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Messages - Selenbrant (353)

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I like this idea so much that I always want to use a second adrenaline since I read this.
The only advantage I see is to get a power boost for your final blow if you drawed more adrenaline than creatures, but its really helpful.

[04:17:35]zanzarino: Yes I'd like to keep shockwave the only thing that ignores creatures HP's


But you could get around that by making the second dose of adrenaline cause poison damage.

Of course that would destroy Overburst (,7711.0.html)'s chances of getting into the game.
Posion? I dont know whether its good to solve it in that way. With poison a frog will still do only 3 hits and thus 11 damage. In addition the frog would die and you wasted 1 adrenaline. So you wouldnt have your final extra strong blow.
Is the idea to have double hits or double extra hits?
For example frog:

5+4+2+5+4+2 = 22
or rather 5+4+2+4+2 = 17
or a new table for that?: e.g. 5+4+4+3=16

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Graboid Nerf
« on: June 15, 2010, 08:54:29 pm »
You can only bring 6 deja vus in your deck, you can only bring 6 TUs and 6 fractals in your deck. Whatever you do, you have 6 cards in your deck, and are more susceptible to bad draws with aether cards, and have another EXPENSIVE element to worry about. If you cant see the difference between Graboid/Shrieker, and multiplying your cards ingame, then we can end the discussion right here.
With 6 TU´s and 6 other creature you have also 12 possible "good" draws with fractal too as long as you get at least 1 of the 6 creatures you want.
If you face a Shrieker rush you even can copy the "OP" Shriekers for lower costs.
And I forgot to mention  that Fireflyquenn/Firefly or Pharao/Scarab are similar to Graboid/Shrieker.

Just an example:
6 Phase Recluse + 6 TU:

7 damage * 6 *2(TU´s) = 84 damage / 60 quanta (if you copie recluse)
7 damage * 6  + 10 damage *6  = 102 damage/ 60 quanta (if you copie shrieker)
7 damage * 6  + 12 damage *6  = 114 damage/ 60 quanta (if you copie a dragon or so)

ratios are: 1,4 ; 1,7 ; 1,9

6 Graboid + 6 Shrieker:

(imagine they get all 1 turn, so graboid only does 2 dmg first turn)
2 damage * 6 + 10 damage * 6 = 72 damage/ 66quanta

(2 turns; graboid first turn 2 second turn 10 =12)
12 dmg * 6 + 10 dmg * 6 * 2 = 192 dmg/ (72 quanta * 2 tunrs) = 96 dmg/ 72quanta

(3 turns)
12 dmg * 6(first turn) + 10 dmg * 6 * 2 * 2(second and third turn) = 312dmg/(72 quanta * 3 turns) = 104dmg/ 72quanta

(not considering that you have a 1 turn delay evolving graboids)
10dmg*6*2 = 120dmg/72 quanta

ratios are: 1,0909; 1,3333; 1,4444; 1,6666 max (limit with infinity turns)

Just compare the ratios.

What is the point of trying to be a smartass and derailing discussion to this? What I said stands true. Infinity > 2,5.
Its not "smartass", its math and I cant allow anybody to devide by 0.
Regardless of that you wont kill anyone with Photons alone and then 2,5 is even greater than "improper infinity".

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Graboid Nerf
« on: June 15, 2010, 06:59:59 pm »
I dont see any point in weakening or even removing shriekers.
Shrieker are expensive, so I even dont use them, instead I take 6 Steel golems and 4 quicksands and then 11 Towers are even enough instead of 18 with shrieker.

Puppy, first problem is - Shrieker is the only card in the game you can bring 12 of in your deck.
Hmmm, nope. What about Deja Vu or any creature + Twin Universe or even Fractal?

As for directly comparing such cards, 1 photon is free. Its damage/cost ratio is higher than one of Frogs and Shriekers. Thats where card limits enter play. You get to use 30 damage from 6 frogs. You get to use 60 damage from 6 Shriekers, and 60 damage from 6 Graboids.

10 dmg for 4 quanta is MUCH better than 5 dmg for 2 quanta. It is not the same thing.
Photon has no damage/cost ratio.... maybe you could express it with a limit
lim(1/x); x-> endless  = endless ; but its no ratio ;)

How often do you get all 12 Shrieker out?
The opponent will die long before you are able to play so much of them and if not then its probable because of a shield or anything else that is slowing you down. In that case you wont win anyway I think. If you cant finish it fast with a rush deck you will die, because your opponent is slower, but a better all-rounder.

If there would be such a great difference between Earth and Life rush, they wouldnt be equally fast.
Consider life has Adrenaline and that will give you not only more dmg, but also advantages against freeze and other effects.
In addition you have to wait one turn with graboid, so if you draw it in the turn you would need 4 damage more to kill your opponent you dont even need to play it. Graboid is only really good at the start, because of the 1 turn delay.

Maybe think about wings. With wings no shrieker deck will have any chance to win as soon as wings is in play. Thats already like a passive nerf of life and earth, because you will always have the risk to face wings, without a chance of winning.

