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Messages - PhuzzY LogiK (146)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: nymph sell value
« on: May 29, 2010, 01:01:52 am »
- As a learning experience. Noobs need to look at the cards they get and decide 'Will I use this? Could I use 900 electrum more?'
 - As a worthwhile card. Nymphs are rare.....Very rare. So they need two uses. As a card that you keep, or as a very valuable thing to sell. I've sold more than half of the nymphs I've gotten...All because I know that I will not use them at all. I am very glad that I could sell them for 900, and make an upgrade that I actually find useful now, as opposed to a very valuable card that I won't use.
And as far as those extra 900coins go, id rather farm FG's until i win 1card, farm ai3 for an hour or t50 for a few farms than sell a nymph, all these should quickly get u around 1k. And thus, i sit with this on my thoughts, would i sell a nymph, or spend lets say 1hour. is 1hour effort worth a nymph, and easily ill say YES every time someone asks me, regardless of what nymph it is.
Okay, but why do you want to change the whole mechanics of the bazaar to make a card unable to be sold just because you don't want to sell it?  If you'd rather not sell it, don't.  If someone else wants to, they should be able to, and they should get a good price for it (as it is rare).  Don't make special rules just because others want to play differently.

Quote from: Svenningen
Fooling people with the amount it sells for isnt good, its evil zanz! ^^
If anything, lowering the selling price is what would fool people.  Think about it, if you're new and you see all the common cards sell for ~20-70 electrum. What are you going to think of a card that sells for just over 100?  It must be pretty common, because it's not worth much more than a common.  Currently, nymphs are worth just over 900 electrum and when you click on it, it says, "WARNING, YOU ARE ABOUT TO SELL A RARE CARD." Wouldn't that make you stop and think, "Man, if it's that valuable, maybe I should think twice about selling this?"

General Discussion / Re: WHO WILL WIN THE WAR?
« on: May 28, 2010, 05:18:20 am »
master u shall not stand alone u will stand with me i am the pupil of the master i am the unmovable object and we the eternal shall win
Perhaps during this eternal existence of yours, you could use some unmovable punctuation?  ;D

I'd agree Earth and Entropy are going to be two of the big ones, but I have to go with Earth overall.  I'm callin' you out, bigbadbanana.

Deck Help / Re: Darkness and Aether
« on: May 27, 2010, 08:09:42 am »
First of all, I agree with Icy 100%.

Second, this deck will work exponentially better upgraded.  I know you're aware of that, just keep it in mind when you get some frustrating losses.  It's a solid deck.  Don't give up on it.

Here's a variation I tried and had some success with:

A few reasons for the changes I made:
- 30 cards.  I play Darkness/Earth deck with a similar strategy (quanta denial), and you WILL get screwed over with draws.  The less cards in the deck, the better.
- Darkness Mark. If you can't get the initial devourers out quickly, the deck breaks down.  The Fractals are a supplement, but this deck needs darkness quantum.
- Less Aether Pillars.  You don't really want to draw Aether Pillars in your opening hand.  If the auto-mulligan kicks in and you only get Aether Pillars, it's going to really hurt.  Also, 1-3 Pillars can generate more than enough to play a Fractal by the time you're ready for it.
- Less Fractals.  In most games you're really only going to need one or two Fractals.  If you're having trouble locking them down, Fractal a Devourer.  If you just need to finish them, Fractal a Vamp.  Just keep in mind, Fractals are a bonus here, not your primary focus.
- Less Control (Steal/Life Drain).  Your main control method is quanta denial, so focus on that.  You only need a steal when your opponent gets something out before you get setup.  Use Life Drain to deal with a pesky Oty if they get one out, not to heal (your Vamps/Dagger should be your main healing).  Don't count on it for much damage (you'll be using your quanta to play creatures).  I'd also consider switching out one Steal for a Dusk Shield.

The biggest problem I had with this deck was it's a little sluggish.  You need to have at least a devourer out in your first turn or two to get things rolling.  Again, that's something that will improve as you get cards upgraded.

One last screenie:  Here's this deck beating PuppyChow's [presumably] fully upped Shrieker rush deck (Top50, so AI was playing, not Puppy--I'm sure he would have done better).  It destroyed all my towers with Quicksand, so I never even got a fractal off, but the deck could still pull off the win.  The bottom line is this type of deck is very capable.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.23
« on: May 25, 2010, 05:09:07 am »
- A few creatures gained the "poisonous" passive skill: Toadfish, Chrysaora and Arsenic. Eating a "poisonous" creature will cause - believe it or not - poisoning.
Haha...I was just documenting this for the Bugs section.  Glad I checked here first.

It would be nice to have an announcement box on the forums' main page that could say something like "Version 1.23 Active! Check out the changes here!" (with a link to this thread obviously).  New posts are made in this section everyday, so it would help to know when something actually game-changing important is posted.

