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Messages - Powerfrog (89)

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
I have bought this deck fully un-upgraded and now have enough money for 1 upgrade (2 if i sell some unused cards)... But i'd like to go straight onto FG killing. You recommend hourglasses as the first upgrades, but i don't see why. The oty or druid seem like a much more useful starting upgrade, but you're the expert. What do you think i should do?  ???

Quick Edit: I have 2 miracles. I saw that this deck doesn't use any light quanta, but has fireflies that generate it (if only for 1 turn before mutated) and a ton of quantum pillars... Should i replace something for them, or just have a 41-42 card deck?

General Discussion / BURN IN MAH FIRE
« on: March 16, 2010, 09:58:38 pm »

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! >:D :fire >:D

Closest match i've lost, i think.

Deck Help / Re: Best pvp deck with these resources?
« on: March 14, 2010, 10:03:31 pm »
I've actually tried most of the decks you recommended already  ???

I'm always looking for the 'best' deck and thus always sell and buy new cards meaning i can never afford upgrades.
I'd go with SG's almost unupped FG killer but i just... ehhh... That's what everyone does! (Also, i heard it fails hard now with the sundials nerfed)

I might just make an entropy deck because randomness is fun!

Deck Help / Best pvp deck with these resources?
« on: March 14, 2010, 12:59:10 pm »

I have 4500 quanta. Build me a deck! 

I'd say squid is the weakest rare of the bunch.  Honestly because of the top 50 farms I think all rares should just be made buyable at the bazaar for like 1k each.
You could be onto something here.

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