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Messages - ScaredGirl (7834)

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Deck Help / Entropy/Rainbow ??
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

About Dissipation Shield.. it's not that good with rainbow deck.

It's awesome in the end when you have tons of quantum and basically become invincible BUT when you play against False Gods you are most vonurable during the first 10-15 turns. If you get past that, you almost always win (unless you deck out). This is why Dissipation Shield is not that great. You cannot put it on early in the game because it drains all you quantum and when that happens it's gg.

Also you shouldn't have too many cards from Entropy because Maxwell's and Druids are already expensive cards. When playing rainbow, you should balance quantum usage between all elements (read my post on the topic).

But this Graveyard + Druid combo you talk about is nice. Having tons of mutants is cool. Just don't pack too many Feral Bonds or you will run out of green quantum.

Deck Help / Anti weenie 0 creature deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:34 pm »

What if the opponent has Steal? (everyone has it)

He can just steal all your shields and you can do nothing. If you have a bunch of Skeletons, one Rain of Fire and BOOOM. I can think of million different scenarios where you would get owned.

I know what you are trying to do and it's not a bad idea but I'm afraid this deck might be too easy to counter. Then again I've never played it so what do I know?


Do people want this post locked? There's not really much to discuss, apart from "Thanks, great deck"
What? We've been having some good discussion here. And I've had many new ideas. What are you talking about?

Do you have some kind of weird agenda towards me? First the other thread where you wanted "proof", now you are going to lock this without no apparent reason. What is this?


Stealing Seisms Towers works wonders for me. They are pretty useless, but he will waste his Earthquakes on them.
That's a great idea. I'm definitely going to try that.

How to beat ALL the False Gods
using the ULTIMATE False God killing deck

Hello everybody! I will now explain in detail how to beat all the False Gods using the ULTIMATE False God killing deck discussed here: (

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5fa 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u6 717 71b 71b 74b 74b 77d 77g 7am 7am 7do 7do 7gv 7k2 7n3 7n5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7t9 7t9 7t9 80d 80d 80d 8ps

There are many variations to this build. Right now I'm using the one above. I took Heavy Armor to protect my characters and to buff up my Elite Otyugh. I think it's a good choice especially since there were no earth cards before. If you do not have Miracle, I suggest you take Purify instead. Otherwise you have a very slim chance of beating Scorpio and Purify also helps against Morte.

What Is This Deck All About?
This deck has a lot of defence and crowd control cards. It's a slow starter and you will usually get your ass kicked during the first 8 rounds or so. However if you survive past mid-point, you will most likely win. Endgame losses usually only come against Rainbow (tough guy all the way) or Miracle (keeps spamming Improved Miracle and you ran out of cards).

There are 3 important defensive cards in this deck: Sundial, Phase Shield and Bone Wall. It's a good strategy to keep one of these on at all times, unless False God has very little or no damage on the table.

Sundial is the best because it creates stasis where characters on the table won't attack for 2 turns. It's generally a good idea to chain Sundials if you have more than one. For example if I have 3 Sundials, I will play 1 Sundial every other turn and take no damage for 6 turns (and keep getting tons of extra cards). Keep in mind that Sundial won't protect you from the weapon of the False God.

Phase Shield is another good protection card that makes you invincible for 3 turns. Only problem with it is that some Gods like Rainbow can and will remove it.

Bone Wall is excellent when there are only a couple of hard hitting enemy characters on the table. It's also good when used with Rain of Fire. First Bone Wall, then Rain of Fire, and you will get much more bones to protect you. Best part about Bone Wall is that Gods cannot destroy it, They can only destroy the top layer.

Important! Always remember to check if you have some defensive card in play before you end your turn!

Like I said this deck is a slow starter. You won't be doing much damage before endgame because this deck was designed to shut down False God rather then having tons of damage dealers. But that's ok, you will start doing damage sooner or later.

Most damage usually comes with the combination of Graveyard, Otyughs and Firefly Queens. Lava Golem will also do some nice damage if played early and if it stays alive (False Gods like to kill this character first, Heavy Armor helps here ). You can also play this deck with Fallen Elf who upgrades your Skeletons, giving them all kinds of nice abilities and more damage but he uses green quantum which is already in heavy use by Firefly Queens and Feral Bonds.

General Strategy Tips

- To prevent from decking out, STOP DRAWING MULTIPLE CARDS WHEN YOU HAVE AROUND 15-20 CARDS LEFT IN YOUR DECK (unless you really really have to)
- Make sure you have white quantum when playing Sundial (or if you are feeling lucky, take a chance of getting it)
- You can eat your OWN characters like Skeletons to make Otyugh bigger and THEN with higher HP you eat the enemy
- If you don't have full health when about to kill a False God, use Sundial and heal up for 2 turns. Then finish him with full health to get an elemental mastery.
- Stop using Sundials after mid-point of the fight (unless you really have to)
- Use Fallen Druids to update your Skeletons or Fireflies. You can also use it to change a nasty enemy character into something less nasty. Remember, non-rainbow opponents might not be able to use their mutants ability, but you can.