Also, thanks for making metamorphosis free!

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: May 24, 2010, 07:27:06 am »
The AI lobotomizes the creature w/ the highest attack
I don't believe this is correct.  I think it has a priority list of skills.  For example, it might target Steal/Destroy first, then Devour/Grow/Ablaze, then Burrow/etc.  Not saying that is the exact order it follows, but it will definitely target a 0 attack Oty over a 4 attack Firefly.

It may have lobo'd the Shrieker first because the AI values burrow.  In the short run, loboing the Shrieker allowed him to activate his Werewolf, but then both of the creatures could easily be killed.  If it would have lobo'd the Werewolf and the Shrieker burrowed, that's 4-5 damage a turn from a creature it can no longer target.

Issue Archive / Re: Liquid shadow on Minor Vampire
« on: May 24, 2010, 02:22:31 am »
A note to the above... My mate just told me that he didn't saw or at least noticed any poison symbols on his Minor Vampire
I've seen this happen as well.  One of the few PvP games I've played, my opponent apparently played Liquid Shadow on one of my vamps, but I nothing showed for me and it didn't die.  I only knew about it because he asked about it in the chat.

General Discussion / Re: Nymph win rate
« on: May 18, 2010, 09:40:09 am »
But there´s still one problem with the oracle:
New players visited the oracle more seldom than veterans ( because they didn´t play when the oracle was introduced )
I think the point is that whether you're an older player with all upped cards and thousands of electrum sitting around, or a new player on day 1, your chances of winning a nymph each day are the same.

Religion / Re: Was Jesus the son of God?
« on: May 18, 2010, 03:13:57 am »
You also have FAITH that the bible is not true, and you CAN NOT prove that it IS NOT a fact. So you are basing the complete opposite on Faith as well. Looks like we are in the same boat here.
1.  Jesus claimed to be the son of god and the ONLY way into heaven.
2. Several others have made similar claims.
3. By your own logic, you CAN NOT prove those others wrong.
4.  Therefore, Jesus' claim was either false or a lie, as you cannot PROVE he was unique.

That's a completely absurd argument, but it's about on par with the claims you're making.  Do you even understand how history or logic work?  You seem to be mixing and matching them at will.

Also, as has been mentioned SEVERAL times over SEVERAL threads, you don't quite grasp the concept of the burden of proof.  I'm guessing my pointing it out one more time isn't going to have any impact either.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: April 29, 2010, 03:01:20 am »
There is a FG that uses lots of blessings, Ray of Lights, and Elite Deja Vus.

I was battling him, and here is what he did:
Play Ray of Light
Use Blessing on Ray of Light
Keep using ALL his blessings on Rays of Light

He should use them on Deja Vus that still have their ability. It seems that he just wants to use them on whatever creature has highest attack/HP
I think this has been discussed before and it's not that simple.  Blessing is a situational card.  I HOPE that he plays Blessing on his Deja Vus, because after one Firestorm my Otys can eat them and he's wasted it.

Also, Paradox uses Twin Universe, so if he buffs one RoL up to 10/10 or so, he can copy that and suddenly have 2-6 of them.

General Discussion / Re: Cheapy Cheap
« on: April 22, 2010, 07:51:32 am »
shouldn't this be in the rainbow deck section?

It seems like this deck would work well with Supernovas, since one or two novas could get things out, and you don't have a lot of recurring costs for abilities.  Maybe 5 QT, 5 Supernova?  Since that might strain your Entropy quantum a bit at the beginning, you could trade two Werewolves for another Minor Phoenix and a Vampire Dagger.

Also, I personally think you could use a better shield than Dissipation Field, since any decent deck could tear that down in a turn or two.  Maybe a fog shield (cheap) or permafrost (more effective)?

Deck Help / Re: My FG killing deck, any help???
« on: April 20, 2010, 07:17:47 am »
Do you have any SoGs?  They are much more effective than Bonds at stalling early game (since you don't have an army built up).  2-3 SoGs and 1 Bond is a nice combination.

Religion / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: April 17, 2010, 04:50:50 am »
The Bible claims Paul (then Saul) met Jesus on the road to Damascus, when he changed his name to Paul and became religious. So he did meet Jesus.

As far as I know, the letters didn't actually come from visions. He received the Gospel from Jesus Christ. Not the letters. The letters he wrote himself.
The encounter on the road to Damascus was a vision as well.  He didn't meet Jesus in the flesh, he spoke to a flash of light.  Even in that encounter, he was instructed to go into the city and he would be "told" what to do.  The "voice" claimed to be Jesus.

In Galatians 1:11-12, Paul says: "I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ."

Another example of god speaking to Paul is in Acts 18:9-11.

The most you can claim is that Paul spoke to some form of a resurrected Jesus, but Paul never observed Jesus' ministry on earth.

We're getting pretty far off topic here, but I guess we can keep going until a mod says something?

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