This is a rush. It fails vs any type of mass CC or shield. (Single target CC hinders it, but probably won't stop it.)
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7n9 7n9 7n9 7n9 7n9 7n9 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 8pu
It gets turn 4 wins, and very rarely takes over 6 (on a not-awful draw)
Scenario for a perfect 4 turn win:
Turn 1: 4-5 aether towers, 2-3 flies. Play all.
4-6 damage.
Turn 2: Fractal. Use it.
24-28 damage.
Turn 3: Blitz. Use it.
64-72 damage.
Turn 4: Blitz. Use it.
104-116 damage.
Turn 4: Fractal. Use it.
100-110 damage.
Scenario for a mediocre 6 turn win:
Turn 1: 5 aether towers, 1 fly, 1 blitz
2 damage
Turn 2: fractal
18 damage
Turn 3: fly. Play blitz.
54 damage
Turn 4: aether tower
72 damage
Turn 5: fly
92 damage
Turn 6: blitz.
132 damage
The only real requirment for an extremely fast kill is 4+ aether towers by turn 1, 1 fly and 1 fractal by turn 2.
It does suffer from severely nerfing itself by drawing a hand like 4 fractals 3 blitz, but this is rare. You *can* still win AI3 from this point, but it might be worth just rage quitting and starting another fight to save time.
It miiight be a good idea to get rid of some fractal/blitz's. But i havn't done the maths on draw probabilities. If someone wants to do them, i'd really appreciate it.