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Messages - PhuzzY LogiK (146)

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If this is purely based on the card name, how do you justify this for "Quicksand"?

Death / Re: Deathstalker | Deathstalker
« on: July 11, 2010, 05:28:24 am »
Interesting.  I had an Eclipse and Antimattered Deathstalker out, and when the Eclipse was destroyed, the Deathstalker's health was dropped to -4.
-2 - 2 = -4?

That's how Eclipse has always worked.  If you have Vamps and Eclipse, and they get hit by a Rain of Fire (leaving them with 1 HP), they will die if the Eclipse is destroyed.  You subtract off the buff from Eclipse. 

Also fun when fighting Incarnate is to Antimatter his Vamps and then take out his Eclipse(s) for -8 attack that heals you and hurts him.

Time / Re: Dune Scorpion | Dune Scorpion
« on: July 11, 2010, 05:15:17 am »
And I'm guessing the ability to choose which card you have to discard is too difficult to program.
I don't see why.  It could almost piggyback on the function that makes you discard if you have a full hand.

General Discussion / Re: selling rares?
« on: July 11, 2010, 04:55:32 am »
I do if I have more than 12.  ;D

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Another slot proposal
« on: July 10, 2010, 06:29:54 pm »
I kind of like this idea, or some variation of it.

i dont have a fullly upped deck, i only have 9 upped cards. as for how often do i play a day? rarely. i spend most of my time on this forum. i have a good enough deck to face most people. and every once in a while i try to improve it, but not a s frequently as most others. elements is about strategy and luck. you can alter your luck by building a deck that will give you good draws right off the bat, but you can alter the speed of your deck to increase its power. ive beaten multiple pvp opponents with fully upped decks, while i had less than 10 upped cards. its about skill, not power. though certain skills do need to be backed up with power. elements is a very balanced game, and its because of that it's so popular. i admit, adding another slot wont change the game all that much, but it will alter pvp greatly. it will widen the gap between beginners and veterans. which is not what we want as a community (as i presume from MULTIPLE threads).
Perhaps you would be more sympathetic towards grinding if you had actually done it yourself, then?  I seem to recall quite a bit of complaining during your trial because you knew you would lose a match where your opponent had more upped cards.  It does make a difference.

Also, there are several things that will widen the gap between beginner and veteran, and I don't believe changing slots is one of them.  Veterans already have the cards, so one more copy won't affect them much. Or if they really want one, they have spare electrum to buy it.  Getting cards to new players, who don't have the cards and cannot afford to buy them, will CLOSE the gap with older players, not widen it.

Quote from: sSethia
I think the reason you're proposing this is because you're farming level 3 and top 50 too much. You should've already started False Gods. Don't be afraid to lose; I lost 7+ times before I finally beat my first.
No, he's right.  The FGs really can't be beat with any decent percentage without at least a mostly upped deck.  I've been farming them since 1.17
or 1.18.  The quanta cost of key cards has gone up, there are more FGs so it's harder to prepare for them all or to consistently face easier ones, and the AI has been vastly improved.  I'd go so far as to say that playing AI5 now is equivalent to playing FGs 6 months ago.

Quote from: sSethia
If I had to play against level 3 and T50 for 2 months, I would've quit during the 2nd week.
I think this will become a very real problem for this game if things stay the way they are.  I'm not saying this like I'm whining, I have about 200-300 upped cards and can farm FGs.  But all those changes that made FGs harder affected AI3, Top50, and AI5 as well.  Further, most of the fun in this game is the ability to build your OWN decks, which requires not only a fair amount of cards, but some capital to purchase and upgrade them.  If players can't get to that point fairly quickly, they will get bored and leave.  People play CCGs to be creative, not to follow a cookie cutter deck and grind for an extended period of time.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Slot machine little upgrade
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:46:37 pm »
Hi, how about a lock button on top of every slot box?
It wont make it that much easy the game to play, but may increase the chance to win some card, also, will help in not verbally abuse the computer from time to time when seems you will never get  a card out of that thing :)) ;D
The way the slot machine currently works, this would not help you, and has a good chance of actually hurting you.

When you win a match, the slot machine chooses 5 cards from the deck you beat (it tries to avoid towers, but if it cannot get other cards, you may see a tower in the spins).  It then spins those 5 cards in each wheel.  For the SECOND spin, it chooses 5 NEW cards, and spins again.  And 5 NEW cards again for the 3rd spin.

If you were to "lock in" cards after the first spin, there is a chance that the card might not be selected again in the second or third spin.  If it is not selected, it is impossible for you to win (because nothing can match the card you locked).  You will have actually worsened your situation.

