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Messages - RedWarrior0 (187)

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 16
WoE Archive / Re: WORLD MAP
« on: August 06, 2010, 01:56:29 am »
Or do something like SG's map in the main post.

General Discussion / Re: Best Shield in Elements?
« on: August 05, 2010, 07:12:02 pm »
I can destroy your shield with: Explosion, Butterfly Effect, Pulverizer, Destroy (Mutant ability) Nothing!
I can completely bypass your shield with: Poison, Momentum, Fire Lance, Ice Lance, Siphon Life
I can use your shield against you with: Steal, Steal(Mutant ability) Nothing!
I can simply deny you from using your shield with: Discord, Devourers

Jade Shield! I never really understood it until I used it. IMO on par with Permafrost.
I play Jade/Mirror and then play Fire/Ice lance or Siphon Life on myself. Boom.

Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft.

DF is, as somebody on the Bay 12 forums put it "like your geology 101 class was taught by Tolkein, but you were drunk and playing Sims and Dungeon Keeper, then looking at ASCII art, and this is what was in your dreams."

Except that with 20+ gods, you have less than 5% chance to get the god you want.

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Small smiley change
« on: August 04, 2010, 06:22:52 pm »
One thing that irks me a little on this forum is that smileys put a space before them, due to (I believe) how the forum handles strings. There is a very simple solution to the autospace: The ZWS (zero width space). It counts as a space, but it has a width of zero. Hence, the elements are  :aether:air​​:darkness:death:earth​​:entropy:fire:gravity:life:light:time:water. It means that in a recent post by jmizzle (which prompted me to think about it, in the dragon buff thread):  "​:earth-​:darkness denial". instead of  "​:earth-:darkness denial". It's very simple: press Alt + 200B with the 200 being on the numpad. Problem solved.
Code: [Select]
​I put in a ZWS here between these quotes: "​"; copy and paste them into Notepad or something similar

Buff This Card! / Re: Dragonfly | Damselfly
« on: August 04, 2010, 06:02:41 pm »
Well, damselflys and dragonflies are both predators of flying insects...

Maybe some sort of ability to attack flying creatures?
Air DOES seem to have its own little creature control fetish... Maybe it can slice off a point of damage to a target flying creature per turn?
Devour that con only target fliers, perhaps?

Time / Re: Dune Scorpion | Dune Scorpion
« on: August 04, 2010, 05:57:16 pm »
Awesome new change. This and Nightmare are the Fractal nerfs everyone wants.

Other / Re: Short Bow | Longbow
« on: August 04, 2010, 12:23:13 am »
It's just Hammer/Gavel for Air.  It's adding to the card pool, which is nice.
It's also ranged and a fairly simple concept. I like.

FG Proposals / Re: False God Proposal: Dragon Lord
« on: August 04, 2010, 12:20:41 am »
I'm just thinking of stuff to use with all that extra Gravity and Fire quanta. Perhaps a (doubled) Rage Elixer? Ooh, that would burn.

Design Theory / Re: What does each element need?
« on: August 03, 2010, 09:24:40 pm »
Time seems more of a control/drawing but low damage element.
Aether seems to be cards that are useful in varieties of situations
Darkness seems to be a "Benefit off opponent loss" deal
Water seems to be going in the "Synergy with all elements" direction. Needs ​:darkness​​:entropy​​:gravity​​:light​​:time
Air is one that I don't know much about; seems a little generic
Entropy is somewhat random, but not enough
Fire seems to employ the "Glass Cannon" trope.
Life needs more creaturespam and healing
Light seems a little weak, and it can certainly have its uses
Earth needs a nerf
Gravity also needs a more clearly defined theme in its playstyle. It has quantum denial, protection, shield bypass, devour.

With some of them, mouseover the text for a little bit of a description on why I think what I typed.

Darkness / Re: Voodoo Doll
« on: August 03, 2010, 08:51:32 pm »
Aw, man, SG said she'd put the [desc] tag back into action.  That'll teach me to not review my posts before I flip on to the next topic.
Does [abbr​] work? Or is that not what [desc​] does?

Edit: On topic, it's a good, versatile card with good capabilities but needs other cards. I like it.

FG Proposals / Re: False God Proposal: Dragon Lord
« on: August 03, 2010, 08:43:48 pm »
Hm... The supernovas give you 24 quanta per element, except Entropy. The towers give you alternatives for bad draws, and Light, Entropy, and sometimes Time are the only things that absolutely require quanta beyond that 24. In the meantime, you have some extra Gravity and Fire. Massive/Ruby dragons might be a little too much quanta, but perhaps a Firestorm/Fire Buckler, and if you wanted a weapon, perhaps a Titan? I'd love to test this out, but the trainer needs an "Import opponent deck code" first.

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