1) it seems like a simple fire wall (the one that deals 1 damage to the attackers) destroys my deck...are there any ways around that or just something i have to accept?
I can see how Firewall would hurt you a bit, but it shouldn't be an automatic loss. You should still have a chance to overrun them with the number of creatures you can put out (since Firewall doesn't block any damage). Use your Fog Shield rather than Hope, hold a Rustler until you have 10+ light quantum, and then just start pumping out the Fireflies. Repeat.
[Edit: Sorry, was thinking of Leaf Dragons that have 3 HP. Your Rustlers would die before you could convert your Light Quanta. If you upgrade them, the above strategy will work. With the Rustlers, you only have your mark to fuel you, but I still think it can be done, especially if you have a pool of Life quanta built up. If you see a Firewall played and you have a Rustler out, drain its ability before he attacks and dies.]
2) the more advanced computer fights (lvl 5 and up) drop walls that absorb up to 3 damage per creature....which essentially makes my deck worthless as well....same question as above.
Every deck has a few weaknesses. This is one of yours. Nothing's perfect.
3) any random advice for the deck i'm playin with?
The Thunderstorm seems kind of random. I would replace it with another Rustler (if you're consistently short on Life quanta), another Empathetic Bond (if you find you need more health a lot), or a Shockwave (more efficient creature control until you get your Owl's Eye up).