One of the newest cards to enter elements, chimera is one of the most interesting and unique cards in the game. It could've had a lot of potential for new strategies, which is why it is particularly unfortunate that chimera, in its current state, is completely useless.
Let me explain.
Chimera allows you to combine all your creatures into one, so on first glance it appears to be a powerful card. However, once you get over the initial novelty, you realize that the chimera only has two benefits you could use: it has momentum and gravity pull. The cost you pay for these benefits is disproportionately large: first off, all the abilities your creatures might have had are gone. The next HUGE drawback you notice is that now instead of having to deal with a whole mass of creatures, your opponent only has to deal with one creature. One creature that can be frozen, lobotomized, paradoxed, or delayed. Or how about reverse time? If your chimera gets reversed, you end up with the chimera SPELL card in your hand next turn. All your creatures are gone. Or even worse, if your chimera gets antimattered and the sum of all your creatures' attack power is now given to your opponent as healing. So at the end of the day you've used up precious deck space, 7-8 quanta, and made your creatures significantly more vulnerable in exchange for essentially a worse off version of unstoppable.
Also, did I mention that chimera's two only assets actively work against each other?
The two strategies you could use with chimera is either
1) Using the gravity pull to have the chimera work as a sort of living shield (note that it doesn't block poison, spells, or even weapons). In this case momentum doesn’t hurt, but it really doesn’t help much.
2) Using the momentum to rush your creatures’ damage over a pesky shield. In this case, the gravity pull has allowed all of your opponent’s creatures to gang up on your chimera, ensuring its quick death.
By the way, if you thought about using twin universe on your chimera to double your attack power, it doesn’t work. There can only be one chimera on the field at a time.
As you can see, chimera is hurtful rather than helpful in the vast majority of all situations. It is in no way viable for serious deck building. I’m not sure how (suggestions?) but it really needs to be buffed.