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Messages - Robsta43 (58)

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Life / Re: Heal / Improved Heal
« on: April 12, 2010, 06:52:22 am »
Heal is actually pretty good. I do not see a problem with putting in 2 or 3. If you cant get shards this is the next best thing.
I have 2 shards of divinity and 6 shards of gratitude (but only 4 are upgraded), and yet, I often use this card unupgraded in preferance to shards.  Reason?  heal is great for masteries while shards arn't.
As for empathetic/feral bonds, if you can kill your opponent in 4 turns (ok that is best case scenario, but still), you don't have the time or quanta for a slow card like bonds to pay off.  (although in a rainbow a bond does increase the mastery rate significantly)

This card is the ultimate mono-grass speed mastery deck heal, and mine packs 4 of these, having replaced both shards of divinity and jade staff because of thier much better rate of mastery. 

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Card Usage Statistics
« on: April 12, 2010, 06:39:58 am »
I've had the opposite experiance... although the butterfly deck I now have upgraded+in action doesn't win as often as my old time-rainbow, I'm haveing uncannily high card win rates with it ever since 1.21. 
Since the update I've won more cards in less total games then in 1.20, even though my win rate dropped by about 20%.  I started wondering if 1.21 increased card win chances or if a 33 card deck as opposed to 60 increased it. 

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: April 12, 2010, 06:12:36 am »
4 nymphs and I've pretty much been spinning every day since the oracle, might have missed a day once maybe twice. 

1x death
1x purple
1x gravity
1x golden

Rainbow Decks / Re: Yaladilae's Butterfly Angel (v1.21)
« on: March 31, 2010, 06:09:24 pm »
yep, yep, but I think 1 nova and 5 supernovas shouldn't make a 50% win rate difference. 

I typically butterfly my 2nd oty, perhaps I should try using 3 of them, but I only have 2 upped otys atm.  EDIT: or perhaps a pest as suggested in this thread, but I don't have any of those upped either.

yep, and that was 8 cards from 29 wins = 87 spins, so it's 9.2%

Rainbow Decks / Re: Yaladilae's Butterfly Angel (v1.21)
« on: March 31, 2010, 05:20:47 pm »
In the 10-20 games I played with deck modified -1 angel, protect->enchant, and 3 cards not upgraded yet (1 nova, 2 quint) I've had pretty horrible win rates, close to 10%. 

So I decided to try this deck as it was posted (given, still missing those 3 upgrades), to see if my adjustment made the deck that much worse, or if I was just unlucky... and I would have beat dark matter first try except I decked out cause eternity was my last card.

So yeah, I think I'm cursed.

EDIT: you got 38 cards in 68 wins?  that's nearly 53% card/win rate.  My stats from 1.20,  ( 8 cards, 29 wins = 27.5% card/win rate, and I mastered most of those.

So yeah I'm cursed

20 games
20 wins
19 masteries
2 game went more then 2 turns, about 35% chance to win on turn 1

6 x precog
6 x drain life
6 x firebolt
6 x fractal
1 x amathest dragon
1 x Ivory dragon
1 x Jade dragon
1 x Ruby dragon
1 x arctic dragon
1 x sky dragon
Mark of fire (not that it really matters)

Stratagy: drain life on 2nd turn
Failures: One game didn't draw fractal = 3 turns mastery, one game Gemeni got a shield up on turn 2 = 4 turns win without mastery. 

Level 3 - Armory / Re: Alpha Wolf | Elite Alpha Wolf
« on: March 26, 2010, 08:25:27 am »
I also like Essence's origional version.  It keeps with grass's theme of healing, cost-efficiant damage and venerability.  It is better at healing then frogs, but worse damage/quanta and about as venerable.  It synergises with adrenaline, although you can't pull the deja-vu adrenaline trick. 

gee thanks... and I was going to use a 2handed mouse.

funny I rarely see a number above 1501, wonder why  :D

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Morph, Shape Shifter, more
« on: March 26, 2010, 01:01:14 am »
hmm it is true... you picked any quanta instead of a specific quanta, I woulda liked it if it costs less but had to be your mark's quanta, though this would be harder to implement. 

I agree, 1 :fire would be OP, that's why I chose 2 :fire for my suggested cost. 

Arctic squid's ability is more powerful in squid:feeze ratio then fire morph would be in morph:deflag ratio because after a point in most games with pulverisor or a creature with destroy, all your enemies permanents are destroyed or protected, not so with freeze.  Even if you can feeze all your opponent's creatures you still need to keep using the ability, therefore the ability to keep using it is worth more. 

I think you're referring to my suggestion.

My reasoning for suggesting 4 quanta had something to do with countering the flood of new cards that bash rainbow decks that is around the courner (I know it! cmonn...), but that's hardly an argument against it being OP. 

Anyways, since it's at least very simmilar to my idea, agree!

Nerf This Card! / Re: [POLL] Most Overpowered?
« on: March 26, 2010, 12:35:37 am »
Both the cards I voted for are going to be nerfed in 1.21 (you all ARE playing 1.20 right?), Pulverisor and Hourglasses. 

When looking for overpowered cards, I look at my own deck and think... what in here would I still use if it cost a little more quanta?

There is a reason I don't use a gravity nymph in my rainbow deck, and it's not because I don't have one (cause I do).  The same goes for Quicksand (although I would like a trident). 

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