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Messages - Scdr (17)

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Duo-Decks / Flying weapon denial deck
« on: December 16, 2009, 09:58:32 pm »

Even if the aether quanta wouldn't cause any trouble, I'd still not rely mainly on Twin Universes. The most decisive part of a match, is how long it takes you to get one copy of each weapon out. Once you got one of each out, you start gaining control of the battle field. The second EE makes things easier, but the fourth or fifth weapon usually just fastens the game. Therefore you're better off, the faster you draw at least one EE and Pulv. TUs (with, Puppy's magical aether quantum generators) would certainly make the deck faster, but would also lower the winning rate.

I never tried the fog shield, but from the description it seems a bit weak to me. I'll try it out, nonetheless. On the other hand, I start liking those diamonds better, the more games I play...

Duo-Decks / Flying weapon denial deck
« on: December 16, 2009, 09:58:32 pm »

I finally managed to buy the deck, and am quite satisfied with it's performance. It does quite well in both PVP and Top50. Didn't find the time to duel with it, yet.

Having lacked the sixth air quantum in some of the previous games on second turn more often than expected, I probably will upgrade the flying weapons, as soon as I get the coins. Thanks for that tip!

I do think, too, that the shields are quite strong cards, but I don't think that this is one of the decks in which they excel: By the time a protected shield can be played, especially if there were one or two Pulverizers played before, the game is most likely to be already decided. And the combination with EE for creature control, isn't that good for the Diamond Shield, too: Small monsters are taken out by the EE anyway, while larger Enemies can pass the shield hands down. Nonetheless, there is nothing to take 'em out for...

General Discussion / Look what I made!
« on: December 16, 2009, 09:58:32 pm »

We'd better pass on guessing Evil Hamster's attitude toward women... ;-P

Duo-Decks / Flying weapon denial deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:34 pm »

Indeed, coins are short right now, which frankly was the main reason to use unupped flying weapons: I wasn't too sure about upgraded ones being better anyway, as, like you said, gravity quantum is precious, and therefore decided to not waste any money on something that isn't that much of an improvement anyway.
a) If it's a pulvy and you don't want to run out of gravity quantum to use it, use the pulvy then fly it.
This won't work as this deck usually wants any weapon to fly the very turn it is played, to avoid deflags and steals. The round a card is played, it can't be used.

i only wish that i could build it, i don't have any owls eyes.
I can imagine this deck to work even better, if you replace the owls eyes with eternities (and the towers alike). You could even include an hourglass or two to substitute the near-to-useless shields. But obviously, one would need some eternities (which I personally don't)

Duo-Decks / Flying weapon denial deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:34 pm »

Rewinds may indeed be a problem, if they appear in large amounts. But I honestly don't remember fighting any deck which used more than 2 of it. That would certainly slow my deck down, but not most likely not make it useless.
Eternity is not as much of a problem: Odds are good, that by the time an eternity usually appears, there's at least one Pulverizer already on the field to take care of that.

Duo-Decks / Flying weapon denial deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:33 pm »
This is a deck idea, which i have been thinking about for a while and just decided to give it a try. As I am yet to acquire the coins to upgrade it, I wasn't able to test it extensively yet. As it's not designed to beat false gods, I just fought some Top 50 decks in the trainer. So far it's doing quite well, but while farming the money i'd appreciate some advice form more experienced players to avoid wasting my money... ;). The deck is meant to be used in PVP mainly, though obviously it's not as effective as a speed rainbow or or poison deck. The biggest weakness i noticed so far, is an early anubis, which makes games pretty hard. Then again, that doesn't occur that often. So, here's the deck:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 778 778 778 778 778 778 77c 77c 77f 77f 77f 77i 77i 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 8pl

Strategy is obvious, I suppose: Don't let anything be stolen / deflagged. Just make it fly the turn you play it. Destroy any harm the opponent plays.

I didn't find the Shields + Protect Artifacts game-breakingly useful, but couldn't think of any better addition. Any input here is welcome!

Trio & Quartet / The Quest for the Best Firefly Queen Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

Though this decks looks pretty fearsome, and hard to beat, I actually don't get the thought behind you mark-choice. The main advantage of the mark over a regular pillar, is it's availability: It will produce Quanta from the very first turn on. The faster you get the FFQs out and working, the more damage you will do and (!) the more fire Quanta you will gain.
Once you get 2 or three FFQs producing fireflies for some turns, fire Quanta won't be a problem anymore. With this in mind, you may be better off using a mark of air.