Fighting False Gods

Some of the Gods are much easier than others but all of them can potentially be defeated with this deck. I started with no upgraded cards and a couple of days later I had a fully upgraded deck. It can be difficult at first but once you understand how to defeat a specific God and get a couple of key cards upgraded, winning becomes much easier.

One of the most important things is knowing what to steal from Gods. As a general rule you should not steal any Pillars. Most Gods have either a weapon or shield that you HAVE TO steal in order to win. Some permanents you should only steal during endgame while others during early game, right after False God plays them.

Now lets see how you should fight each of the 11 False Gods. Gods are listed roughly from very easy to difficult.

Incarnate    (Very Easy)
Incarnate is hands down the easiest False God. I have only lost to him once and that was a combination of really bad luck and my own failure (forgot to put Phase Shield on).

Be patient with him. Wait for Rain of Fire to show up. Use it and rush all your characters on the table. You can also rush in without Rain of Fire. Easy victory.

STEAL (early): 3 x Boneyard

Fire Queen    (Easy)
Fire Queen likes to spam Firefly Queens and fill the table with Fireflies. If you get Mind Flayer in early, just lobotomize all the Queens and you cannot lose. Other way is the wait for Otyughs and Rain of Fire.

STEAL (early): 3 x Eagle's Eye (steal as soon as he plays them. Otherwise he will make them characters and you will have more problems) (do NOT steal Feral Bonds because she has tons of them)

Miracle    (Easy)
Easy but very annoying False God because he spams Improved Miracle and it takes a long time to kill him, especially if you don't get Lava Golem early.

Miracle has hard hitting Light Dragons that he blesses to make even stronger. Good strategy is to soften them up with Rain of Fire or Eagle's Eye, then finish them of with Maxwell's Demon. You can also eat your own Skeletons with Otyugh until he has 13 HP. Then you can feast on the dragons.

He has no crowd control or cards that destroy permanents. Just keep your shields up at all times and you will be fine. Bone Wall is especially good against him.

Important!!! Do NOT draw multiple cards after you have about 20-25 cards left, depending on how much damage you have on the table. Otherwise there is a high chance of running out of cards. This guy can use Miracle 3-4 times.

STEAL (early): 1 x Emerald Pillar (to get green quantum), 1 x Wind Pillar (to get blue quantum)
STEAL (endgame):1 x Shield (if he has the one you CAN steal) OR 1 x Jade Staff (makes him die faster)

Chaos Lord    (Easy)
Pretty easy. Wait until you have tons of damage on the table. Then steal his Dissipation shield (makes you invincible) and kill him. You can even kill him without stealing the shield if you have enough damage and cards left in the deck. Just keep pounding him until he runs out of quantum.

STEAL (early): 1 x Quantum Tower (only if you need quantum)
STEAL (endgame): 2-3 x Dissipation Shield

Gemini    (Moderate)
Gemini has a nasty habit of first using momentum and then duplicating that character. If you get Lava Golem in early, it can actually be a bad thing because once it's stronger, Gemini can multiply him, use momentum, and destroy you. This happened to me while typing this.

Do not put characters on the table unless you have a Steal ready. He might play Lobotimizer the next turn and make those characters useless.

STEAL (early): 2 x Lobotomizer
STEAL (endgame): 1 x Phase Shield

Morte    (Moderate)
Has poison that can kill you pretty fast unless you get Miracle or Purify. Fortunately there's not as much poison as with Scorpio. Morte's characters are really very weak against Otyugh and Rain of Fire, so you can dominate the table pretty easily.

Morte might use Improved Miracle (cost 12 light, back to full health) if he is dying. To prevent this, kill those Photons he puts on the table as soon as possible because they give him light quantum. No Photons, no Improved Miracle.

STEAL (early): 1-2 x Boneyard, 1-2 x Arsenic (limits the amount of poison)

Hermes    (Moderate)
Hermes starts out very aggressively. If you get a bad hand you are pretty much done, and there is nothing you can do about it. But if you can survive the first couple of rounds, Hermes is pretty easy.

Once you get an Otyugh on the table (and Hermes doesn't kill it with Fire Lance), victory is pretty much guaranteed. Otyugh eats everything Hermes can throws at him and if there are no enemies to eat, eat your own Skeletons or Fireflies to make sure Otyugh stays alive.

