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Crucible Archive / Re: Osmosis | Diffusion
« on: June 02, 2010, 02:19:57 am »
Since it's kind of like drain life, I'd say only heal.
Increasing maximum would make this more OP.

Crucible Archive / Re: Osmosis | Diffusion
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:45:06 am »
Also, Rage Potion... Shockwave... Shockwave + Congeal... Otyugh... Scarab...

What do you guys think about changing upped cost to 7 :water?
Would be cool, since diffusion is mostly talking about liquids. I support the idea, so that it wouldn't be OP in a rainbow deck :D

Imagine a nymph with this effect  :o

Crucible Archive / Re: Osmosis | Diffusion
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:39:09 am »
I wouldn't say it's overpowered at all. Just look at Antimatter, Reverse Time, Thunderbolt... those guys.

But it DOES seem intimidatingly strong... especially the upgraded version. I really dislike the upgraded version because you can run it very easily in a Rainbow, making it very overpowered. I'd strongly suggest keeping it to :water but lowering its cost to 7.

Otherwise, I like it. :)

The picture is awesome, too. Did you make it?
He stated where he got the art from in the boxes...
And antimatter still allows the monster to use abilities, so that's a blow. Reverse timing most creatures would be useless, thunderbolt...yeah, we could argue with that.  :P

Crucible Archive / Re: Osmosis | Diffusion
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:37:52 am »
Sorry about the original post, the card hadn't shown up yet.
And this card could be a bit on the OP side, since it's an instant kill against ANY creature.
Maybe you should make it so that it saps according to your amount of  :water quanta? But that would be too much like drain life...

Crucible Archive / Re: Osmosis | Diffusion
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:32:17 am »
What exactly does the spell do?

EDIT: It seems pretty good, but OP considering you can target anybody, including dragons/buffed creatures and just kill them and sap their stats.

Forge Archive / Re: Galatea | Galatea
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:22:50 am »
earth has a creature it can make immortal! PA ftw now!

Edit: make that mono earth can make a creature immortal, which was the sole province of aether (talking about monos)
Burrow? Even better than immortality.
How is burrowing better?
It halves attack at the same effect.

Air / Re: Wyrm / Elite Wyrm
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:16:45 am »
Wyrm + Dive + Blessing + parallel universe = epic
This might be one of the only monster cards worth upgrading for damage.  :))

Design Theory / Re: Caretaker/ Warden series
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:15:31 am »
Sounds good, as long as they don't represent humans.

Design Theory / Re: Caretaker/ Warden series
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:08:53 am »
they wouldn't have to be human in my opinion, they could be like spirit guardians with a shape for each element, like a bird for air or a fish for water
But they are kind of just weaker versions of the nymphs.

Design Theory / Re: Caretaker/ Warden series
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:02:23 am »
Seems similar to a nymph...many elements can already utilize these effects with spell cards...
Besides, is warden a human?
That's kind of against what elements is about...

Forge Archive / Re: Galatea | Galatea
« on: June 01, 2010, 11:58:10 pm »
This is interesting, but what can you really do with it? It's not that different from an upgraded Antlion (I think that's the card). Maybe increase the stats or lower the cost to 1 :earth. I'm leaning towards higher stats more.
If you scrolled up we already discussed that  :P

so then I assume you can PA this?
I assume so, because Galatea is earth element.

Crucible Archive / Re: Poppy Meadow | Poppy Field
« on: June 01, 2010, 11:01:44 pm »
I think that Poppy Meadow sounds better than Poppy Field  :P

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