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Messages - Oooh Muffin (103)

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Duo-Decks / Re: a deck using discord O.O
« on: June 01, 2010, 09:38:16 am »
that's just a regular mono I think,

And one discord doesn't do much good, if you don't get it in the starting hand,
that's why this one has 6 :D

When I get 6 discords on my account I will try to make one unupgraded myself

Duo-Decks / a deck using discord O.O
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:48:03 pm »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6tv 6tv 6tv 6tv 6tv 6u5 6u5 6u5 6u5 6u5 6u5 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8pj

This deck is obviously made in the trainer,
Haven't done a lot of testing yet
But I really just had to get a entropy deck using discord out here

It's great for AI3
Most mono, duo and trio decks won't be able to play creatures before turn 3 or 4
By then you should have the adventage to win, you could also use unupgraded abonimations

Deck Help / Re: zombie deck
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:12:08 pm »
I would add 1 or 2 vultures, if you meet a shield blocking 2 or more damage

And personally I like plagues better than retroviruses, but that's your call

i imagine this must be quite fun to play. i don't understand why you need 6 aflatoxins though. and i think 6 retrovirii is dangerous because you make yourself vulnerable to heavy creature control. i suggest the following modifications:

+2 improved plague, -1 retrovirus, -1 aflatoxin, -1 graveyard, -1 bone wall
listen to Wardead

You could also add or remove an arsenic, It's a small chance to draw it when you only have one

Deck Help / Re: Improving Rainbow FG Killer
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:02:06 pm »
I'll take out one hourglass, I used to play a 60 card deck, and never found more than 4 useful


I would add more permanent control, but your deck is quite big already

I would try to make it smaller,

I find it useful to save my deck, and try to start from scratch, it's easier than trying to remove cards one by one

Forge Archive / Re: Black Cat | Felicia
« on: May 30, 2010, 07:29:38 pm »
you play it and it goes to the opponents side of the board, so it heals you,
If it's affected by it's own ability. is it?
Actually I was thinking that Black Cat | Felicia is not affected by its own ability. That can of course be a bit confusing because card doesn't say so. I don't know..
It's better that way I think

When I play BE on this, does it lose it's effect or is it like Devourer?

Also, I wonder why no one saw this: Fractal Felucia, give them 7 of them, and then play Flooding. Watch them cry b/c they can no longer play creatures.
A very bad idea - needs big amounts of 3 different quanta, 8 :aether 35 :darkness and 2+3/turn :water. Before you achieve that with a trio deck you are either dead, or opponent has already played 7 creatures of his own and you are simply killing cats with the flood.
I'll just use an alfatoxin with a bit of creature control

Forge Archive / Re: Black Cat | Felicia
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:07:51 am »
you play it and it goes to the opponents side of the board, so it heals you,
If it's affected by it's own ability. is it?

Crucible Archive / Re: Shape Changer | Shape Shifter
« on: May 28, 2010, 10:04:31 pm »
Ant-n-ero, the upgraded of maxwells demon has 3/5 stats

It will be hard to get the wanted one in a rainbow

And I like the card :) I want to see more other cards in the game

Forge Archive / Re: Black Panther | Midnight Panther
« on: May 28, 2010, 09:47:31 pm »
The pounce just became more powerful... (visited this one before, but never posted)
Should the damage be rounded up or down?

And I like the card

Panther meets flood :S that's too bad

Forge Archive / Re: Black Cat | Felicia
« on: May 28, 2010, 09:13:01 pm »
About giving opponent permanents, I don't remember seeing anyone who's against that, but they came before the crusible, so they must have "died out" or something.

And I like the card, and actually voted for it! :)
Six of felicia and a dusk will make the opponents creatures have a 0,2657205 chanse of hitting xD that's pretty low, (just wanted to do the math)

General Discussion / Re: [POLL] Deck builder helper
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:08:47 pm »
I just voted no, I couldn't resist :P

Forge Archive / Re: Deadly Neurotoxin | Deadly Neurotoxin
« on: May 27, 2010, 02:43:59 pm »
5/4 sounds better

and muffin -- you're forgetting lightning does instant damage - this takes time and can be 'countered' with blessings/armour (sort of)
I know,

I would still want the cost lower though, 4/3 ? I'm thinking maybe 3/2 :S

any opinions?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Metamorphosis/Godlike Metamorphosis
« on: May 24, 2010, 01:05:55 pm »
this is interesting... helping duo and trio decks
The upgraded should only change the mark not let you have three, or you should leave the cost the same as the unupgraded
I would also rather have a set cost, but that's me

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