« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:32 pm »
so, also tried this deck in the trainer and it really works fine
about 50-60% wins, most of them masteries
so i also rebuild it on my real account
some modifications improve it really good, like told above miracle and eternity
also put purify in it, to enhance winninig chances if there is no draw luck against poison
and removed the golem (or what it was) because i think a single creature isn't that important, there is enough damage from fireflies and zombies
my experience was, that upgrading at least some cards makes a lot of difference
unupgraded i got asskicked a lot of times, then i sold all other cards (except the rare weapons)
and upgraded half of the pillars, the hourglasses and the otyoughs (which are really fun to play in combination with maxwells' and eagle's eye)