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Messages - Nume (767)

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60] 61 62 ... 64
General Discussion / Re: strongest creatures
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:27:41 am »
Lol using the strat in that guys thread I wanted to try to make a much much better creature, so I set out to do it on the trainer. I spent literally about 3 hours nonstop clicking to get it up to 1800 starting before using any tu's (he had it at 700 for comparison), and then after TUing it the 4th time (it was over 32k att already and wouldve reached approximately 250k at least after the last dive on the last tu if i hadnt messed up) I accidentally forgot to use the earth nymph ability on it and I killed elidnis..... it was a very sad moment :P. The deck I used was
Code: [Select]
6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 749 749 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 77s 77s 77s 77s 77s 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7e4 7e4 7e4 7e4 7e4 7gv 7jp 7jr 7jr 7jr 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q7 7q7 7q8 7q8 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b in the trainer with x100 quanta on, if anyone else is masochistic, err i mean wants to have a super creature :P. I think it is better than the one the guy who made the 103k creature had simply because it is made in such a way that it can literally go for as long as you have the patience to do it without ever running into quanta problems, and with the hourglasses it generally sets up quicker and you are less likely to have to go long periods without your mind flayer for example :P. Also pegasus are cooler than wyrms... lol.

General Discussion / Re: Someone call the Orkin Man...
« on: June 24, 2010, 08:58:01 pm »
Lol I didnt notice the dates at first and was like, wtf why is he using TU's not fractals... :P.

General Discussion / Re: The BAD BEAT thread
« on: June 24, 2010, 07:58:51 pm »
Lol I'm guessing Gemini can probably generate a lot of these type of posts... :P. The hard part though is even if he had been smart and played the phase shield, the mutant could have been an azure dragon with momentum and gemini could have done the same thing and won anyays. Or if the AI actually knew what it was doing he could have TU'd the dragon, momentum'd it, then tu'd the rest of the times (though I know that doesnt happen :P). For this reason against gemini I try to never mutate anything unless he has used at least 3-4 TU's and/or I have a quint in hand or a huge oty that can eat anything that would be too powerful if he tu'd it. One useful tip, is that if you play a hand with a FFQ, play it unquinted and he will often waste his TU's on it for no apparant reason, when he has no nature and cant use it :P.

Heh I checked on the forums before completing my 500 quest so I got one there :P. I've gotten 2 since though, but yeah they are much less common than others imo.

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: June 24, 2010, 07:28:13 am »
Lets see if I do this right... Gemini defeat with 1 card left taking him from 148 to 0 (thought I was gonna lose due to him chaining phase shields....)

False Gods / Re: False God Proposal: Untouchable
« on: June 22, 2010, 08:32:23 am »
Probably the biggest weakness of this as is would be that it has 0 perm control, and thus good rainbows could stall till they got pulv, then destroy any shields that are put out. It could be a mildly troublesome god, but still very beatable imo.

Gemini / Re: Too many phase shields D:<
« on: June 21, 2010, 09:32:48 pm »
Yeah EP can still win, but RoL/hope is th e only deck I run for FGs that actually can win more than lose against him. The key to getting him to fractal your RoLs from my experience is to try to get 2 out and dont play anymore till he fractals them. If you can get enough aether to fractal before him you can easily keep them that way, and he wont fire storm till you have 3. Once he fractals your RoLs you can play 3 at a time to get him to use his fire storms until he doesnt use anymore, then play more (dont have to worry about keeping one at that point bc you can fractal off of his). And yes if he gets 2 dragons it can be tough, but at least in the majority of the games i've played him he seems to fill his side with RoLs very quickly and doesnt get more than 1-2 dragons, which is beatable. You will still of course lose sometimes when you dont get a good draw or he gets tons of dragons or whatever, but yeah thats true of almost any fg.

Yeah that was mentioned earlier in this thread. I dont really know how best to beat him with the deck as is though other than attempting to get an immortal oty, bone wall, and lots of SoGs fairly early to counteract his unstable gasses (or a pulverizer, however it can be destroyed easily so cant be counted on). In my version I have a jade shield which if I can get it makes him quite easy. I also have 2 PAs so if I do get a pulv I just PA it and take out any gasses until I do get a jade shield.

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 21, 2010, 09:11:41 pm »
Who said anything about malignent cells? The 1/1 creatures he is referring to are the regular skeletons from the boneyard the OP added in his later version. I suggested not using that at all and instead using an eclipse and 2 graveyards as opposed to 1 boneyard and 2 graveyards.

General Discussion / Re: Winning/Losing
« on: June 21, 2010, 05:29:14 pm »
Well lets see, my record is 839-1704, so I think its clear that I care SO much about my win/loss record! :P

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 21, 2010, 04:33:22 pm »
Sounds like a very interesting deck idea. One suggestion I would make would be to take out the extra boneyard and put in an eclipse. It would double all of your skeletons attack power, so for attacking it would be better. The only drawback is that you wouldnt fill your side quite as fast so your bonds may not heal as much, and I havent actually played the deck yet so I dont know how big of deal that is. But yeah with an eclipse and a graveyard or 2 you can kill things very quickly, especially with a fire shield taking out their creatures.

Forum Archive / Re: omg hate rush decks in top50
« on: June 21, 2010, 03:20:23 pm »
Lol I enjoy going against your rush JMDT. Its always fun to see if I can get my defenses up before you kill me 4 turns in :P. The only negative of rush decks imo is that they dont generally have any cards I want to win :P.

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