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Messages - Ravensvoice (5)

Pages: [1]
Morte / Re: Oracle : Morte
« on: October 23, 2011, 09:41:39 am »
WARNING the fire bolt deck in the first post no longer has a shadow of a chance of working, since you cant get above 75 fire quants anymore. could someone with the ability to change that post could replace that deck with something like mono eather, since that still has a fairly decent chance of winning.

as the post after me stated correctly there is no upped deck in the first post, my mistake i used to use an upped version of the fire bolt deck for morte. changed the wording "upgraded"to "fire bolt". the argument that you cant have more than 75 fire quants anymore is ofcourse still valid

Buff This Card! / Re: Flooding|Inundation
« on: August 22, 2011, 08:34:56 am »
this card already has some interesting posibilities:
if your opponent has no way to make creatures immortal then combined with a nymph queen you can blow up an enemy non water/eather pillar per turn (though some of them are nasty to have around for one turn), if you have eather yourself however lobo can fix this and also lets you blow up enemy eather tower (with a small risk of them playing a quint to have a 7 or 8 attack creature)
it also wrecks rol/hope deck causing them to do little or no damage and/or reducing their shields and quantum gains
so the card is certainly not useless.
Other uses are a combination with AM, now you can AM 6 creatures and auto kill creature 8-23. sounds nice to me to be honest.

now against someone using sparks or the upgraded version of that card this card is useless ofcourse, but then no card should be even near perfect

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:58:21 pm »
When Ai lobotomize my Archangels instead of RoL's.This is stupid because Ai kills RoL's instead of Archangels :)
Could not find the original post this quickly, but archangels with 7Hp are a lot harder to kill than rol's with 1, so if the AI can kill a rol with 1 spell or need sometimes 3 for an archangel, killing rols makes sense even if he would consider the healing of an archangel to be the bigger threat. Lobo on the other hand does not care about how strong a creature is, only how strong its ability is. and since abilities on creatures with more health are more usefull if removed since those are likely to survive longer, the Ai can be forgiven for removing a useless healing power over a usefull bioluminessence since AI has to be written to do a fair job in al cases. this means it must also work in a deck with lightning storm and lobo, where loboing the angels could definately be the best move. Now making an AI that does the best thing in all cases is both undesirable(makes the game too hard for most people) as well as a nigh impossible task

Aether / Re: Your Favorite Aether Card
« on: July 01, 2011, 01:08:34 pm »
most fun: Mindgate, it makes every game different and you sometimes have to guess at what cards you might get from your opponenet
most usefull: thats a toss up between Lobo and Fractal, lobo(or in my case electrocuter) can help you out of many a sticky situation, but fractal can be awesome if you can avoid cluttering your hand.
ones I also like a lot but have not chosen: Nymph/Quintessance - who doesn't like to protect their favourite creature (or your favourite opponents antimattered one)
                                                                    Twin universe: your mega creature of death had a litter and is now my larger army of death
                                                                    Dimensional shield: oh you played an overwelming force against me? please give me 18 turns while i sort this out

False Gods / Re: Dark Matter Nymphs
« on: May 19, 2011, 08:37:05 am »
I dont know if back when this topic got posted the counter to DM did not exist, but whenever i get him I make sure to stock up on sanctuary. Get one down and you will have all the quants you need, now you only have to deal with his other strengths

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