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Messages - Ryan666 (355)

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 30
General Discussion / Re: Victory of the small! (interesting screen shot)
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:14:14 pm »
NICE hahaha luck duck.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Maxwell's Silver...Buckler
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:04:14 pm »
I tried this deck in trainer and it's really good.

Air / Re: Sky Blitz
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:01:52 pm »
There are a lot of cool idea that can be used with this card.

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: Rigged Deck unofficial event???
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:54:08 pm »
Well good luck

Trio & Quartet / Re: Blessed Long Swords
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:49:28 pm »
I was a bit skeptical about the play idea until I saw the picture! Awesome deck!

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: Rigged Deck unofficial event???
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:44:53 pm »
You Make the deck before hand. You dont just randomly decide what cards you want mid game. You choose the deck order BEFORE the battle starts.
still, that's basically retarded. That means you can tower stack your deck, 1 every 3 cards and then make sure your defense is set up and then have your ending card be attackers. I don't care for the idea.

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Vacuum | Time Warp
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:42:14 pm »
i think somenthing as simple as 1 cost reduction would be best here
I didn't understand what you meant?
increasing cost to 7 :time for the upped?
changing ability to : When your opponent plays a card, the card will be played next turn instead of this turn. Reduces cost of opponent's cards by 1?
No make the upgraded card -1 :time to play than the unupgraded version, leave the ability the same as the unupped card. Ie. unupped = 6 :time "ability" and upped = 5  :time "ability of unupped card".

General Discussion / Re: It's ALL about the rush deck...
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:25:14 pm »
that's why there is summoning sickness in mtg. creatures cant attack when they are first played.

but anyways...
this is an evolving game. It is nowhere near perfect. As the community thinks of new imbalances, the developer will (hopefully) think of ways to fix these imbalances.

just take a look at starcraft, which still had patches 10 years after its release.
Well this game isn't mtg, that's why it doesn't have the same rules. If you like mtg so much, go play it. In my opinion this game is really fun and i'm not going to worry about whether or not my opponent got lucky and won in three turns.

General Discussion / Re: I'm awesome! I have 12 of every card!
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:14:05 pm »
Wow I fell like a loser, i have 40 cards.. and that's it

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: Rigged Deck unofficial event???
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:11:35 pm »
Sooo, i want tower, bam i have tower?

Ooo, i need miracle, bam i have miracle?

Oh no!!! If only i had a permafrost, bam i have permafrost?
Only if you've originally put it in your deck, and have the uanta to play it.
Okay that sounds really lame. No offense.

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Vacuum | Time Warp
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:10:57 pm »
Great idea but does this mean that you could play 6 lycan off of two entropy because "nothing happens"?
No you couldn't.  Time vacuum ( Time warp) doesn't stack
Then i don't get the point of the card. I mean it's kind of okay but I don't think it'll make it far.

Introduce Yourself / Ryan666 is noob
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:06:02 pm »
Hello. My ign is Ryan666 and so is my chat. I'm basically a new player, started fourish months ago and still am learning new things about elements everyday. I found out about elements on I was simply looking for a multi-player game to play and then BAM, i got elements. I was introduced to elements forum when chatting on Kongregate, and he linked me to the huge vast area of the forums. I was intrigued and explored it and now it's like my second home. My name in real life is Ryan, I'm 14 (15 on January 21) and am a sophomore in High school. If anyone has any questions, feel free to PM me any time =]

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