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Messages - ScytherLoL (775)

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Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Kamietsu | Kamietsu (Elite)
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:58:52 pm »
OK that makes sense.



Ok so this came up in one of the threads so I thought I would share. I understand it is used in other Tcgs so may not have a place here but it is worth discussing the ins and outs of it.

Basically the concept is that you scarifice a card to bring out another. This could be done in a variety of ways:

 1. You scarifice any creature on the field and bring out the one in your hand providing the one in your hand says you can do so (scarifice a creature to play this card)
 2. You have a spell that states scarifice a creature bring out another creature.
 3. A creature in play says you can scarifice it for Quanta Gain.

Any of these would work the third is the one I like best as it is basically already in the game (immolation) but they are all ways this could be implemented.

So any ideas on this concept people?



Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Bloodshadow | Bloodshadow
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:33:57 pm »
There is more than one type of legendary creature so therefore you can have 6 different creatures. You may in most circumstances of having 6 different creatures have a max of 36 but with this only 6.

Yes Tribute Idea could be good, sorry didn't think about that other tcg I don't play it at all or haven't really heard of it. May be an idea for discussion.

Ok so now it is Attack / 2 that makes sense to me.



Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Kamietsu | Kamietsu (Elite)
« on: July 19, 2010, 05:25:00 am »
Isn't Hikikomori like a hermit? Therefore yes I think you have achieved your initial aim. Easy enough to neutralise this creature as well so not much to say.

Except. Thanks for the awesome work.


Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Bloodshadow | Bloodshadow
« on: July 19, 2010, 05:21:39 am »
Lol this thread is getting interesting...

back to the card:

I like the idea of such legendary cards I too have tried to balance ones like this and they tend to get into stickiness. So to discuss that:

 1. The Quanta gain: Interesting idea to use the Attack to take Quanta. Personnally I think that may be a bit much as with Blessings, Rage Potion (coupled with Basilisk Blood) etc you could easily get something that is way too good. In saying this I think the Quanta Gain should stay it is integral to the way you have put the card forward.
    a) Quanta Gain is Attack / 2 Rounded down (as suggested)
    b) Quanta Gain is limited to 5 Quanta (Base Stats only)
    c) Quanta Gain works differently: On each successful Attack Drain X Quanta from your opponent and you gain X/2
       :darkness (whhere X is your attack) This way you still drain the same amount but you only get back half.

 2. The Healing (vamp ability): Great to have this on another creature as a standard. Personally not much to change here as the Healing isn't much more than a Vampire even with Eclipse it is only 8 per turn and you can only have one of these in play therefore not over the top.

 3. Another idea is that it comes into play Immortal thus you can;t boost it in anyway. Then it stays at 5 Quanta Drain and 5 Healing.

SO in short yes there are things that can be changed I hope these suggestions help somewhat.

As to raising cost to try and balance. Yes you are right that that doesn;t necessarily work but it can help to slow down the playing of the card. The issue to take into account is what will the card do once in play. To achieve this maybe a scarifice is called for before playing the card (ie Scarifice Target Creature with Equal or More Hp and Play Bloodshadow for 12 :darkness) I am unsure if that would work either but it's something to think about.

Thanks for listening to my ramble.


Crucible Archive / Re: Glaviga | Glavigar
« on: July 19, 2010, 04:22:26 am »
Nice very nice I thought Assymetry was doing this but no it is you.

Good Work



Card Ideas and Art / Re: Tuatara | Taniwha
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:21:37 am »
Aha I see.

Tuatara and Taniwha only copy your opponents spells. (Wove: The last spell used by your opponent becomes Taniwha’s active ability until used. Spells quanta use is now :aether) therefore unless your opponent plays SoR on your Tuatara no.

The thing is he could be using SoR on his own creture therefore if it was the last spell he used then yes you would copy SoR for a single use.

Ok so Activating Unstable Gas at the moment is a spell therefore yes you could copy it.

The key here is it is the last spell your opponent plays so if you are the opponent for heavens sake play some benign spell after your good ones. Remembering Wove is unusable until the current spell is used.



I went here thinking it was a "Equalises all creatures Hp and Attack to the lowest of the two" but instead found this.

Hmm I like it but it does have some massive impact qualities. Being only 3 and 2 quanta cost it does make it too easy to play and spam out but that could just be me.

Still I think the card is right maybe a tweak on costing but apart from that all good



Card Ideas and Art / Re: Tuatara | Taniwha
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:50:18 am »
As already stated:


This effects the active ability. Wove is a passive ability so is unaffected by it. If you use SoR on this you get nothing.

If there is a spell active on Tuatara then yes you will get seomthing for using SoR. You will be able to activate that spell for free. After the spell is activated it disappears and so does the SoR effect.


I have a Tuatara in play.
Wove: I gain Drain Life for my Tuatara
I play SoR on my Tuatara.
I use Drain Life at 0 cost (it would have only cost me 1 :darkness anyway)
I now have passive ability Wove and NO SoR.

I hope that clears it up



Card Ideas and Art / Re: Tuatara | Taniwha
« on: July 18, 2010, 09:47:08 pm »
Once again another spell. It would be available and be used with Tuatara with :entropy and Taniwha with :aether.



Card Ideas and Art / Re: Tuatara | Taniwha
« on: July 16, 2010, 01:56:57 am »
Stoneskin yes maybe, but you have to realise that only the cost of the card is changed not the ability on the card so stonekin would be usless in an :aether mono as there would be no :earth to activate it.

SoD is a problem though but even still you have to wait until your opponent plays one and that comes down to how you play.

So recapping the card cannot change any of the abilities on the Spell Card it can only duplicate the spell. The only exception to this rule is Miracle as otherwise it becomes OP. But even then it could be not an exception.



Well I can suggest one option:

The creature targeted by Metamorphis is put into statis for 3 turns rather than being turned into a Chrysalis. This way it retains Hp, can't attack and if Fractal is played on it you just get a bunch of insects.

The problem with that is it makes Chrysalis redundent and I do like the idea.

Unless the creature targeted has a stat change (possible as Chaos Seed does this) tunring it to a 0|6 creature of the same type.

Something along those lines anyway.



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