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Messages - Ryan666 (355)

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League Archive / Re: Beginners League 1/2011
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:13:23 pm »

Trial Battle Archive / Re: xdude 3 - 0 Kael Hate
« on: January 13, 2011, 12:55:58 pm »
Wait, what were the ban cards?

Crucible Archive / Re: Liberation | Liberty
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:18:02 pm »
Okay so like how i start every card, it's true though, i like the card art and i think it fits the card every well. I like hove the dove is the symbol. So I think that this card needs a little work.

Upped card:

I like the basic concept of the card but I think that it may be too expensive or not be powerful enough. I think that the ability for it to just make one creature immune from it. It's basically like a weaker quint but in light form. So I think that to make this card more effective and be better looked at, it should say, "make all your creatures on your field and/or and future creatures immune to negative effects," or even say "make all your creatures on your field and/or and future immune and removed of negative effects.".

Un-upped card:

I basically think the same thing, making it so all your creatures lose the negative effects, you may want to also increase and decrease the cost depending on what you do to the future card.

Deck ideas:

I think that this could work against parasite/infection decks or even people who like to poison their voodoo dolls. I would like to hear what decks you think that deck would work in.

Well anyways, good luck!

Decay / Re: Oracle : Decay
« on: January 10, 2011, 04:35:01 pm »
VERY nice deck Majofa, just EM'd Decay with the upped version.

Crucible Archive / Re: Rebirth | Resurrection
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:17:32 pm »
This could be a very interesting card and a good one for light. First of all is that I like the card art even thought the ankhs are Egyptian and have nothing to do with re-birthing things. So maybe put in some headstones or something a little more relevant. But that doesn't really have to do with the actual card so let me get to that.

 I think that right now the card has an OK concept but I don't think it'll appeal to many. I think that the ability is a little weak and that you may need to have it be something a little different, perhaps, "When target creature comes back to life, it comes back as x | 0 where x is it's normal attack." Then it gets an amazing affect and it's OP. But if this were to happen, you may have to raise the cost of the card by :light or :light :light.

But This card will be great in decks like immo rush. Using Immo on a dragon to get another dragon out and still get the attack of the first dragon could be a great combo. The only problem I have it or a phoenix, when it dies, does it come back as a 3/4 | 1 phoenix or does it become ash or a 0 | 1 ash? That's the only confusion I have.

This card has my vote throughout the different levels, nice card over all, numbers.

Off-Topic Discussions / Thank you all for a second home.
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:25:32 pm »

Crucible Archive / Re: Duel | Duel
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:09:51 am »
So i think the card art is great on this card and all but I think it needs a  little work. I think that this ability makes any creature card just a little too powerful. So I play this duel on my  own 12 | 12 dragon, now  i start dealing 12 damage one by one to each and everyone one of your  creatures.  And  now  you  have to  wait  12  turns  to  play  creatures  so  that the  attack  goes to 0 or else I'll murder your  creatures. Or  if I play this card on your dragon, then you start demolishing my creatures and there really is no point on playing this card on a creature with >5 attack.

I think that this card adds a lot of synergy to :light and :life but also to :light and :fire because you could then use rage potions on creatures to lower their life and then go and kill the creature.

 I think this card should be more like something involving gravity pull. Like "This creature and This creature may only attack each other before attacking the opponents life or something. Or possible "Target creature and Target creature gain +100 life but may only attack each other, only until after that creature dies may the living creature attack your opponents life. Maybe you have a different idea on how you wanted me to perceive this card but personally I think it wouldn't hurt it to have just a few tweaks.

Good luck in the rest of the voting stages!

Crucible Archive / Re: Innocent | Martyr
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:38:09 am »
Okay so I want to start by say thing that the whole thought of the card and how the ability works is amazing. The way you combined those two cards, Guardian Angel and Arch angel, with Innocent and Martyr is fantastic, no joke. I love it.

Second of all, the card art is great and really paints a picture of what the card is and how it works.

Third of all, you are correct and i think that this card can be a part of many decks, using immo, lighting and various killing spells. Though i feel as if the life should be only 2 so that it becomes more versatile, for Otyugh and all bolts to be able to kill it. Also, i think that the cost of the Martyr should be just a little higher because i think it is all too easy to get the Arch Angel out. 2 SN + 1 Lighting = Arch Angel. So i think the cost of the Martyr should be 5. The Innocent card is only one lower than the Gaurdian Angel so I think the Martyr should be like that too.

Overall, great card, i love the thought into the card and I hope it does well later on in votes.

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:07:43 am »
Yeah, this was to be expected, especially with the bans.  I wouldn't be surprised if other elements' trials are having similar clashes.
You can't "call dibs" on a deck. There are no rules saying you can't use the same deck, it's just polite not to use the same one.

Crucible Archive / Re: Wave/Particle Duality | Wave/Particle Synthesis
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:18:15 am »
Card art: The card art is definitely epic, but imo, you may want to find a way to maybe add some photons into the picture or something.

Idea: I think the idea is a very thoughtful idea but i think it would be quite hard to make it work in a deck. I mean who wants to sacrifice all their spells for a measly photon/rol. Espescially when they are so weak and fragile. I mean, i don't see what the whole concept of the card is. Not trying to bash this card. Just trying to understand why you would want to use this. There is fractal that just costs double the amount but in :aether quanta. I think that you may want to think about making it, summon a photon/rol to your side of your field for maybe, every photon/rol you control or for every photon in your hand or for every spell in your hand but not make it kill the spells. I can kinda maybe see where the concept is coming from but i think it may need some adjustments.

Like i could mass spawn photon/rol in rol/hope just by using the idea for "summon a rol/photon onto your side of the field for every photon/rol you control and it'll make rol/hope a hell of a lot easier to use.

Trial of Light / Re: 3rd Trials - Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 09, 2011, 02:43:35 am »
Elements the Game
Fighting Half Bloods

Code: [Select]
5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 6rn 6rn 6rn 7jo 7jo 7jq 7jq 7ju 7ju 7ju 7ju 7ju 7ju 7k1 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la
Loss: 11
TTW: 17.8
Win percentage: 78.4
EM: 11


Elements the Game
Card Ideas

1)  Divine Icon  (,9304.24.html) [Word count: 270]

2)  Wave/Particle Duality  (, [Word count: 230]

3)  Innocent | Martyr  (,15641.24.html) [Word count: 211]

4)  Duel | Duel  (, [Word count: 259]

5)  Rebirth | ressurection  (, [Word count: 239]

6)  Liberation | Liberty [Word count: 224] (,

Crucible Archive / Re: Divine Icon | Divine Icon
« on: January 07, 2011, 03:58:46 pm »
@ryan-2 quick notes about what you said
It has immortality as one of the thins it gives, partially so that you cant keep buffing the creature over and over again.

Also, you can only have 1 of these on the field at a time. If you play another, then it will just remove the previous one from play.

However, the ability does seem a bit too cheap for the card having so much health. What if it was changed to have the cost increase over time?

Ability cost: :light+N, N is the amount of times this ability has been used.
We the only problem with your ability idea is the fact that you don't need to use it anymore than twice because the creature is so strong and you'll probably have more creatures before that anyways. Then, the creature card need to say that you can only have one on the field per turn.

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