Draft - Battle Results / Re: The Draft, Teams
« on: January 27, 2011, 12:22:48 am »
My fifth pick is geekz_always_win!
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I would help stay on but I continuously am being hacked and I was randomly banned from chat..My forth and fifth choices are Shantu and 7wavemaster.Edit: would have made it faster but got auto logged off again 'stop trying to hack me'!Forth pick, Shantu.You'll need to pick someone else.
Welcome to team RED
Thanks for clarifying for me QT [:I am kinda confused here... Ryan says he wants me and I appear as drafted by him which is fine, but later on he posted his 3rd choice was vinvick... please clarify that... I wanna be sure which team am I going to help win this!You were his second pick.
Question: Do you object to swearing?No. I think that swearing is not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. Normally when your arguing with eomeone, the just don't listen but once yo start swearing, you get your point across. I think that in some cases saying things like "I can't f***ing believe you would lie to me," is okay but saying it in access,"i am at f***ing McDonalds and i'm f***ing getting my f***ing order of eggs," is totally not okay and useing it to verbally assault someone is not okay.