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Messages - Peon (10)

Pages: [1]
Peon 2 / Masamainio 0

peon 1-0 deuce22

General Discussion / Shield
« on: January 31, 2011, 12:40:51 pm »
I hope this is the right section to post it but i'd like to discuss the new card added on the "In developement" section. The "Shield", 1 damage reduction for 1 quantum unupgraded.
Imo this card should cost 2 or even 3, death for example have the exact same shield but it cost 2 :death, this shield is going to be even more worthless (the only real use i found is to pair it with aflatoxin).

Posting for my girlfriend: sunshine:

Sunshine 2 - theonlyrealbeef 1

peon 1 - DrunkDestroyer 0

peon 1 - Falcon4415 0

And completely inconsequential. Go ahead and do that if you wish. Most already know duos complement each other and become better for it.
Nah I will play along, i'm working on some good duo decks at the moment =)
By the way as it's my first tournament, if i only got an upped version of some card, if i put it in my deck will it be turned as an unupped version as in PvP 1?

29 cards of one element with 1 card in the other element also count as duo......
That's sad :(

Does a pure earth deck with a darkness mark and some steals count as a duo?

I'm checking this section of the forum for the first time because i had the same feeling. Either i get no pillars, either i get them all in the first 10 cards. Either i get all my supernova in the 10 top, either i get none etc...
My win rate against FG went from 70% to 20%

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