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Messages - PuppyChow (1577)

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Religion / Christian music vs. Mainstream media
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

And I'm sure in those parts of the world mullets are pretty dang cool.
Popular = Cool.

Religion / Ray Comfort, On The Origin Of Species
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

Unbeliavable.. I don't even know what to say to that. It's a disgrace that they can add that kind of "introduction" to the book. I wonder what Darwin himself would say about that.

Someone needs to do something about all these religions in the US (I'm guessing this happened in the US). Crap like that can really hinder the scientific development. It's like the Dark Ages all over again.

I can't believe someone hasn't refuted this yet. I guess nobody knows their history.

Lol @ Christianity causing the dark ages. Christianity was actually the ONE thing that unified Europe and the ONE thing that encouraged learning, aside from the brief Holy Roman Empire, which was also led by a Christian king.

-The only learned ones were Christian monks. Only they could read and write. Elsewhere, reading and writing was VERY rare. And they spent most of their time copying manuscripts from earlier times (like the teachings of Aristotle and the like), as well as the Bible.

-The only schools were created by the Holy Roman Empire or the Church.

-The only reason the Roman Empire stayed alive for so long is that Christianity became a unifying factor when the central government began to fail.

-The "continuation" of the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, was predominantly Christian. This empire, and the Islamic empire, were the centers of learning and trade in the world.

-The crusades, though really a black mark in Europe's past, they reconnected Europe to the prospering Middle East (which had been copying Roman and Greek writings that would otherwise have been lost since the monks can only do so much), instigating some trade and reuniting Europe with much knowledge.

Really, the feudal system, inept rulers, and barbarian raids not allowing for any long standing central government were what caused the drop off in learning. Christianity is the only thing that saved it from going over the edge.

Oh, and my source is the AP World History Stearns textbook. It isn't false.

Religion / Favorite Christian Musicians
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

thank you jmizzle.
another band ive heard about is
''red'' but im rather limited in my music choices atm so i cant vouch for them personally
I mentioned them in my post. They're good.

Religion / Does God Exist?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

There are some theories about what happened before the Big Bang, or what the larger context is. They are very speculative, so no one can say much with any degree of certainty on the subject. Maybe someday there will be some testable propositions.

Arguments from ignorance are invalid. There are many gaps in our knowledge, and they do not imply a god. There are many rocks under which we haven't looked, and I don't hold my breath in anticipation of God or a leprechaun or a hobbit hiding underneath the next rock we turn over.
Maybe someday we will be able to prove God exists. There are some theories about him, but they are considered by some very speculative, so no one can say much with any degree of certainty on the subject. (c wut i did thar?)

You have to debate on what we know now. You can't just bring something into the argument "well, in the future, maybe...".

And its not that they are ignorant. It's that it's a mathematical impossibility, as I understand it. They can only go back so far using the laws of Science as they know them. So, either the laws of Science are wrong, in which case Science as we know it is wrong, or there was another force, an unknown one, acting. A force that can stop working when it wants to or change what it does (otherwise it would still be doing the same thing today, and we would know about it). Sounds like a God to me.

Religion / Does God Exist?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

The Law of Conservation of Matter states that matter can not be created or destroyed.

However, something had to make the matter. And if you say matter always was (which I find just as farfetched to believe as you find farfetched to believe God exists), there must have been a catalyst for this explosion. What was the catalyst?

Also, scientists have been trying to "go back in time" through calculations to the beginning of the universe to model what happened. They've hit a roadblock in their progress. One could infer they can't go farther back because they would have to take into account God's power, which they as of yet have not attempted.

Card Ideas and Art / Member Cards
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:29 pm »

Bloodshadow, do you go to GameFAQs? It's just that that meme has an OVER 9OOO popularity rating there >_>.

And SG, why can't a non-comedic forum be funny? I mean, if you take out the funnies, it's just boring debates that evolve into flame wars. Making other people laugh lightens the mood, and therefore there are less flame wars.

Why can't we all just get along?  ::)

Duo-Decks / Mass Mutation
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:29 pm »

i don't know how practical it would be but whe could change to a life mark, solve the problem of needing supernova, and then you might also build up a bunch of life quanta to use improve multiple times for multiple turns (although i guess this isn't an issue since ur not generating a mutateable guy every turn, the guys that can be mutated are limited)
But if you got a bad mutation, you would be able to remutate. I kinda like that idea, but due to so few entropy towers, you probably need the entropy mark.

Duo-Decks / Mass Mutation
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:29 pm »

That means there's a 44% chance of not getting supernova in the opening hand. Yeah, I'm a glass half empty kinda guy  :P.

I mainly made that post to say make it 6 improved mutations because they're basically just as useful and it would be easier to play them versus a fallen druid. Then I realized he already had 6.

I agree though. Since he already has 6 improved mutations, I would probably keep it as is.

Duo-Decks / Mass Mutation
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:29 pm »

I would replace one of the Fallen Druids with an improved mutation, since to use the Fallen Druid's ability you need to draw one of 3 supernovas. And even then you run the risk of the druid being killed the turn after using it, and with one supernova you'd only be able to use the ability twice anyway.

Other than that, looks pretty fun  ::).

Edit: Just recounted the improved mutations, and you have 6 already. Maybe take another supernova instead of the fallen druid to fuel abilities more? Or a dissapation shield unupped? Or just keep it as is; it probably doesn't matter :P.

In-game Troubleshooting / What next?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:29 pm »

What I did is made a 40 card rainbow (now I use my own 33 card one, but...), then a speed poison, then a fire/light god farmer, then a light/fire flying gloriesxsodxmiracle, then a scarab, and now I'm working on a time/earth/aether deck.

So, basically, I would go speed poison, too.

Or, if you want a really good pvp deck, make a pillar denial deck.

Religion / Favorite Christian Musicians
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:29 pm »

and a little bit of Reliant K.

Yeah. Not too many straight up christian rock groups. I'd have to say Anberlin is my favorite :P.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Mulligan
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:29 pm »

Epic topic is epic.

We need more topics like these   :P.

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