Also, I agree that AI5 is about the worst for cards.  AI5 will test your gameplay and decks, but if you want cards, try AI3 (unupped), T50 (unupped/rares), and FGs (upped).

Religion / Re: Evolution and Intelligent Design
« on: July 08, 2010, 07:02:36 am »
And so, there is a reason the Darwinists cant prove it through the fossils. The book continues to say that around 17 million to 4 billion (what a wonderful estimation) species probably ever lived, and that 10 mil live today. Only 250 thousand different species have been found. That averages out to about 0.1% (the books words, not mine) “Nevertheless, we have enough evidence to give us a good idea of how evolution proceeded…” Wait.. Only .1% of the supposed fossil record (and that’s if the 4 billion is incorrect). Who in their right mind would say that .1% is enough evidence? That’s like reading the first page of a 1000 page book, and saying you have enough evidence. Even if you included the 10mil around today, out of just 1 billion, out of the possible 4 billion, that’s still just a measly 1.2% So you could read the first page, and the final 12 pages of a thousand page book, and know what happened. Or if you want more variety, a sentence from each page of a thousand page book, and the final 12 pages. If I could write a book report on that kind of info then school would be no problem. You wouldn’t even be able to tell they are from the same book with that kind of information.
I don't agree with this reasoning. 

From current estimates, there are roughly 10^21 stars in the universe.  There are usually multiple planets per star, which means there are millions of billions of planets.  We only have first hand knowledge of one of these planets and observational data on less than 10 more, but does that make you doubt gravity?  Are you ready to discard astrophysics?  And yet we know far less than 0.1%.

Similarly, there are estimates that we have discovered only a fraction of plants that exist on earth today.  Are botany and biology useless then?  Should this stop us from studying and reaching conclusions about the plants we do know about?  Is photosynthesis questionable now too?

What's significant about the fossils is that 100% of that 0.1-1.2% supports evolution.  0% discredit the theory.  So, by your analogy, saying evolution is not true is like telling you to write a specific book report without even telling you what book it is on.  At least in evolution's case it has the title of the book, some information, and knows where to keep looking to find new sentences.

Quote from: kalkiran
and btw im agnostic which i think means im an atheist who wants to firmly state that he does not hate religion and is happy for everyone else to believe whatever they like.
An agnostic is typically someone who believes we can never definitively prove or disprove a higher power, so it is a moot point.  You can't really be an agnostic and atheist at the same time.  You're one or the other, and in your case you just have a "live and let live" attitude about it.

Competitions / Re: Voting: Elements Cards Flavor Text
« on: July 08, 2010, 05:45:04 am »
I don't mean to sound negative, but this seems like the wrong competition.  There are several cards whose descriptions are either inadequate or less than complete because of the space restrictions of the card text.  How about a competition to rewrite the text for cards that people are frequently confused about?

This just seems like a way to clutter the cards in an attempt to look even MORE like Magic.

Round 5 / Re: kevkev60614 3 - didonko 2
« on: July 08, 2010, 05:20:35 am »
Frankly, I'm surprised kev's deck managed to win. It looks pretty low on attackers, and the Graboids should take some turns to get out, being fueled solely by the mark.
Minor point, but he had the Novas as well.

Religion / Re: Was Jesus the son of God?
« on: July 01, 2010, 04:58:04 am »
There was no need for breeding in that time because there was no death, and there was no need for breeding because of that, there was just perfect harmony. All life was within the garden of eden a perfect place.

And i know, how could it be perfect with free will and man sinning yada yada yada. I said it so that no one else had to :P
Do you believe this as the actual truth?  Or do you believe it as a story?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Publicity
« on: July 01, 2010, 04:31:29 am »
this idea is to bring more players to the elements community ( that means more jobs ??? ) and make the game more popular

So... what do you think about it...?
Why is everyone so concerned with jobs and titles around here?  Is the game less enjoyable because you don't have custom text underneath your forum name?

Quote from: Dragoon1140
You do realize that T50 can be accessed on Kongregate, right?  The majority of players on there grind T50 on Kongregate all of the time.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess him saying "T50 doesn't work on Kongregate right?" means he was operating under the opposite assumption.

Deck Help / Re: Good Deck Choice or not?
« on: June 24, 2010, 01:23:30 am »
...but what i want to know is, are Half Bloods  better money than T50's?
No.  You get more money per game, but it's much harder to rush a Half Blood, since they have 200 life and draw faster.  Therefore, each game will go slower, but you still only have a very low chance to spin an upgraded card (versus FGs, where all spins are upped).  The only levels worth farming are AI3, Top 50, and FGs.

AI5 (Half Bloods) are useful for testing FG killer decks, but not farming.

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