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Messages - PuppyChow (1577)

Pages: 1 ... 111 112 [113] 114 115 ... 132
Farewell / Re: Goodbye
« on: January 18, 2010, 05:43:44 pm »
Cya Ced. Good to have known you.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Working Nymph Deck -- Still in development
« on: January 18, 2010, 05:21:01 pm »
It's because there was a spelling error when Zanz first put them in the trainer (it was lowercase). It was discovered rather quickly and Zanz fixed it, but I still haven't reset the trainer so it's still lowercase for me. When Jelly opened the trainer, the spelling had been fixed.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Working Nymph Deck -- Still in development
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:16:31 pm »
Me and Jmizzle were working on a god farming one too. This is the track we're on right now. It needs 6 sogs added before we can really see how good it does, though.

Issue Archive / Re: liquid shadow on ephinephrine
« on: January 14, 2010, 11:47:46 pm »
Adrenaline = More actions than normal. Aka, this isn't a bug.

Half Bloods / Re: Level 5 AI - Guidelines
« on: January 11, 2010, 09:07:10 pm »
In my opinion, Diamond shield > Ice shield but Permafrost shield > Ice shield. You should try it with the upgraded ice shield :P.

But do you have an estimate for the % it wins AI 5 with?

Tournament Archive / Re: Tournament Metagame
« on: January 11, 2010, 04:50:19 am »
True, but isn't that true with pretty much every upgraded card? I mean, if elite otys were allowed, everybody would use them simply because they would then have a leg up on the other cards.

So yes, I guess you're right in unupped format. But in the pvp "metagame", as in pro duels in general (not just in tournaments), most matches are played using upgraded cards. So SoG is not "the" card to have in a deck for a normal metagame duel. In unupgraded tournaments, yes, it may be the card to have. But I hardly consider this tournament to be metagame  :-\.

And I advocate banning SoG from unupgraded tournaments such as this one was in the future.

Tournament Archive / Re: Tournament Metagame
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:58:36 am »
I have no clue why everyone had those in their deck. I guess they just wanted to show off "HAY! I HAZ SOG!". Since they really aren't that OP.

They destroy decks with low damage output, but other than that, all they do is provide a small amount of stalling. *Most* decks, especially some of the ones I saw posted, would have been better off making the draws less random (and therefore making the deck more consistent) by taking the sogs out. 1-3 SoG *usually* has no profound effect. It starts getting helpful once you get 4-6 out, but that's late game, and by then most of the tourny decks I've seen would have either won or lost already.

While I agree in concept, I don't agree with your actual solution. Dragons shouldn't cost 4000+ to upgrade.

Instead I would say something simpler: Pillars cost 1000, everything else cost 1500.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: The 13th Element
« on: January 10, 2010, 07:06:36 am »
It wouldn't. You're using the excuse that divine pillars/towers would be hard to get.

That doesn't work. I know *I* would farm until I had 10 of them. And then would be pretty good at pvp.

The other problem is that it can't be of a "higher grade". That's basically begging everybody to farm until they can make a divine deck. Divine decks would turn into things like upgraded decks, but much more. Upgraded cards are a higher grade than the normal version. But that's alright, since it's just a single card. A whole ELEMENT that is a higher grade than the other ELEMENTs is not a good idea. With upgraded cards you at least still get variety of upgraded decks.

As to the random quantum cost, if you were to make none of the cards OP, 3 would be just fine.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: The 13th Element
« on: January 10, 2010, 05:56:31 am »
Well, I don't support a thirteenth element, so I'm not going to even attempt to make one. But I'll comment on yours.

The Aegis is OP; for 7 earth quantum, you get a diamond shield that blocks three damage. And its still one of the strongest shields in the game.

For 7 divine quantum, you get a shield that can block up to 8 damage (from Ruby dragons). If a creatures attack is at FOUR, you get the same effect as a diamond shield. Only for 3 and 2 attack creatures would the diamond shield be better for, and even then it would simply be one damage per creature.

And I'm not even mentioning Aegis's other effects.

I think the Divine Dragon is OP, too. We have an ivory dragon for 10 death that's 11/6. And a Divine Dragon for 10 divine that's 15/15. OP. We have a ruby dragon that's 15/2 and costs MORE than that divine dragon.

The whole revive mechanic seems a bit OP too. Not as bad as the above though.

Don't go and say "Well they're rares, so they can be OP!". They can't. They *can* be strong. Eternity is strong. Miracle is strong. But they aren't OP. If we followed the logic that rare cards can be OP, we should just make an instant win card for three general quantum that is just super duper ultra rare.

Gravity / Re: New Card: Amber Nymph
« on: January 10, 2010, 05:30:06 am »
Blood, Zanz is, as far as I know, thinking that the nymphs will be ultra-rare cards.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: upgraded antimatter and his power
« on: January 10, 2010, 01:44:15 am »
If both decks simply had antimatters, then the winner would be whoever drew last/had the most cards in his/her deck.

Anyway, I agree with Baily. Just because YOUR deck loses to it doesn't make it OP. Every deck has weaknesses.

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