Beside that, the deck looks great!

edit: Just thought about it again: Without the fire-mark, an early Otyugh, Ulitharid, or any other creature control could shut the deck down. Just scratch, what i wrote above. Great deck!

Deck Help / Improving a 30 card Rainbow
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »

Having taken your main advice, i tried to cheapen the deck quanta-wise. There isn't much that hasn't changed, but the Entropy-Mark, the towers and the novas... Been testing this in the trainer for a while, I encountered just two problems: A stolen weapon can break a game, and those godfarming rainbow decks can make it deck out, if the Pulverizer is in the bottom of the stack, or deflagged / stolen.

An enchant artifact or two may help here, but earth quanta is the only one, which i was lacking sometimes...

Any additional advises? Does any of you have an idea, what to spend the Time and Darkness quanta on? So far, only two of each are used throughout the entire deck.

I do hope this deck is not just as useless, as my first one in the opening post ;).

Mark: Entropy

Deck Help / Improving a 30 card Rainbow
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »

I must admit I didn't check this part of the forum for a while - shame on me :-(. Thanks for all those replies and help! I am gonna change some (actually some more...) cards of the deck to lower and even out the quanta amount used.

Deck Help / Help On deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »

Playing versus an elder elemental (level 3), your games won't last long enough to draw all those 50 cards you've got in this deck. By choosing more cards than necessary (-> 30) you just give the control over what you're going to draw to randomness. Against anything but the False Gods (and possibly, but not very likely, T50) you want to have a deck of 30 cards for most reliabilty possible - you won't deck out anyway.

Concerning the shields: There are already 2 Bone Walls, 2 Dimensional Shields, 3 Sundials and 2 Empathic Bonds in your deck. Any of those cards will grant you more than enough defense / survivability to win. A Bone Wall and the 2 Bonds would rend a large amount of masteries, too. You may want to drop a large part of your defense while decreasing your overall amount of cards.

The Quanta used is a major problem of this deck: You'll need a large amount of Air Quanta to play all those 6(!) FFQs and an even larger amount of Nature Quanta to supply the FFQs and Fallens. On the other hand you'll want to have a few quanta of all kinds to actually be able to use the mutatants' abilities. I could imagine this to work with Emerald and Wind Pillars, an Entropy Mark and 6 Supernovas. Though this doesn't grant you that much of each quantum, it may be sufficient. Then again - I'm not really that experienced myself, so I'm not sure if this would work. The second disadvantage of this possibility would be that it requires 6 upgraded cards, as novas wouldn't be effective enough. I don't know if you already have access to enough coins to do this?

Deck Help / Improving a 30 card Rainbow
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »

After reading silently for a week or to, i finally got myself registered. And, as probably everyone who joins the forum, am looking for some tips to improve my current deck.

I started out by building Scaredgirls Anti God deck and got myself some upgrades. Achieved an overally winning rate of 43%, though this is actually higher right now: The first matchups, when i made more mistakes than by now and without any upgrade (actually even  without all the cards ;-)) do lower this percentage.
Just a few days ago I decided to build a smaller deck I could use for all the other game modes; mainly PvP. I got a rather good winning percentage playing random (nearly 90%), but those rarely use any upgraded cards. Looking for an enemy in the chat, I met Jellyfish who did prove me that my deck is not as strong as it seems in random matches, by beating me twice, with to different decks - without letting me any way to act in the first match (a poison deck with an annoying amount of congeals).

My deck was mainly made by using the upgraded cards i already had in the FG-Deck and then adding some I personnally like - since I've been too lazy to farm a mono / duo deck from the scretch. So i'd appreciate some tips on how to improve my deck (upgrading all the cards not being the one, i'm looking for. Others may be interested in it, too, as it isn't that expensive to build, once you god a fake god rainbow upgraded. Thanks for any help :). Deck is below:


General Discussion / What's up with towers to pillars on spins?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »

No matter what state the card on the slot machine is in, you will always win non-upgraded cards. Only exception here is fighting false Gods: After defeating them, you will always win upgraded cards.

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