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Messages - Raptork9 (6)

Pages: [1]
I've checked new pillars in trainer and I like most of them (except quantum and aether:p), but... I don't rly like towers because of this thing added:P Can towers look the same as pillars maybe?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Choosing False God
« on: April 22, 2010, 09:53:23 am »
Whats wrong in fighting DM, DG, EP, etc. if you can prepare appropriate deck?
Fractal/Hope deck will own DG and seism, mono aether with lobotomizers and shards kills DM...
Now vs those FGs you probably quit instantly which makes them pointless and worth only 30 coins, 2 clicks and +1 lose. When you know your opponent you can be more competitive and find those hard gods actually fun to play.
And you will have some use for all those upped cards and coins...

General Discussion / Re: Quantum randomness
« on: April 21, 2010, 09:09:21 pm »
Another fascinating example that I lost my screenshot of (that's what I get for initializing Picasa while taking screenshots) was against Decay.  Over something like nine turns, a crapload of Fractaled Pests ended up taking ALL of my quanta...except for my Aether quanta, which they randomly and utterly mysteriously NEVER TOUCHED until it was the only quanta that I had left.
Same happened to me :D Pests were leeching all but no aether and I had less than 10 in every element when aether quanta was 45+...

And about w8ing for this 1 life saving random quanta I still remember 2 fights with decay when I lost with jade shield in hand :-[ because I was waiting with 6 life quanta for 3-4 turns and towers didnt want to cooperate... and then pests took my life quanta away >:(

Deck Help / Re: obese decks... ;)
« on: April 21, 2010, 08:50:57 pm »
I like fat decks but only with hourglasses :P and I'm using 54 card anti-FG rainbow with entropy mark ;D
With additional time towers and 5 total hourglasses I often draw 2-4 (not counting the 1 you get at the beginning of your turn) cards per turn which gives decent speed anyway. Ahh and entropy mark because I like to power surernovas as soon as possible and I'm using purple nymph which is extremely entropy consuming :)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Choosing False God
« on: April 21, 2010, 08:08:25 pm »
I think there should be some system of choosing False God to fight against and here is my idea:
1) Next to random level 6 that we have currently will be optional non-random level 6 for let's say 100 coins
2) After clicking it you will see the list of all FGs and you can choose the one you want
3) After the fight (no mater if you win, lose or quit) selected FG turns gray on the list and if you want to fight it again you wont get any spins afterwards...
4) you have to fight with remaining FGs to have a chance to win a card
5) After selecting every FG (every FGs name is gray) list will reset and you can fight all of them again in any order with 3 spins after 1st fight against each FG

Thanks to this system you:
- can fight any FG anytime you like but with above mentioned spins limitations. I'm finding this idea especially useful in testing your decks ideas vs certain god. For example yesterday I was testing my air/death deck vs eternal phoenix and I found him 12 times in 400+ games which is ridiculous number of clicks and time wasted on quits (ofc in trainer)
- can prepare appropriate deck or at least modify your base rainbow deck. This will also make room for various mono and duo decks as anti-FGs decks with usage of more cards and strategies making playing more interesting than runing rainbow all the time because of best results possible
- will win more often reducing frustration :P
- will face all of the FGs during your list cleaning

Moreover to make random level 6 still attractive I would add 4th spin ;D

Thanks and comment plz

Water / Re: Flooding / Inundation
« on: March 27, 2010, 11:26:18 pm »
Alternative art is looking a lot better :D

This card seems to be very strong especially with aflatoxin, vulture, bone wall and boneyards. Maybe it should absorb 3 or even 4 :water only in the 1st turn and from 2nd turn onwards it should absorb 1 :water per killed creature :P This way malignant cells spam will be too expensive in water quanta. And absorb per drowned starts from 2nd turn because if opponent have 23 creatures on board you need a lot of :water to play card and kill them...

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