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Messages - PuppyChow (1577)

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General Discussion / Maximum Quantum Challenge
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

I'm going to post this in my reserved post (our strategy and stuff), but midway through we realized that a better way would be 3x time tower, amethyst towers, 1x dissapation shield (unupgraded), 2x eternities, and 1x ray of light. That way you'd be sure to get 53 amethyst quantum per.

But I think that the whole idea of gaining quantum across the board rather than just one element is kinda cool, even if it is slower :P.

General Discussion / Maximum Quantum Challenge
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

Eternity does 4 damage.

But Jmizzle just came up with a better idea: Mono time with eternity, photon, and one shard of gratitude.

Obviously, there is more than one way to do this.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Lower Fate Egg's Cost
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

Honestly, at 3 time, fate egg is a darn near useless card. I suggest lowering the cost to 1-2. It's not like the cost lowering would suddenly make all the rainbows spam them in their deck; they would still probably be relatively weak. But it would be useful for speed mono time; kinda like Giant Frog in speed life decks.

It's an easy fix that could be quickly included with the next update, if the game is coded like I think it is.


The combustion thing is OP.

*Has board full of immortal eternities, dragons, and a few anubises, RTing everything you play*
*You play combustion*
*You win*

*Has board full of flying glories*
*You play combustion*
*You win*

*Has board full of shriekers*
*You play combustion*
*You win*

Yeah. Anything that basically results in a win when played late game is OP.

Trio & Quartet / PuppyChow's Immortal Reverse Time Denial Deck!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »
*Note:Apparently a rainbow deck >_<*

Fun name, huh?

Anyway, here is my newest pvp deck. Works pretty well, but against other denial decks (even ones that simply get an early pulvy out), it generally loses due to either not getting draws or not having time quantum. Also, being a trio deck, it is possible to get a bad draw (but the hourglasses usually smooth things out).

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
77j 77j 77j 77j 77j 77j 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q6 7q6 7q7 7q7 7q7 7q8 7q8 7q8 7q8 7q8 7q9 7q9 7q9 7qb 7qb 7qb 808 808 808 808 80b 80b 8pm

(TUs are optional)

Basic idea is to get hourglasses out first, quicksand pillars/towers when you can, and reverse time when you can. Sometimes, if you can recognize the deck, you may want to either keep from flying your eternities until you can immortalize them, or fly them immediately. Only play the dragons when you have nothing better to do with your quantum; they're just there for extra damage. Save one of the three anubises for end game to rewind constantly if you have to, or (if both of the other anubises get destroyed), you can use one of the dragons.

Since you have no light quantum, the sundials are just used to stall against speed decks. You might want to try with no dials instead.

Also, if you want to make it a duo (edit: trio) deck, you can take out the aether towers and anubises/TUs. You won't get as many bad draws but your deck will have more weaknesses. Personally, I have not tried the deck without them yet.

Duo-Decks / light/gravity(comments are welcom ^_^)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

To be honest, that deck is probably only good for AI 3, and even then maybe not the best. Most players can get over 30 (the amount elite armajio blocks) damage up very easily.

Religion / Christian music vs. Mainstream media
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

Previous generation had Rock'n Roll, and Rock was cool with them. Which made it popular.
This generation has rap, and rap is popular because it's cool.

My point is that both Rock and Hip Hop are "cool" because of the rebel or gansta mentality involved in them. They were both about breaking the rules and not doing what the society tells you to.

Christian music on the other hand is the total opposite with its "Listen to your parent or you're going to Hell" type of message. It won't win any fans among teenagers, unless they were raised on a very religious surroundings.

Highly religious people might find Christian music to be cool but let me assure you that others don't.
Never said it was. I'm just saying it isn't "lame". People don't shun you if you say you listen to Christian music.

Religion / Christian music vs. Mainstream media
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

Popular = Cool.
That it actually incorrect as it's usually the complete opposite.

When "cool" things become too popular, they become "uncool". Just like an underground band that makes it big and suddenly everyone (including your parents) is listening to them.

You can easily see this development with hip hop. It has become way too mainstream and many people are already looking for alternatives.

"Rebel" music has always been the big thing among young people (who say what's cool and what's not). Current generation has hip hop. Previous generation had Rock'n Roll. There's absolutely nothing "rebel" in Christian music so it will never get that "cool" status.
You seem to be claiming that there is "cool" and "lame" with no middle ground. False. Christian music is somewhere in the middle; neither cool nor lame. The fact that it is semi popular proves that.