STEAL (early): 2 x Shield (slowly kills you characters if you don't), 1 x Fahrenheit (limits his damage)

Seism    (Difficult)

Uses Earthquake to destroy your pillars which can drain your quantum. Having Supernova helps against this guy.

STEAL (early): 1 x Diamond Shield (if you don't have better defense), 1-2 x Pulverizer (destroy his Shield or Towers)
STEAL (endgame): 1 x Diamond Shield (to make him die faster)

Rainbow    (Difficult)

Can be quite difficult. Only False God that is dangerous from start to end (others lose power towards endgame).

You might find yourself in a situation where you just don't have enough damage to kill him (he has Miracle). No problem, just go 100% defense and let him use up all his cards. He usually has multiple Hourglasses on the table and he keeps drawing cards like crazy.

STEAL (early): 1 x Electrum Hourglass, 2 x Eagle's Eye (when your characters are potential targets)

Scorpio    (Difficult)

When fighting Scorpio you need to draw cards as fast as you can until you find that Improved Miracle or Purify. Also try to keep shield up early on so that Puffer Fishes don't poison you.

What REALLY sucks against Scorpio is that when you finally get some characters on the table, he always uses Congeal to freeze them.

STEAL (early): 1 x Trident (if you can get it really early, destroy all his Pillars) OR 1-2 x Poison weapon (limits the amount of poison), 1-2 x his shield (your characters won't freeze)

Graviton    (Difficult)

Graviton is in my opinion the most difficult False God. Your best chance of beating him is to steal his shield which makes most of his guys miss you. Unfortunately he also has momentum so you need to take out those guys fast.

Remember, when you use Sundial, even the momentum guys won't attack you the next turn. Try to chain them if possible.

Also you may find yourself in a situation where Graviton has one or more Otyughs waiting for you, ready to eat your weaker characters as soon as they hit the table. This is a bad situation. Only option is to wait for a card that can weaken his Otyughs, like Rain of Fire or Eagle's Eye. You can also send in your own Otyugh and Firefly Queen (Gravitons Otyughs cannot eat them). Then on your turn first produce a Firefly and then eat it with your Otyugh, who now has 6 HP and on the next turn can start eating Graviton's Otyughs.

STEAL (early): 2 x Gravity Shield (limits his damage a lot!) 1 x His weapon

This was my tutorial on how to beat beat all the False Gods using the ULTIMATE False God killing deck. Thanks for reading.

If you have any questions, please ask. Also any suggestions are very welcome. I'm especially interested in new ideas on how to beat the difficult False Gods more easily.

Good luck and have fun!

Rainbow Decks / The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

I have been trying some stuff in the trainer and I've made a similar deck (well a rainbow one). I have 60 cards, mark time, cards are:
18-20 quantum pillars
6 sundials
3 hourglasses
6 supernova
3 bone wall
3 firestorm
3 steal
2 heavy armor
2 empathic bonds
 The creatures are:
3 otyugh
3 lava destroyer
3 Parallel universe (kinda a creature:))
 Not set on weapon, either pulverizer or sniper.

Deck is all about quickly taking cards from your deck and building an army with FFQ, destroyers and PU. Otyughs+armor and firestorms work pretty well together, as well as with the bone wall.
But unfortunately with a 60 card deck I get very random hands, sometimes 0 pillars which pretty much seals the game. And sometimes winning with mastery seems so easy (can't beat Mr. Seismic with this deck though). I would cut it down to 45-50 cards but for now I like it. And big deck allows for more testing :) Maybe drop the novas, what would you suggest?
I wouldn't drop Novas. They are great against Seism.

3 Otyughs is a good choice. Deep inside I know that having 3 of those hungry fellows would probably better winning percentage also with my deck but I wanted to have more variation so that I wouldn't get bored so fast with doing the same things over and over again. That's why I only have 1 of each character. Well, I HAD to take 2 Otyughs because they are so cute!

Like you said, you have a big deck. Cutting it down to 50 cards wouldn't hurt. The bigger the deck is, the more random it gets, because of the 6 card limit. And the way I see it, the less random a rainbow deck is, the better it performs. I've tried making mine smaller but I just don't know what to throw away.

Doesn't having only 2 Empathic bonds in a deck of 60 cause you problems? Like against Scorpio and his poison? Especially when you don't have Miracle or Purify. You might want to consider taking one extra Bond. Also having 1-2 Boneyards would be great seeing you have 3 Firestorms and 3 Otyughs.

But that's just speculation since I haven't actually tried your deck.

Rainbow Decks / The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

First: Thank you for this deck Scaredgirl.  I have 15 upgrades because of this deck.

