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Messages - Ryan666 (355)

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Card Ideas and Art / Flying Buffalo | Soaring Buffalo
« on: December 30, 2010, 05:58:32 pm »
Flying Buffalo
:gravity :gravity: Charge
Flying Buffalo gains momentum for the turn.
Soaring Buffalo
6 :air
7 | 4
:gravity: Charge
Soaring Buffalo gains momentum for the turn.
No one
Picture will and can be changed, this is just temporary.

Forum News and Announcements / Re: Apply for League Organizer
« on: December 30, 2010, 04:38:27 pm »
I sent my application. Back on the 22nd :P

These decks were created by: twinsbuster. This topic was not meant in any way to steal credit for deck creation but to update and include a guide. Though i did change the original Lobotomizer in the upped deck to a Fahrenheit.

Upped version
Code: [Select]
5lg 6rn 6rn 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dn 7dn 7f2 7f2 7f2 7la 7q9 808 808 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d
un-upped version

It probably is the best FG killer for newbies because it is much cheaper than a rainbow deck.
No upgrades are needed, you can just build this deck immediately after finishing all of the quests.
The upgrade isn't even necessary, just helps you fight rushes and ensure your win.

The strategy is simple, and boring:

1.) All you have to do is put down a phase shield every 3 turns.
2.) Draw until your last card in your deck.
3.) Use the 6 fire bolts/fire lances in one turn and kill the FG on that turn.

Normally you'll have to start the shields when 18-19 cards left in your deck.
The more turns past 18-19 you go, the higher your win percentage.
So the dimensional shield/phase shields chain does not break,
you should have gone through all cards in your deck and there should be no other probability to lose.


Nova: Used to gain Time and Light Quantum. Necessary for powering Sundial and Reflective Shield.

Fire Pillar: Used to get Fire Quantum. Necessary for powering Bolts and Fahrenheit.

Aether pillar: Used to gain Aether Quantum. Necessary for powering Dimensional Shield.


Fire Bolt: You need this to kill the fg's at the end. You need 119 fire quantum to kill a fg from 200 life.

Bolt 1-3:   36 damage
Bolt 4:      33 damage each
Bolt 5-6:   30 damage each
But the Fahrenheit will do nearly 20 something damage and will help.


Sundial: You don't need this card to win. It's an extra turn of stall and that means an extra turn of Fire Quanta. DO NOT USE THE LIGHT QUANTA TO DRAW A CARD.

Reflective Shield: You need this card against FG's that use a Reflective Shield or a Jade Shield. Use the Nova to power this shield. To use it, play it on your last turn and use the Fire Bolts on yourself. They'll reflect and hit the FG. Only necessary against: Elidinis Ferox Miracle Paradox

Dimensional Shield: You need this to stall damage to get enough Fire Quantum to kill the FG on your last draw.
Start playing your Dimensional Shield when you're on turn 18-19 so that you won't break the chain.
From there, play one every three turns until you draw your last card.
The longer you wait to play your shields, the higher your percentage of winning. Wait until you have about 30 life.

Light Pendulum: Used to play Reflective Shield and also gain Aether Quantum if played early.

Fire Pendulum: Used to get more Fire Quantum and Aether Quantum at the same time.

Fire Tower: Used to get Fire Quantum. Necessary for powering Lances and Fahrenheit.

Aether tower: Used to gain Aether Quantum. Necessary for powering Phase Shield.


Fire Lance: You need this to kill the FG's at the end. You need 114 Fire Quantum to kill a FG from 200 life.

Lance 1-4: 36 damage
Lance 5-6: 33 damage

But the Fahrenheit will do nearly 20 something damage and will help.


Shard of Gratitude: Used to fight against poison, morte, and to gain EM's.

Sundial: Needs no quantum to play. Used as a stall and if there is enough Light Quantum, to draw.

Reflective Shield: You need this card against fg's that use a Reflective Shield or a Jade Shield. Use the Light Pendulum to power this shield. To use it, play it on your last turn and use the Fire Lances on yourself. They'll reflect and hit the FG. Only necessary against: Elidinis Ferox Miracle Paradox

Phase Shield: You need this to stall damage to get enough Fire Quantum to kill the FG on your last draw.
Start playing your Phase Shield when you're on turn 18-19 so that you won't break the chain.
From there, play one every three turns until you draw your last card.
The longer you wait to play your shields, the higher your percentage of winning. Wait until you have about 30 life.

(about one half of all FGs are beatable with this deck), but with high win rate on them (more than 40%)

Piece of cake:
 Destiny = Watch out for momentum.
 Elidnis = Just follow the guide. (Reflective Shield)
 Ferox = Watch out for rushes.  (Reflective Shield)
 Fire Queen = Just follow the guide.
 Incarnate = Just follow the guide.
 Miracle = Just follow the guide. (Reflective Shield)
 Neptune = Just follow the guide.
 Paradox -Just follow the guide. (Reflective shield)

 Chaos Lord = Has Explosions and Steals.
 Morte = Watch out for poison, harder un-upped.


All of them are too hard or too prolonging to play, just skip and save time.

 Dark Matter
 Divine Glory
 Dream Catcher
 Eternal Phoenix

Upgrades are as follows: Sundial -> +Light Pendulum (-nova) -> Fire Pendulums (-aether pillars) -> Aether Pillars -> Fire Pillar -> Dimensional Shield -> Fire Bolts -> Shard of Gratitudes (-fire pillars)

Trial of Air / Re: 3rd Trials - Signing up
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:15:32 pm »
IGN: Ryan666

Score: 37453

Posts: 200

Rainbow Decks / Re: Ultimate Survival
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:03:24 pm »
This is great, it can withstand the fastest decks and destroy slower ones :D :D :D
Yeah, that's kind of the point of it. Glad you liked it.

Is it any good unupped?
As TNG said it wouldn't work without the Pends and Snovas upped. Also, Miracles, Pheonixes and some other cards in there are way better upped.
Though it did work partially upped for me.. just the SNovas and the Pendulums worked for me..

Forum News and Announcements / Re: Trials are on!
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:01:51 pm »
I'm so excited for this, good luck xdude. You're on!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hellos
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:01:08 pm »
Hey martineagle. These forums are amazing and just join chat and you'll get loads of ideas.

Introduce Yourself / Re: 5pla5h/5pl45h
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:00:06 pm »
Hahahaha this is for newbies not "people that are awesome and have been here for a while" :P

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello for everyone
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:58:03 pm »
Have fun in developing cards. I would love to see some of your ideas.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi Elements Forum !!!
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:56:25 pm »
Welcome, Nik_V, I hope you enjoy this game as much as I do. It's massive fun and that's where I started.. farming t50. (:

Introduce Yourself / Re: Yet another one.
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:55:18 pm »
Hey Kaynara, welcome to elements. I know you'll find this to be a great forum and community. If you have any questions, just join chat and ask the people there.

Introduce Yourself / Re: I Was Being a Creeper :/
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:52:36 pm »
Well hi hanabise, and welcome. I was once stuck at ai3 farming too, you should try to upgrade 6 rol in hopes of making rol/hope. Good luck and I hope to see you around.

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