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Messages - Riojah foeth Giugh (12)

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Forge Archive / Re: Cryostasis | Cryostasis
« on: July 26, 2010, 11:29:39 pm »
You cannot use creature and permanent abilities, because I want to keep this from being massively overpowered with Chrysaora. If you still want to poison your opponent after freezing yourself, you have to use auto-poisoners like Puffer Fish.
I was referring to one's ability to draw cards, not activate permanents/creatures.
Also, sorry, I did not notice that in the notes section.

Forge Archive / Re: Cryostasis | Cryostasis
« on: July 26, 2010, 07:04:54 pm »
I would rather see this say "cannot play cards, and does not draw at the beginning of their turn" so that you can still draw with hourglass/sundial

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New card type: Planes!
« on: July 20, 2010, 10:17:18 pm »
keep in mind that these cards are /meant/ to be more powerful than other cards, this is why you will only ever have one
I'm not sure if only being able to use one per deck is a good way to balance these:
-You wouldn't be able to consistently build around them, because there is very little chance of drawing them.
-More competitive games might be decided by whoever can draw a plane first, which adds a lot of luck
I think that they should be made weaker, rather than being limited to one per deck.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Summoning Ritual | Rite of Summoning
« on: July 20, 2010, 09:39:00 pm »
It offers less choices
Sorry, typo, fixed now.

and only to a minor cost loss of 3  :fire.
Halving the cost allows you to play it earlier, which I think is a major improvement. Should the damage be less/removed?

Instead of reactionary spells, why not just add some spells or permanents that make things cost more or trigger counter measures automatically? There was a thread about "trap cards"
I think this is a great idea. Traps (or whatever they would be called):

-Would activate immediately when an opponent attacks
-Would be a separate type (not a spell, creature, etc.) so face-down explanation text would not be necessary.
-Would have simple effects like "do 1 damage to all of the attacking creatures"
-Maybe some could be colorless to add to the surprise? Maybe they would use quanta when activated?

There are very few defensive cards besides the shields, which in my opinion makes them a little too strong. They could be weakened, and traps would help on defense. It would move the game away from a bunch of creatures running into shields, racing to kill an opponent, and become slightly more reactionary.

* funky name you got there. maybe it is somewhat common in your area but not where i live (SEA)
It's an anagram for Jhoira of the Ghitu

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Summoning Ritual | Rite of Summoning
« on: July 20, 2010, 06:47:26 am »
Anything more specific that I could change?

Card Ideas and Art / Summoning Ritual | Rite of Summoning
« on: July 20, 2010, 05:20:08 am »
No images yet, just because I am not exactly sure how OP/UP this is.

Summoning Ritual
6 :fire
Put the creature card with the highest cost in your hand into play without paying for it.
Rite of Summoning
3 :fire
Put the creature card with the highest cost in your hand into play without paying for it. Rite of Summoning does 25 damage to you.
Riojah foeth Giugh
More speed, at the loss of card advantage. How far can this be pushed? Does making deal damage to you help?
On a side note, if two creatures had the same cost, it would choose randomly.
Also, does this fit in fire? I thought the Speed>CA  and flavor fit, but I'm not sure.

Look here:,165.0.html
This is actually very interesting. I guess I just haven't played enough PvP to actually judge the top tier decks.

Precognition - allows for decks to be "24 cards" in essence.
True, but it doesn't actually provide any card advantage.

I think Elements is balanced extremely well at the moment.
I suppose I agree with this now, having actually seen more of the PvP environment

Thanks to everyone who helped.

I'm not trying to say that I want control to dominate, I'm just wondering why we haven't seen cards that would allow for a more traditional control build, rather than the shield dominated stall builds that I see so very often. The last thing anyone wants is to limit deck building ideas, I feel that this could open more design space, maybe a card that destroys one's own shield in the process of destroying creatures.
Maybe I'm just ranting, but I think that some of the terrible vanilla cards could have been replaced with more deckbuilding options than just aggro.

Doing so would completely wreck the creature focus without having much to replace it.

If these spells were to be expanded, it would allow for new decks to replace old ones.
I personally want to see quanta and draw options increased; I think that would do a large part in expanding deck sizes and thus viable decks.
Off-topic, but agreed.

That's a deck I need to try.
I just wish there was more of this, and less endless swarms of creatures running into shields until somebody wins, without all that much strategy involved.

Yeah, my point is that none of those cards are really strong enough so stop powerful creatures. Rain of Fire doesn't kill the big threats, and neither does thunderstorm. Unstable Gas doesn't kill threats either. Plague does eventually, but is still pretty slow.

Right, the idea of creature or permanent based removal, rather than spell based removal is more effective, because it's re-usable. I do not think that this should be the case. Why should Otyugh be able to destroy a creature every turn, when lightning is only able to do this once, and not deal damage? This just goes along with my original post, creatures dominating the game. If Golden Hourglass exists, why can't a simple, one-use draw X card exist? It would push the game away from being completely permanent dominated.

General Discussion / Elements "metagame" transforming in the future?
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:03:34 pm »
Bear with me for a moment, a small anecdote makes things much clearer in the end.
Early in the life of the game of Magic: The Gathering, a player named Brain Wiessman created "The Deck." If you are unfamiliar with his creation, the strategy was this: He used removal, such as swords to plowshares, to destroy early threats, stabilizing. He then used cards such as ancestral recall to gain card advantage. This allowed him to finish his opponent with a serra angel or fireball. While this may not seem complicated, it was a revolutionary concept. Brain had successfully created a control build, one that would change Magic forever. The deck had such a strong impact because of one simple insight: noncreature spells were better than creatures.
Now, years later, Magic has changed greatly. The current metagame is dominated by midrange decks such as Jund, Naya, and others. This change has occurred for one reason. Creatures are getting stronger. The power creep seen in Shards of Alara, for example, has allowed for creature based decks, going against the great theory of The Deck. The entire metagame has shifted.

Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with Elements. Elements is a budding card game, with very few cards. However, the metagame is the opposite of Magic's beginnings. The creatures of Elements dominate the game. Removal is absolutely pitiful, only able to 1-for-1 with creatures that are hardly threats. Gravity pull is only plausible in creature based decks, and simple removal such as Lightning is far too inefficient to deal with the sheer number of creatures that a simple deck can produce. Cards such as fractal give creatures even more card advantage than non-creature spells. Others, like firefly queen can produce creatures far faster than any control deck can handle them. Traditional control builds are just not viable.

My ultimate question is this: when does the metagame of Elements shift, just as Magic did? When do we see “Destroy all creatures”, or even “Destroy target creature”? When do we see “Draw two cards”? Will control ever be viable, or will creatures dominate forever?

P.S. I understand that Elements is not Magic, and does not intend to copy Magic, I simply used it as an example because of familiarity. What I have described is a transformation that not only Magic has gone through.

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