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Messages - PiP (7)

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Even if you go with what I said, Etheral still seams to be better the then Immortal.  A balance to this would to make more shields that could affect / hurt etheral creatures, a permanent with an activated ability to cause damage, or a spell that only target etheral (we've got Purify that only does poison, so why not?).

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Quantum mark
« on: March 02, 2010, 04:15:25 pm »
Maybe down the road, but not right now.  There's other stuff that people would rather have first. 
If there were different leagues then that would be a good idea, you could have a False-God league where you could play deck like the FG. But right now it would only make the powerful more powerful and people starting out would have a harder time catching up.

I like most of what Lanidrak posted for Immortality, the exception should be that you can't lose immortality. 
You could still rewind the creature and if Immortality was added to the creature then it would still reset the creature.
If you mutate then it would still have Immortality, even if turned into an Abomination (if it would normally die then nothing happens)
 You could still lobotomize Anubis so he can't give out Immortality.

Time / Re: Golden Hourglass/ Electrum Hourglass
« on: February 28, 2010, 01:46:17 am »
I'm not complaining, but if any card is a "Staple" or "must have" then it's probably a bit too powerful.  Not that it really needs a nerf, but with a lot of deck using time and this card, then some of the other colors could use a bit of a boost.

If we split Ethereal and Immortal they'd probably be weaker separately, but if combined be even more powerful what we have now.  To offset it a bit change the ability  cost for  Anubis to  :life (or more)

One question that should be answered first would be: Should Invisibility, Ethereal and Immortal be made equivalent to each other? Or is it acceptable if one outclasses the others?

An idea based only on my my knowledge of the words and experience with stories and rpgs:

 :darkness - (the most appropriate) - Invisibility
Cannot be targeted, but affected by global spells and shields.  Can be turned on/off once per round. (like burrow)

 :aether - Ethereal
Can be targeted, but any incoming effect from the opponent has a 75% miss chance, including shields.

 :time - Immortal
Immune to damage.

P.S. a side idea for coding Immortal that would also give unrelated options in the future would be to give all creatures an armor rating that reduces damage received.  It would be set to 0 for most creatures and the Immortal ability would set the AR equal to damage received.

If you're talking about for PvP then how about a rating for the deck that you'll fight so that if your deck is totally outclassed then you can avoid the fight without penalty.  Even allow you to search for an opponent that has a similiar rated deck.

Here's an idea on how to rate the decks: just calculated the percentage of cards that are rare in the deck, so a newb would have a 0% and all the Top 50 would have 100%.

You could even then have different Top 50 leagues: 10% league, 30%, 60%, 90%, and normal Top 50.

A different way to get a ratting would be to calculate the average sell value for the deck.  This way even if you had no rares, newb decks would still have different ratings.

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