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Messages - Ryan666 (355)

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Crucible Archive / Re: Divine Icon | Divine Icon
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:36:48 pm »
Hey so I love the card work for the first thought, though i think you could make it more creature like, it personally looks like a permanent. But that's just my personal thought on The card work. But the second part is that I think that this card is OP, because it has so much attack and can make any card +3 | +3, and there's nothing that your opponent can do about it. You could purely have 6 of these and 6 blessing and basically dominate because they can't be killed unless it's on the same turn that they come out, because by the time that fire shield or thorn shield can become active, the creature would have killed you. I think that maybe you could take out to immortality part and maybe lower the attack power and entrance cost maybe to a 5 or 6 :light, 1 | 4 with the ability  :light :light :light: deify, target creature gets +3 | +3. Because then the card can be killed so it won't be too OP, it also won't be aloowed to deal too much damage o the opponent. But the entrance cost is lower so it can be also more versitile. Because then it will be easier to use in duo and/or trio decks. You could also just lower the attack on the card and make the ability  :light :light :light :aether: Deify, target creature gets +3 | +3 and immortality. I just think that such a powerful attacker that can make it's self and its friends stronger and more powerful is a bit OP. That was just all my opinion on the card, i hope it does well in the competition :D

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Signing up - closed
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:59:44 am »
Good luck to all challengers and the current Light Master, xdude. Let's all fight for this but be fair and have fun. =]

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Signing up
« on: January 03, 2011, 09:17:44 pm »
For emphasis,

Score: 34,000

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Signing up
« on: January 03, 2011, 07:55:29 pm »
First of all, nobody here is in any position to decide what is spam and what not. That privilege belongs solely to the moderators. Daxx brought the fact that you have spammed to my knowledge and this is against the spirit of the Trials. It is for active, helpful, skilled players, not for people who'd do anything, including nreaking the Forum rules to win.

Oh, also, the fact that you begged your mother to give you internet and now you don't have money for food and will likely starve to death doesn't impress me. Spamming is still spamming.

The only valid point in your posts I see is this:

none of you higher up people even talked to me
But this contradicts with what Daxx told me so I'm not going to even bother.
Well whatever, this all still pisses me off. If daxx wants to take away my posts of "spamming" then he needs to, otherwise, i still have the ammount of posts I need to qualify, I needed 13 posts to get to 200, now he needs to erase them, i'll still have 200 and i still qualify. Which means I should be allowed to enter trials.

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Signing up
« on: January 03, 2011, 06:04:33 pm »
This is very unfair, none of you higher up people even talked to me. I didn't spam.
Actually, you did. Sorry. Your warning is because of that sole reason. And you probably know that.

They considered me thanking someone to be spam, and me welcoming all the noobs to be spam, if you didn't want people welcoming noobs then don't make a topic for it.
Like I said in chat, you just said "Thanks". That doesn't really needs a post. You could of fill the sole post with stuff like "Thanks for all the feedback, keep it coming" or "Yes, that's slightly op and needs to be nerfed so let's go ahead and make bla bla bla changes, who agrees?" You didn't need to post at the exact moment, you could wait another post or two.

I think this needs to be re-thought because it is extremely unfair. I was kicked for trials because i apparently spammed unintentionally.
You received a warning because of spam. Unintentionally or intentionally, I think it's still spam either way.

I could drop those 13 posts that were considered spam but I'd still meet the requirements.
Unfortunately you couldn't unless you spammed a little more. ATM you have 211 posts, and the requirement is 200. So you'd be 2 posts short. Not a big deal, but pointing out either way.
No, now I want him to delete my 13 posts of spam because that's how many i needed until i could enter trials, by now, i would have 200 posts and still qualify.

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Signing up
« on: January 03, 2011, 05:29:19 pm »
Kobi is right. Being banned from the Trials means being banned from all the Trials. As much as I'd like one more challenger, this isn't going to happen.
This is very unfair, none of you higher up people even talked to me. I didn't spam. They considered me thanking someone to be spam, and me welcoming all the noobs to be spam, if you didn't want people welcoming noobs then don't make a topic for it. I think this needs to be re-thought because it is extremely unfair. I was kicked for trials because i apparently spammed unintentionally. I could drop those 13 posts that were considered spam but I'd still meet the requirements. This just really upsets me because I was very excited for trials and I even made my mom get internet just so I could try my hardest in trials and now I can't because of something I didn't even mean to do.

Good job GG, nice decks.

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Signing up
« on: January 03, 2011, 01:34:42 pm »
First of all, I am sorry for the double post.

I have been informed by the moderators board that Ryan666 has spammed to get to the 200 posts requirement. After the posts were deleted he made another batch of posts without any relevant information (examples here (,18569.msg252391#msg252391), here (,1866.msg252145#msg252145) and in the whole introduction section (,367.0.html)). As a result of this against-the-rules behavior he has been eliminated from these Trials.

As for good news, there still is one place in the Air Trials!
i'm pretty sure that means you're no longer allowed to participate in the current trial
That is SO not fair. I did not spam. Not intentionally at least. I still have 207 posts so I meet the requirements and should be able to at least participate.

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Signing up
« on: January 03, 2011, 12:15:08 pm »

Score: 34,000

General Discussion / Re: New Year's Resolution in Elements!
« on: January 01, 2011, 03:16:49 pm »
1.) Never sell upped cards ever again.

2.) Become Air Master.

3.) Help Team Air to win war.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Flying Buffalo | Soaring Buffalo
« on: December 30, 2010, 06:18:15 pm »
I like this idea. ;) Mark of Gravity + Mono Air Deck with a few Air Pendulums + this = Win
Thanks. (:

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Flying Buffalo | Soaring Buffalo
« on: December 30, 2010, 06:12:50 pm »
Hahah, this card is rather nonsensical and funny, but it seems balanced.
Hahaha it's not supposed to be funny, and i like it :P it's only 1-2 attack stronger than a charger & 1 cost more & you have to actually pay to use it's ability.

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