tower to the start is increased.
At the moment it seems to be smoothy, but at the start you have always to decide between Quicksand or Creature. But I guess its not changeable, you would need to draw 5 Towers, 1 Graboid and 1 Quicksand to be able to play both and after that you have an empty hand.

-1 Longsword... +1 Gavel
Why? Mark is Time.

Personally I play 14 towers, 6 graboids, 4 shriekers, 3 rewinds and 3 quicksands which seems rather smooth.
I also played this deck, even before I changed to Steel Golems, but I dont want to have such a popular deck ;).
So I added Steel Golems. They are tougher than Shrieker if you play them, because Shrieker cant burrow anyway during the first turn and vs Oty or lightning its really bad.
Yeah, Steel Golems only have 6 damage, but they have a better damage/quanta ratio. Over the first two turns even equal to the Graboid.
In addition Steel Golems are just so nice to look at. It cant be helped, Shrieker arent so lovely.

Golems instead of shriekers mean you hardly stand a chance against increasingly popular RoL-Hope decks, for all practical considerations, especially since you pack no quicksands to slow down the  :aether flow and hence can't deny fractal. Perhaps take a look at some of the other rush decks out there for farming T50.
Even with the deck you are playing my win rate wasnt even 50% I guess. For example the RoL-Hope deck user plays 3  :aether Towers, which almost ever happens. So after his first turn he already has 7 :aether (3*2 + Mark). One further turn and he is able to play Fractal, even if I destroy his  :aether Towers. So in the moment he has about 20 HP, there is almost ever a Hope with 7 or 8 damage reducing. One or two turns later maybe even 12 or 13.
The lack of Quicksands was only because I changed the deck several times to see how it works, but I wanted to have some.
I already took a look at the Mono  :earth Decks, but they are with Antlions(they are pretty ugly) or too close to 18/6/6(boring).
Maybe I shouldnt consider the image of the card, but if it looks so bad I dont want it.

Now I am thinking about the Diashield and Longsword. They often make me just a target for Steal and Deflag, but if not the sword isnt stopped by annoying Sundials and the Shield makes me endure much longer, whenever I cant attack at the moment, because of Bonewall or Phaseshield.

Deck Help / Help me with my Earth Deck
« on: June 02, 2010, 06:17:04 pm »
At the moment I use this:

Code: [Select]
6rk 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77c 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 7q4 7q4
The most time I play vs T50...
I want to have a Deck, that is at least able to defeat most kinds of decks.
I started with Shrieker Rush(18/6/6), but it´s a bit boring and didnt stand a chance vs e.g. Rainbow (because Sundial and later Phase Shield etc.).

So i tested several Spells...
Stone Skin is really useful, whenever you need to borrow your Shrieker or cant play further Shrieker, because of Oty´s or/and cant attack anyway, because of Phase Shield. Then you often need to wait 12-18 turns until all Phase Shields are played or you have enough Shrieker in your hand to kill him in this 1 turn without Phase Shield. So you avoid getting eaten by Oty´s and nullify the opponents healing, with instant kill. And you are able to wait this long, just because of the 300 extra HP 6 Skins gives.
Rewinds are always great to get rid of own poisoned, antimattered... creatures or OP Lava Golems etc. Its also a good opportunity to use remaining  :time.
Quicksands are really devasting vs decks, that rely on Pillars, but stupid to have in your hand vs Pillarless decks. And if you use them, rather 6 of them to really be able bothering your opponent.

In addition I test at the moment Diashield and Longsword. Longsword is just cheap damage and Diashield might be more useful then Skins. You just need 1 card instead of 6 and the effect doesnt depend on your :earth. (6 Skins need 62 :earth for full effect, if you play all at once)
But both Diashield and Longsword are easilly destroyed or stolen and if you add 2 Artifact´s you will have more cards and all too often useless cards in your hand.

At the end I changed the 6 Shrieker(8 :earth) with 6 Steel Golems(4 :earth), because i reduced the Towers to 14, to have space for 4 non-monster, non-pillar cards.(2 Rewinds, Diashield, Longsword).

I would like to have all  :earth spells I wrote about in my deck, but it slows the deck down and if you cant use several spells on some opponents the cards are useless.
Every time I lose I think, if I hadnt changed ... with ...
So what should I keep in my deck?

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