Previous generation had Rock'n Roll, and Rock was cool with them. Which made it popular.
This generation has rap, and rap is popular because it's cool.

So I guess my statement of Popular = Cool was false. I should have said "Something being cool makes it popular".

Religion / Christian music vs. Mainstream media
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

You all seem to be splitting the listeners into two camps (those that like Christain music and those that don't) and claiming Christian rock/pop isn't popular. Neither is true.
Well, there are specific camps imo because we are not talking about only music here, and I don't think any atheists listen to Christian music. I see 3 major "camps" here:

1. Christians who listen to Christian music
2. Christians who don't listen to Christian music
3. Non-Christians who don't listen to Christian music

While Christian music might be popular among Christians, it most definitely is not popular among the general public, because it's considered to be "uncool" and "lame". These artists would do much better if they made the same kind of music but didn't label themselves as "Christian musicians".
Maybe your groupings are right. Maybe they aren't. I'm not going to get into a debate about that.

However, the part about Christian music being "uncool" and "lame"...
Relient K's "Five Score and Seven Years Ago" peaked 6 on the US album charts.
RED's "Innocence & Instinct" peaked 15 on the US album charts.
*RED also cowrote about half of the songs on Breaking Benjamin's new album, "Dear Agony".
Anberlin's "New Surrender" peaked 13 on the US album charts.
Switchfoot had albums peaking at 3, 13, 16, and 18 on the US Billboard 200.

Now consider that these groups are all considered rock, in an industry today mainly focused on rap and the like. They all peaked VERY high for rock albums.

Religion / Christian music vs. Mainstream media
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

I know tons of people that don't go "ew" when you say you listen to Christian music. It's just a different taste in music, and most people respect that. When I say I hate rap, people that like it don't start hating you. They shrug and say "ok".

It's not like we that like Christian music despise all other forms for music. I like other rock groups that aren't Christian too, like Led Zeppelin, Yellowcard, 3 Doors Down, Rise Against, etc etc.

And (at least in the US), there are Christian albums that hit the Top 10 album list on iTunes regularly. Another band that recently got popular mainstream, Shinedown (great band, btw), has songs said to be Christain.

You all seem to be splitting the listeners into two camps (those that like Christain music and those that don't) and claiming Christian rock/pop isn't popular. Neither is true.
My buddy's little brother just got the crap kicked out of him for admitting to be a Christian in his highschool.  Happened a few months ago so I guess I shouldn't say "just".  But, regardless it happened.  Christianity is getting pretty unpopular around the world with Atheism becoming so popular.
Then that high school sucks :|. Most people I know are Christians. There are about a total of 4-5 athiests in my grade. There are some "Christians" that only go to church/mass for Christmas Eve and Easter, and don't really follow the Christian doctrine, but still... They aren't atheist.

I dunno. Maybe it's focused in communities (i.e. where I live, Christianity is popular, but where you live, maybe not so much...)

Religion / Christian music vs. Mainstream media
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

To quote the lead singer of Anberlin (taken from Wikipedia :D):

"I think we're categorized like that a lot because we're on Tooth & Nail Records, which, years ago, was known as a Christian label and never lost that reputation. I don't care who listens to our records. If it helps people in whatever circumstances they're in, that's amazing, but I definitely don't classify us as a Christian band."[32] Elsewhere, Christian has remarked, "[My faith] affects every single aspect of my life, but I'm not a preacher, I'm an entertainer."

And even if he tries to deny it, it IS a Christian band (they have songs about the apocalypse, the saint of lost causes, etc etc).

Just shows that Christian bands, at least some of them, don't just market specifically to Christians.

Religion / Christian music vs. Mainstream media
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:30 pm »

I know tons of people that don't go "ew" when you say you listen to Christian music. It's just a different taste in music, and most people respect that. When I say I hate rap, people that like it don't start hating you. They shrug and say "ok".

It's not like we that like Christian music despise all other forms for music. I like other rock groups that aren't Christian too, like Led Zeppelin, Yellowcard, 3 Doors Down, Rise Against, etc etc.

And (at least in the US), there are Christian albums that hit the Top 10 album list on iTunes regularly. Another band that recently got popular mainstream, Shinedown (great band, btw), has songs said to be Christain.

You all seem to be splitting the listeners into two camps (those that like Christain music and those that don't) and claiming Christian rock/pop isn't popular. Neither is true.

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