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Messages - Ryan666 (355)

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Trial of Gravity / Re: 3rd Trials - Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:16:02 am »
@willng3 First of all, you're leaking an information I put up in the PRIVATE forum of elements council. Thankfully this isn't such a sensitive issue.
Yes, I contemplated whether or not disclosing such information would be a good idea considering it was private.  However, Council on numerous occasions has had no problem with discussing topics which have been in the private section with the community so I see no reason why such transparency in this area would be wrong.  Furthermore, it's not like this information couldn't be discussed with the remainder of the community at any time anyways; they'd find out about it one way or another and the reaction would be nearly the same.  I acted simply because I didn't think this was just, it's nothing personal and I have no real desire to continue a conversation or debate on this subject since I believe I have already made my point.
You are rude.
Was I?  Sorry, I honestly didn't mean to be; I was just trying to clarify an issue.
Well you may have but in an extremely rude way.

Trial of Gravity / Re: 3rd Trials - Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 19, 2011, 11:58:52 pm »
@willng3 First of all, you're leaking an information I put up in the PRIVATE forum of elements council. Thankfully this isn't such a sensitive issue.
Yes, I contemplated whether or not disclosing such information would be a good idea considering it was private.  However, Council on numerous occasions has had no problem with discussing topics which have been in the private section with the community so I see no reason why such transparency in this area would be wrong.  Furthermore, it's not like this information couldn't be discussed with the remainder of the community at any time anyways; they'd find out about it one way or another and the reaction would be nearly the same.  I acted simply because I didn't think this was just, it's nothing personal and I have no real desire to continue a conversation or debate on this subject since I believe I have already made my point.
You are rude.

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: The Official Member Pictures Thread
« on: January 19, 2011, 11:56:24 pm »
Me, being all ugly and such.

I love you all.

Trial Battle Archive / Re: Trials - Phase 2 - Battle Results
« on: January 19, 2011, 03:33:58 am »

:life wizelsnarf

for winning Phase 2
Why not just modify your first post? :O

Trial Battle Archive / Re: LIGHT: Ryan666 3 - johannhowitzer 0
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:57:46 am »
Yeah, Eternity wouldn't have mattered, all things being equal - I didn't draw my Nymph.

Still amazed Ryan managed to win so many times with the same deck concept.
It really is a great deck.
Defence: Gravity shield (Blocks any hard hitting light creature.)
CC: Gravity Pull (To kill any creature that Gravity Shield didn't block.)
Attack: 6 dragons (If you have no defense.)
Stall: 4 miracles (Stall capabilities; In case you have defense.)

Over all, this deck is basically 100% win.

Trial Battle Archive / Re: LIGHT: Ryan666 3 - Jippy99 0
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:13:14 pm »
Very nice use of Gravity Shield.

I'm sorta disappointed at how Jippy still decided to use the blessed pegasi deck even in round 3, when he got owned by gravity shield the past two games. Should've at least grabbed a counter.

And note that flying Morningstar has 7 HP but Morning Glory has 4 HP and therefore goes through gravity shield.

At least should know this as a light trial challenger.
Thanks [:

And i just realized that haha, learn new things everyday.

Trial Battle Archive / Re: LIGHT: Ryan666 3 - Dm1321 0
« on: January 18, 2011, 05:27:53 pm »
Excuse me? Near 4 dead cards were absolutely good. After getting my loss handed to me in a plate of Gravity Shield, those 4 Deflags were more then useful. Hax Shield is also worth deflagging.

Yes, last game was  close. First 2 were easy for ryan.

(Side-Note : Wow, I'm the only one that faced 3 different decks. YES.)
i think that you had it the hardest DM, both jippy and johan should have made a counter to my well known gravity deck, you on the other hand didn't have that opportunity.
I think you're being unfair to johann here. His deck concept generally beats your normal Gravity Shield deck any time of the day.
If that's true, then why didn't it? i gave him 3 chances to beat it. [:

Trial Battle Archive / Re: LIGHT: Ryan666 3 - Jippy99 0
« on: January 18, 2011, 01:14:24 pm »
*sigh* I guess thats what happens when you sign up for trials in an element that you have little experience with.
No one here is trying to be mean. You, next time, just need to think abot how to counter that element. Me, for example, realized that all hard hitting light creatures have more than 5 life so i used grav shield, and anything else, killed by GP + I had enough cards to deck all of you out. That was my thought into my deck.

When your deck building to counter an element, look at Defence (Shields, CC) and Offence (Creatures, bolts) and quantum needed to play certain cards (Miracle, light dragons) then make a deck to counter the aspects of that deck.

Trial Battle Archive / Re: LIGHT: Ryan666 3 - Dm1321 0
« on: January 18, 2011, 01:05:30 pm »
Excuse me? Near 4 dead cards were absolutely good. After getting my loss handed to me in a plate of Gravity Shield, those 4 Deflags were more then useful. Hax Shield is also worth deflagging.

Yes, last game was  close. First 2 were easy for ryan.

(Side-Note : Wow, I'm the only one that faced 3 different decks. YES.)
i think that you had it the hardest DM, both jippy and johan should have made a counter to my well known gravity deck, you on the other hand didn't have that opportunity.

Trial Battle Archive / Re: LIGHT: Ryan666 3 - Jippy99 0
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:50:24 pm »
Matchup 1 - mono Light vs Light/Gravity.

Again, mono Light is horrible against Light, and Light/Gravity is not. Clear winner

Matchup 2 - Light/Darkness vs Light/Gravity (again)

No way to get past Gravity Shield or past Miracles for jippy, clear Ryan win.

Matchup 3 - Light/Air vs Light/Gravity (hmm, unexpected)

Seriously, Light/Air with Flying Stars is totally worse than mono Light vs Light. Not to mention that a counter to the Gravity deck would've been useful.
Thanks for the confidence booster! You could have at least said some off them were ok.
No offense but none of them were really okay..

Anvil Archive / Re: Harpy | Harpy
« on: January 18, 2011, 08:59:20 am »
Idea: Gold Digger.

Trial Archive / Re: LIGHT TRIALS - results.
« on: January 18, 2011, 02:28:55 am »
Ryan666 - First: 3-0 (3-0, 3-0, 3-0)

Dm1321 - Second: 2-1 (3-2, 3-1, 0-3)

Johannhowitzer - Third: 1-2 (3-1, 1-3, 0-3)

Jippy99 - Third: 0-3 (2-3, 1-3, 0-3)

Good job everyone!
Nice job in PVP and in deck building!
Good luck in Phase 3!

You got a mistake there.  Im supposed to be in fourth, not third.  Wait, why did I have to point this out?  Its only making myself feel worse.  Someone else would have noticed it sooner or later.
Jippy i'm gonna punch you, your fine. Someone had to come in last. It just happened to be you. You'll get better.
Your right. *Slaps himself in the face and says stop feeling sorry for yourself*
EXACTLY. *hugs you* much better haha

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