I'd like to see the ability cost 2 :time like it was at some point.
i like Icy's reasoning of having to nerf all three of the decks if Graboid/Shrieker is going to be nerfed.

Heres how i would nerf them. Graboids cost two :time :time to evolve. Golems require 1 :earth and 1 :fire to growth. Frogs only cost 1 :life to play but receive 1 poison counter as soon as played.
In the other thread,4031.0.html some people want to nerf Rewind and Quicksands. If we do all this earth rush will be completely destroyed.
Even with just Graboid 2  :time you will be able to evolve the first Grabo at turn three, just too late. Rewinds wouldnt be possible without additional time pillars....

You often fail with rush decks against RoL/Hope and other Rush decks using Supernovas. FG´s are almost impossible with mono rush and even AI5 is hard, because  there will come anything you cant counter before you did 200 damage. You have problems against "timeshields" like permafrost, phase shield, turtle shield too sundials, because they take your only advantage, your fast damage output.
So why nerfing rush decks?

I didnt read all, sorry if I said something again.
Grrrr. 5 additional posts while i was typing, but i dont read them. ;)

I would not vote for
- Trading system
People, who suggest that will hopefully know how many rares TOP gamers could have.
And I don´t want cheating.
you could easily fix that by allowing rares only be traded against rares and nymphs only against nymphs.
I think too, a trade system would make the game incredible fast, just too fast. If you win upped cards from FG´s you almost ever sell them to upgrade your current deck. If you can trade cards you will always have an option to get the upped cards you need without losing about 400 electrum selling upped cards you dont need and upgrading the card you need.
You would be able to trade rares you have more than six times and get other rares without playing 100, 200, ... games to get for example 6 pharao you need for your next deck.
The path to your deck is the goal, if you lose this path you will lose the fun playing elements faster.
Just imagine you could import all cards from the trainer, it would be boring...
A trade system isnt necessary and at least I wouldnt use it.

Nerf This Card! / Re: [POLL] Most Overpowered?
« on: June 14, 2010, 11:33:17 pm »
I didnt read all, too much ;).

I dont think that rewind, quicksands and so on are really overpowered.
It depends on your opponent.

Quicksands are trash in your hand against a pillarless deck or almost pillarless(Novas., Crem., RoL/Hope) and you will lose because of not having creatures instead.

Black Holes are almost trash vs Mono Decks it doesnt heal much and doesnt take much quanta. Against rainbow it often takes about 30 quanta.

Discord can really delay your Mono deck for several turns, but it could even help a rainbow deck. And for decks playing with cards that can create creatures with skills(mutation, fractal, etc.) you will allow your opponent using much more of these skills.

Fire Shield will give a RoL/Hope no chance.

The cards I dont like so much is sundial, although its already nerfed to 1 turn.
Its annoying to wait 6 turns if the worst comes to the worst to be able to attack and then there are Otys or whatever and you cant attack either.
But I need to say its rather annoying because of the much turns and the long game than because of the effect itself. (the same for hourglasses, especially vs  FG when he played 6 or so)

I dont want to imagine how devastating it would be to nerf rewind and quicksand for a mono earth.
I would be really sad seeing my favourite cards getting nerfed :'(
Wouldnt you too?

Otyugh doesn't need further balancing for the time being. It got nerfed slightly because of the introduction of poisonous creatures--consuming 1 makes Otyugh 'hungry', 2 or more makes it dead meat. These are counters to quint, although you probably would think that they are not widespread enough. But seriously, otyughs aren't that overpowered  :(
I agree, although I dont like Otys when I have a bunch of low life attackers in my hand.

If the enemy has an immortal 0/5 Otyugh there is only one way to remove it - feed it with a smaller creature.
But then, the Otyugh can often get other creatures.
So I would suggest to make the upped Otyugh to a 1/5 creature and the unupped version to a 1/3 creature.
This way, it can be removed by Fire Shield and Thorn Carpace, before you have creatures out.
Dont try to kill it. Wait as long as possible without losing the chance of defeating the opponent (I mean dont wait until you have 5 hp) and then overwhelm your opponent with much creatures.
And even with 1/5 vs FireShield it would stay on 1/4 if he is able to eat each turn and if not because you have only tougher creatures you shouldnt worry about the Oty at all.
In addition it would die after 5 turns without eating, thats not really fast and noit helpful.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Ai7?
« on: June 14, 2010, 08:17:17 pm »
First I was about opening a new topic, but I found this.
I also have an Idea for AI7.
I think the hp, cards, draws per turn and so on of AI7 should be enormously raised and each of this "improved FG´s" should have all kiinds of cards.(perm, creature control etc.)
The AI7 should be really tough.

To be able to defeat such an opponent I thought:
Why not make it 2 VS 1, so that you are able to invite a friend or play with a random player together.

Card effects and so on are for both (maybe)except shields. They have shared HP of maybe 200 and the AI7 attacks (maybe,because maybe separate shields) alternate. With shared hp they wont die separately.
If you deck out, you will draw from your allies deck maybe.
But the rules doesnt really matter if nobody likes the idea, what do you think about 2 vs AI7?

