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Messages - Nume (767)

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No, I was just talking from my experiences before the last patch. I havent run this deck since then, and in the past electrocutor's were targeted before SoG's. I havent tested it but multiple people have said that since the last patch, SoG's are now targeted before electrocutor, so it must have changed in the patch. The targeting priority function takes cost into account cost so that is probably why it changed (Sog was increased to 3 cost rather than 2 in the patch).

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:22:36 am »
Lol with how long that game is I'm sure he did. I'm just surprised he drew no PA's :P.

Heh yeah that would definitely make him MUCH easier :P. He was already occasionally beatable simply due to having low damage, but if you could actually reliably lobo his BE'd creatures just sacrificing 1 SoG, that would definitely help a ton :P. The whole SoG/no SoG debate is really just a matter of preference though imo. The non-sog version, which is what his thread is based on, is made for pure speed and is made to skip any gods its not likely to beat. The SoG version is slower, and skips far less gods, but does have a higher win rate, so its just a matter of preference really. I personally dont like losing a lot so I generally used an SoG version when I used to run rol/hope (had 4 SoGs in mine).

Hmm thats strange. Maybe that changed when SoG's cost increased... I havent actually used an rol/hope since then :P.

SoGs arent the top priority. Electrocutor is always higher. They are only higher than your pillars.

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: December 01, 2010, 10:53:04 am »
I haven't updated this for a while, so here goes:
 :air :gravity :gravity :fire :water :darkness :aether
So 7 total, 6 unique. Is it bad that I just now realized that my darkness nymph is a darkness nymph not a death nymph? I really thought I had a death one and not a darkness... lol.

War Archive / Re: Removal of Voodoo Doll from War
« on: December 01, 2010, 07:20:03 am »
The reason for having it public is so that it doesnt hurt people who have done the work and scouting necessary to know people's vaults. If someone knows that a team has 5 voodoo dolls because of their work, they will now know they have 5 of whatever card they choose.
Sssshhh! don't tell anyone that we have 5 parasites now, ok.
I wont if you dont!

War Archive / Re: Removal of Voodoo Doll from War
« on: December 01, 2010, 06:30:30 am »
The reason for having it public is so that it doesnt hurt people who have done the work and scouting necessary to know people's vaults. If someone knows that a team has 5 voodoo dolls because of their work, they will now know they have 5 of whatever card they choose.

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:27:16 am »
Heh I'm wondering if it would work to just replace one of my Destroyers with it. The whole reflective shield thing could be an issue though, since I'd end up with lower chances to draw my destroyer. Working with chimera would be no problem since I could just use the chimera before blowing up all the gases, which would give it plenty of hp to survive the explosions... but yeah anyways enough OT stuff for now :P.

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: November 30, 2010, 11:50:35 pm »
Heh I dont know what deck you were using exactly but yeah I just laughed bc of the bonewall and chimera going through it :P. I actually just got an air nymph yesterday so I think I'm gonna try a variant with it in there, but I'd still like to keep my chimera/ls combo since I love it so I'm gonna have to figure out the best deck heh.

Edit: Also I've never decked out with my versoin of CCYB against incarnate, but yeah :P. Its possible but unlikely if you use every possible way to kill him (early aflatoxin helps, or fractal bloodsuckers to stop him from making them and filling his side with skellies, also knocking down bonewall after temporarily building it by killing creatores, or AM'ing his vampires (6 or 8 damage to him per turn per am depending if you also have a pulvy to remove eclipse after AMING), or just fractalling anything once his board is full to knock down bone walls, etc etc. I basically always have a way to get enough total damage by the end, even if he has a bone wall at the end that I have to use chimera to get through.

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: November 30, 2010, 11:07:00 pm »
Shouldve used my chimera/LS version :P. Hehehe...

Heh even though its counterintuitive since you cant kill his glories, i'm not too surprised it would be effective against DG since he often has 1-2 DGs and only generally gets 5-6 at most so your bone walls can be very effective combined with all the deaths you can generate yourself. Also, as of now pendulums are higher target priority than soul catchers and bone wall is higher than either so he isnt likely to destroy your quanta sources :P.
Edit: Ninja'd! :P

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