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Messages - PuppyChow (1577)

Pages: 1 ... 103 104 [105] 106 107 ... 132
Competitions / Re: Graphics Design Competition: New Forum Header Image
« on: February 10, 2010, 12:34:05 am »
Then SG has one big gigantic monitor, since that screeny was taken at max size for me  ::).

Competitions / Re: Graphics Design Competition: New Forum Header Image
« on: February 10, 2010, 12:21:06 am »
I suck at drawing and painting and graphic designing, so I'll probably not be entering the competition, but looking at the banner image you posted in the first post, there seems to be an error with mine.


As you can see, the cards with mine are much farther to the left. Not a big problem, but if more people are having this problem you may want to look into it.

The problem with your strategy is that you have 3-4 different strategies, all needing lots of different cards and quantum. That's pretty hard to make a deck out of. If I was playing incarnate unupped and no rares, this is what I would run:
4x steal
4x oty
4x quint
4x phase shield
3x bone wall
3x rain of fire
3x hourglass
16x quantum pillars
Mark of Aether
(Steal the graveyards, rain of fire if necessary, bone wall before a fire storm, phase shield if you need to stall. Since your board would fill up very fast, you don't need to worry about the bone walls.)

About the whole cockatrice vs horned frog: horned frog does more damage after being adrenalined, so it would be the all around better choice. And health doesn't matter if you're going to quint them.

Oh, and playing a single oty is much easier than playing 3 scarabs. Especially because you only need to quint a single creature (it'd be easy for incarnate to kill a 2/1 creature, since you can't start eating right away).

Other than that, your strategies are generally good, but you're overthinking it.

General Discussion / Re: Why are people such jerks?
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:02:52 pm »
He probably just pressed done right away, but due to the lag between computers (internet's fault), you didn't know that he had played for 30 seconds.

In fact, he may not have even gotten your message.

General Discussion / Re: What's the closest call you've ever had?
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:53:19 pm »
One time against Scorpio, I was down to 1 hp with 10 poison. I had a single sog and he had a few 6/3 blue crawlers from an earlier fire storm. Then I drew a sog, then hastened and drew another fire storm. Without both those cards I would have lost. I got back up to 25 hp or so, and then scorp went on a poison spree. I won with 1 hp left.

False Gods have triple marks. There is no way to get them.

Unless you win an Elements tournament. After you win an optional prize (instead of a nymph) is a mark card. These act like normal pillars but if your mark is the same element as the card it will stack. But this is not nearly as beneficial as a 2x mark by default would be since you do have to draw the card.

As to the nymphs, the only way you can get them is through the oracle or winning a tournament. Or use nymph's tears (a water card) on one of your pillars which will create the corresponding nymph.

Air / Re: The Flatulent Bastard
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:23:50 pm »
What can win in three turns? I would like that list.,1060.0.html

The second deck there has the ability to win in 3 turns. Unlikely, but possible. (Only need 4 more upgrades for it, too :|)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Card idea - Tame
« on: February 09, 2010, 01:25:42 am »
The upgraded version IS an instant kill. In fact, it's better than an instant kill, since you're gaining a 1/1 creature with x skill too.

In effect, the upgraded version kills the target creature and then creates a 1/1 creature with the target's ability on your side.
Well i dont think of it as kill. I think of it as..Stealing :)
Just because you're stealing doesn't mean you aren't destroying. Think of a real world example:

I steal 50 bucks from a man. Can he use the money? No. Does he have the money? No. Does that 50 bucks benefit him in any way? No. Is he screwed over? Yes. Do I gain use of the 50 bucks? Yes.

I burn a man's wallet, which has 50 bucks in it. Can he use the money? No. Does he have the money? No. Does that 50 bucks benefit him in any way? No. Is he screwed over? Yes. Do I gain use of the 50 bucks? No.

In effect, stealing has the same effect as destroying. But stealing is even more OP since that 50 bucks can now help me.

Air / Re: The Flatulent Bastard
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:36:37 am »
With all this talk of how decks are kicking ass in Top 50, I guess I should start leaving some hard decks as my deck when I leave...

brb, setting up earth/time seism style.

(Oh, and deck looks fine. Just that it loses to EXTRA speedy decks like that win in 3 turns one and hardly has any control, so if the other person has a counter to unstable gasses and your dragons you're screwed. But all decks have counters. All in all solid deck :).)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Card idea - Tame
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:42:15 am »
The upgraded version IS an instant kill. In fact, it's better than an instant kill, since you're gaining a 1/1 creature with x skill too.

In effect, the upgraded version kills the target creature and then creates a 1/1 creature with the target's ability on your side.

General Discussion / Re: Finally had enough
« on: February 07, 2010, 06:39:48 am »
"ivalmian's deck sucks ass  worse that an 'only pillar deck' but I win 50%+ with puppy"
Agreed :P.

All jokes aside, both of our decks get similar winning %s, and with the latest statistics I've had a 63-67 winning % (can't remember which it is off the top of my head, but I think 63). But I've been getting pretty good draws so it's still probably in the 50s, and the sample size is relatively small (about 40, if I remember right). I should take some with 1.19 even though FGs haven't been altered with it. Ivalimians does similarly well.

If you're getting under 50 with either of them, you're either getting VERY unlucky, or you're doing something wrong.

Duo-Decks / Re: Gravity/Earth Denial
« on: February 07, 2010, 05:50:23 am »
I haven't tested this, so I'm basing this on conjecture. But anyway...

I would probably take out 3 grav towers and an elite charger and add in 3 stone towers and a pulvy. That way you can play your quicksands faster if you draw a tower (it's one of the problems I have with dark/earth denial: you can't play a quicksand for two turns), and any permanents the opponent DOES play will be destroyed. In fact, I might replace both an elite charger and a quicksand for 2 pulvys so you can draw it easier.

You would still have 9 gravity towers, and none of the gravity cards cost that much and there wouldn't really be any long-term ability costs other than pulvy (but that's only 1 gravity per turn, and since you're denying quantum, likely not even every turn).

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