The only problem would be, that you not only need to develop the new AI7 but also a new "fightsystem" or rather an improvement to 2vs1. But if you do you will also open a way for 2vs2 pvp.

OK, I just looked... and I found the idea for 2vs2 was already there:,2168.0.html
but its not my main concern

I hope my idea wasnt already mentioned anywhere too, but at least I didnt find anything with advanced search.

Air / Re: In Development: Wings | Wings
« on: June 13, 2010, 06:03:37 pm »
I agree all weapons or most weapons should be able to reach the shield
I also believe momentum shouldnt be loboed to make it stand a bigger chance against this....
Eagles eye really is the only actual "ranged weapon" though. It really wouldnt make sense for a giant mace (pulverizer) to be able to hit someone flying in the air. In my view the shield and sword, YOU playing as the elemental are actually holding
Neither does it make sense to shoot with a bow while holding a bone wall... :P
Considering whether it makes sense or not isnt helpful.
You are an element, a "non-material thing", so arent you as element flying anyway? I mean I dont think that an element is bound to physical laws, its paranormal. If the game would make sense there wouldnt be dragons, elements, etc....
But I wish I could buy a cute Leaf Dragon. (best pet ever) *dreaming*

Osiris / Re: New False God: Osiris
« on: June 12, 2010, 08:55:48 am »
just beat him with unionrulers hope/RoL deck with angels but it was close :P ( it's my turn :D
Where is your Hope? :))
The only Problem with a RoL/Hope is when Osiris is drawing and playing 2 Pharaos several times in row. Then you need maybe 3 turns to remove all pharao abilities and further maybe 5 turns to remove all scarab abilities. During this turns all your RoL got eaten and you lost maybe.

Air / Re: In Development: Wings
« on: June 11, 2010, 08:56:29 am »
but i hate it because i like  :earth lol
Me too, that is why I am complaining the whole time, but I gave it up.
Too many really like this card.

I dont like the idea anyway, because it would make wings stronger.
But you can lobo the light ability of RoL, but not the airborne. What is a RoL without emiiting light? You even cant see it. :)) Maybe it even dies.
I am just asking, why you only can lobo one of these abilities, although both are essential attributes to describe the RoL. I know one is passive, but why is airborne passive and not light?

Seism / Re: I want to know only one thing...
« on: June 10, 2010, 08:43:18 am »
Assuming FG decks are still handled the same way, the wikia page ( is correct for the 90 card Seism. (That's CK's work, btw.)
The 92 card Seism has a couple of granite skins added (one in the deck list, two after the doubling).
 :'( The first time against him I died because this surprising Skins, I only saw the image of his deck before and there was no Skin.


I was a bit too slow, but you can see the Granite Skin. In Addition I need to say that my two dragons were the last but one and the last but two card, and without  :aether quanta I had no great dmg output and he used the other Skin some turns before.

Air / Re: In Development: Wings
« on: June 10, 2010, 08:27:46 am »
creatures without flying can't attack you

then people argue about which creatures have flying
why not leaf dragon have flying?
why not vampire have flying?

Then a card "Mirror" is out
creatures that are ugly can't attack you

which creatures are ugly? You've to guess…or add a passive skill "ugly" on them

OMG, what kind of card idea is this? huh?
The thing with the Mirror was just my imagine. I just wanted to demonstrate how illogical  airborne and wings are for me:

*imagine new cards*
"Chamaeleon" (creatures with the same colour your element has cant attack you)
"Waterproof" (water creatures cant attack you)
"Mirror" (ugly creatures cant attack you pretty ugly creatures even get destroyed), though I like this idea, a good idea to remake some images :))
"dark cave" (creatures not emiting light hit 80% of the time just air)
"salad" (herbivore eat 5 turns and cant attack)
Oh god, no. A shield that, when protected, is completely uncounterable except for airborne creatures? GOD NO. It HAS to have some non-inherent counter that has nothing to do with its mechanic, otherwise it would completely screw the game. Chargers, for example, should go through it. An electrocuter will take care of them, making the shield block everything that isn't airborne regardless of momentum would make it ridiculously overpowered.
I have to disagree finkel. In fact, creatures with momentum seem more "uncounterable" than a winged shield. Lots of things can and will pass through it. And it actually makes sense, unless you can demonstrate to me that momentum implies some sort of upward projectile motion, because as far as I can see, wings are developed by the elemental to counter the force of  :gravity.

One nerf I suggest is that the elemental take one turn to "take off". This basically means that after the shield is played, it is stuck in a time bubble for one turn and allows one turn of damage to go past it, simulating the time taken for the elemental to get ready to fly. Adding an upkeep cost, as suggested by zanz, does make sense mechanically (for example you might need more  :air to stay aloft), but doesn't do much to rectify balance issues.
Its true with more shields momentum could go through it would get stronger without changing anything on  :gravity itself.
With upkeep costs you cold have at least a chance to destroy it with earth(detroy pillars).
And I like the "take off" idea.

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