Second: Damn you Seism !!!!!  (Only god I have yet to beat)

Third: Morte kicks my ass 80% of the time.  14 poison before I can do anything is not cool.


Many people seem to think Seism is the most difficult False God. Probably because of all those Earthquakes. Personally I find Graviton to be even more difficult.

I've been hearing people having problems with Morte. I fought him 3 times this morning and all were easy victories. My health might have gone down to 20-30 at some point with about 15 poison running, but at that point I usually had enough characters on the table to counter the poison. I find Morte easy because his characters are good food for Otyugh or Rain of Fire. And because you can steal his Boneyards, you'll get a lot of Skeletons early.

Maybe it gets easier with upgraded deck but I don't remember having a lot of problems with Morte earlier. Scorpion is much tougher because he has stronger characters and doesn't have Boneyards to steal.

Rainbow Decks / The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

A couple of those really gives you an edge against Seism, which IMO is still the hardest fake-god to beat....
Problem with that is, that those 2 Protect Artifacts are not that useful against most of the Gods and still you might be unlucky and not draw either of them during early rounds.

Rainbow Decks / The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

Enchant artifact?
Yes, that one. I think it's called Protect Artifact when upgraded.

Rainbow Decks / The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

Why the heavy armor scaredgirl ?
I didn't have anything from Earth so I had to take something :)

I like Heavy armor when you use it on Otyugh or Lava Golem. It's really annoying when some Gods like Rainbow or Hermes instantly nuke any character I put on the table. Heavy Armor helps there a bit. Protect Artifact was another card I considered. It would be great against many of the Gods, especially Seism.

But Heavy armor is in no way vital card in this deck. Just take what you like. Too bad there isn't anything really good in Earth.

Rainbow Decks / The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

Another question in general and for this deck. Against Seism I find it immensely useful to have two piles of pillars/towers going, so having about a 1/3 2/3 split between pillars and towers lets me keep close to twice the quanta flow in the early game where he might have a LOT of 'quakes in his hand. I'm just wondering if anyone who's upgraded fully has noticed that their win percentage against the other difficult gods has gone up enough to make this advantage on Seism worth sacrificing? Right now it's a nonissue since with about 2/3 of my Quantum generators upgraded, I'm focusing on the rest of the deck, but I'll be there eventually.
That is a good point and I think someone mentioned it earlier. It is true that two piles of pillars helps a lot against Seism. If you only have one pile and he gets 2 Earthquakes early, you are in big trouble. But like you said, having both pillars and towers only helps against Seism which is in my opinion too big of a sacrifice. When fighting other Gods, those 3 extra quantum might come in handy.

I found out that fighting Seism with only Towers and no Supernovas is a total nightmare. After I added in Supernovas, defeating Seism became much much easier. But victory still depends too much on what the starting hands are like.

Rainbow Decks / The ULTIMATE False God killing deck!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

When I read this thread I was (slowly) making alaska's deck (that anyone can find on wikia). Alaska's though doesn't really work unupgraded, while this rocks. Elves are essential though, your fireflies are too slow. Thus i run it with NO queens (and i stil have life quanta problems), 2 druids, 2 boneyards and 1 bonewall. (I had an upgraded boneyard but i prefer it un-upgraded)

I started with only the Hourglasses and the otyoughs upgraded (wich are a must imo), and now I already won an upgraded bonewall and a pillar, with roughly a 40% win rate.

I tried Alaska on the trainer and I find it hugely dependant on Squid (to gain time in the early-mid game) and on eternity (to not deck out), while this one wins due to the massive card advantage it can put in play (and thus is more reliant in the long run and doesn't need many upgraded cards).

Nice job Scary.


Right now I'm playing with this deck:

I kept running out of blue quantum because of Eagle's Eye and 2 Queen's. The solution was pretty simple: I ditched the other Queen. I'm not going to drop them both. I think Queen is a very important character in this deck because of it's high HP and ability to create Fireflies. But I'm sure it will work without the Queens as well.

Instead of Queen, I could now take a Fallen Druid. Fallen Druid is one of my favorite characters because it's so random and can create some amazing mutants but I've always had quantum problems with it. I think dropping that other Queen solved that problem but I have to do some more testing.

Also I had to drop Maxwell's Demon (something I might regret later) because of purple quantum usage by Supernovas and now the Druid. Maxwell's is pretty damn good in many situations but hopefully I can manage without it. Again, more testing is needed.

2 Boneyards is something I've also considered. While it would be nice to have more Skeletons running around, I don't think it's that useful in early game. And I've been trying to find ways to better survive that first 10 rounds. Boneyards don't help much. Of course if you have 2 Druids and no Queens, then 2 Boneyards is a must in order to get that mutant thing going.

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