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Messages - PhuzzY LogiK (146)

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Deck Help / Re: Improving rainbow FG farm deck
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:31:58 am »
Would getting SoG's be worth it now? By getting some SoG's, I can start working towards using PuppyChow's FG killer deck (,1748.0.html). It will also likely allow me to start slimming down my deck.
How do you think they will slim down your deck?

The problem with Puppy's deck is that you can't really "transition" to it.  You need to upgrade most (if not all) of the cards, and then fully switch to it at once.  Don't get me wrong, it's a great deck (I use it, too), but get ready for a long and tedious grind period to get it built up.

Since you said you had a ton of extra air quanta, I would make the Rustlers a priority upgrade.  That will help with the Firewall situation as well.

Deck Help / Re: Improving rainbow FG farm deck
« on: June 01, 2010, 06:09:33 pm »
you have to do it both.
I think he's aware of this.  No matter what he upgrades first, there's always going to be an intermediate step while he gets the rest of it done.

Deck Help / Re: My unupgraded deck.
« on: June 01, 2010, 05:48:57 pm »
IDk for that many cards 20 pillars doesnt seem so bad to me. It actually seems quite good.
After you get out 7-8 pillars, you can pretty much play anything.  Even if you have 15 pillars out, you're only drawing one card at a time, so the extra pillars do nothing except get in the way (i.e., drawing another pillar instead of a creature or useful card).

Deck Help / Re: suggestions
« on: June 01, 2010, 04:01:59 am »
What are the Sparks in there for?  Just damage, or to Immolate?

General Discussion / Re: WHO WILL WIN THE WAR?
« on: June 01, 2010, 03:58:34 am »
I don't see why everyone's putting so much stock in the players defeatability.

For instance, everyone sees some pretty big names fighting for earth/entropy.  But all you need is ONE great deck builder, and players who are experienced enough to play the deck well.  I personally do not think earth will win.
I don't think it's about names or popularity at all.  From my understanding of the rules, the most important skill is adaptability.  Each team will be losing and/or gaining cards throughout war, so a simple static approach will not work.  And yes, I do think Puppy and Terro are some of the best deck builders in the game, but so are a lot of the other players on other teams.  You think they are predictable, I think they are strong competitors in a well balanced element who will make intelligent decisions throughout the war.

I also disagree that one deck builder can supply a whole team, because you can't really play a deck that you're handed unless you understand the strategy behind it.  But that might just be me, because I'm not comfortable with a deck until I've personally played around with it/manipulated it.

I think all the elements and teams are strong in their own right, so it's not like anyone is saying "so-and-so is definitely going to lose".  I hope Life and everyone else does well, because then it's more interesting to watch!

Quote from: bigbadbanana
Errrr.... I voted for Earth.
Ha.  Your post led me to believe you were choosing Entropy.  I guess my call out is pretty boring, then. :P

wouldnt the rustler die when it attacks?
Yeah, it would.  You caught me while I was editing my post. :P  My bad.

1) it seems like a simple fire wall (the one that deals 1 damage to the attackers) destroys my deck...are there any ways around that or just something i have to accept?
I can see how Firewall would hurt you a bit, but it shouldn't be an automatic loss.  You should still have a chance to overrun them with the number of creatures you can put out (since Firewall doesn't block any damage).  Use your Fog Shield rather than Hope, hold a Rustler until you have 10+ light quantum, and then just start pumping out the Fireflies.  Repeat.

[Edit:  Sorry, was thinking of Leaf Dragons that have 3 HP.  Your Rustlers would die before you could convert your Light Quanta.  If you upgrade them, the above strategy will work.  With the Rustlers, you only have your mark to fuel you, but I still think it can be done, especially if you have a pool of Life quanta built up.  If you see a Firewall played and you have a Rustler out, drain its ability before he attacks and dies.]

2) the more advanced computer fights (lvl 5 and up) drop walls that absorb up to 3 damage per creature....which essentially makes my deck worthless as well....same question as above.
Every deck has a few weaknesses.  This is one of yours.  Nothing's perfect. ;D

3) any random advice for the deck i'm playin with?
The Thunderstorm seems kind of random.  I would replace it with another Rustler (if you're consistently short on Life quanta), another Empathetic Bond (if you find you need more health a lot), or a Shockwave (more efficient creature control until you get your Owl's Eye up).

Deck Help / Re: Deck: Help Appreciated! :D
« on: May 29, 2010, 02:58:51 am »
Eagle's Eye is an iffy card, and i only use it half the time anyways, depending on whether it comes before or after my Eternity. It's good to cut stuff down to size for my Otys.
I kind of like having an expendable weapon.  I realize you have an Enchant Artifact that you probably use to protect your Eternity, but I still wouldn't play Eternity until the last few turns.  It doesn't do much damage, and unless you have an abundance of time quanta, you can't really consistently use its ability until you need it to save you from decking out.  In the meantime it's nice to be able to throw the EE out there and have it do 7 damage and occasionally snipe something.  If the EE and FFQ stress your air quanta too much, the Pulvy is popular for permanent control (but you have to balance it with your Otys), or I personally also like the Vamp Dagger (you should have plenty of dark quanta).

Perhaps the upgraded shield should have better odds of poisoning a creature?
So then would the un-upped be lowered to 50%, and the upped stay at 75%?  Because anything over 75% starts to be a little ridiculous.

Religion / Re: Christian Viewpoint 1: Is Everyone Savable?
« on: May 29, 2010, 02:17:18 am »
Awesome, I get to go to Lake of Fire! Who's with me?
I'm pretty sure that by the time my life is over, I'll have earned a penthouse on the beach.  Everyone is welcome to drop by!  ;D

I believe Spine Carapace is the same cost upped as non-upped, but either way, I have to disagree. 

Both of these are extremely powerful shields, and they need a higher cost.  The ability to play one of these in the first turn or two isn't really balanced.  Take Hope, for example: you're talking about being able to have a shield out--possibly in the first turn, turn 2 at the latest--that cannot be removed by your opponent.  Add that to the fact that RoL have 0 casting cost, and you can set up a Hope Deck before creature control is even really possible.

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