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Messages - Ryan666 (355)

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Trial of Light / Re: Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: January 22, 2011, 09:34:52 pm » made a compilation of quotes of people praising you...

yes. you WOULD do that...
GG vote for me :DD

Trial of Light / Re: Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:56:23 pm »
ANYWAY question time:

@xdude: Do you believe that you can lead this element better than anyone else? If not then why?

@challengers: Why do you believe you can lead light better than someone who has been master for 3 terms?
As I said earlier, I offer a fresher view on being a light master and I think that light needs a new master :PPP

Trial of Light / Re: Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:54:24 pm »
Because I can take :light to a whole new level. I had like a 5/1 record in War #2 when I played on Team  :light and also in phase 2 I won 9-0, that has to show I have some sort of skill in pvp/deck building.
Not meaning to offend you or something, but I find that highly offending to Team Light. You built 0 decks for us. The wins you got were with preset decks and sometimes even me whispering you what to do (though I'm sure you don't really need that so much anymore). And the PvP phase...  :-X
Look xdude, I did well in war, I played those decks and won with them, you even told me I was a great rookie and you were glad to have me on your team, stop saying that I didn't do anything, just because you don't want me to get votes, it's not cool.
Yes a rookie who did better than everyone else on team light, I may not have made the decks but really I helped and everyone's decks were made for them, why didn't they do better than me? That's what i thought.
Thanks, but don't call me a liar, that's low.

It's the truth. Honestly, I couldn't care less about the amount of votes you get. I was just pointing this fact out to the community. You were a good rookie, but you were a rookie. Not a Lieutenant.

Trial of Light / Re: Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:41:28 pm »
Because I can take :light to a whole new level. I had like a 5/1 record in War #2 when I played on Team  :light and also in phase 2 I won 9-0, that has to show I have some sort of skill in pvp/deck building.
Not meaning to offend you or something, but I find that highly offending to Team Light. You built 0 decks for us. The wins you got were with preset decks and sometimes even me whispering you what to do (though I'm sure you don't really need that so much anymore). And the PvP phase...  :-X
Look xdude, I did well in war, I played those decks and won with them, you even told me I was a great rookie and you were glad to have me on your team, stop saying that I didn't do anything, just because you don't want me to get votes, it's not cool.

Trial of Light / Re: Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:19:40 pm »
What will your vote do for me?

It will show me that I have believers, people that support me in the upcoming final battle. It will also let me have an arsenal of choices when it comes to the final battle, and every percentage of vote i get, I will work my ass off to make sure I can use my maximum amount of upped cards

Why do I deserve your vote?

Because I can take :light to a whole new level. I had like a 5/1 record in War #2 when I played on Team  :light and also in phase 2 I won 9-0, that has to show I have some sort of skill in pvp/deck building. I am a hard worker and I stick with things so you don't have to worry about me dropping out as light master or disappearing. I'll always be here. :P

 Global Moderator Comment Stupid Colour Usage removed

Trial of Light / Re: Phase 3 - Community Vote
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:15:23 pm »
I will ask something here, first.

General Question: Light is made of photons. Upgrading Photons, means upgrading Light?

Xdude: You're the most feared master around. Which challenger would be harder to face, for you?
Ryan: You won the battle phase. You think you can repeat yourself against xdude?
Dm: Do you still hope to be in the final battle?
Well, raving I think that I could use the same deck against xdude yes but I know that it will take a lot more thought process when it comes to xdude if I make it to the final battle. I hope that i earn your vote.

What types of cards does Light need in game to finish covering the Element Light?
It needs more control, more CC, more PC, not so much quantum control.
It maybe needs cards that can "blind" the opponent. So they can't play permanents for like three turns.
The only CC it can target is darkness ards so it needs so work there.

I haven't been here nearly as long as many of you have, and as such I am still very much getting to know many of you. 

xdude:  You have been the master of light for a very long time now, why do you feel that your reign should continue?  In other words, what do you feel that you can possibly contribute that you haven't already?

Challengers:  I certainly understand the thirst for power, but xdude has been a phenomenal master.  He knows :light inside and out, what it can do and what it cannot.  What can you do that he cannot/has not?

To all:  I look for maturity in whichever candidate that I want as master, something I have felt has been sorely lacking by some of those in the trials. This is more of a general statement than a question, just something I thought you all should know.

Yup, I'm rambling now, so I'm gonna stop here.  The very best of luck to all of you.  I have a feeling you're gonna need it if you're gonna bring down xdude.  ;D
I think that personally I have a fresher look on things. I mean yeah xdude has been here for a while but he's grown with the cards, has a biased opinion on the cards, I could offer a fresher vantage point. I can bring light to be the most well liked element and I can bring light to first place in war #3.

Simple questions, feel free to write as much or as little as you want. I'll read everything before I decide.

What does Light symbolise for you?
What will you do for this element as a Master? What is your vision?
Light symbolizes, power, integrity, patience. All things you need when playing light cards.
Personally, light means freedom, a fresh start, a new day.

As Light Master I would see myself taking Light to it's maximum potential, taking it to war #3. Making Light the most broad range element. I hope to show everyone how great of a master I can be by sticking to it and doing the hardwork it requires.

Many people see Light as "The Element that is only Good for ROL/Hope." How could you prove them wrong?

Well obviously when you look at war and see all the different styles of decks we used, also how grand xdude did in his masters battles, kinda shows it there.

Would you ever use Holy Light (Against :darkness/ :death is excluded.)?
Ehhh personally I just don't think that Holy Light is a strong enough card to put it into my deck, only place i can see me using it is to possibly get an EM after using a miracle. So I guess I could say yes, in the future.

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Unofficial Tourney
« on: January 22, 2011, 03:07:58 am »
Ryan666 2 - rowcia 1

Trial Archive / Re: General Discussion
« on: January 21, 2011, 05:49:04 pm »

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:23:38 pm »
That deck actually worked? ^^

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: The Official Member Pictures Thread
« on: January 20, 2011, 11:03:28 pm »
Ryan666 -- my wife thinks you're hot.  Just for the record.  Also, she's used your avatar -- that precise picture -- as an NPC in an RPG she plays in.  Just by coincidence. :)
Hahaha that's so nice [:
And my avatar is pimpin'.

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