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Messages - Mrblonde (1979)

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It's weird that Mr. Blonde brought up that he has fought quite a few of the hardest FGs, because I have too. The past two or three days have been nothing but Obliterator, Divine Glory, Octane, and Graviton. I honestly thought that maybe the odds of getting these had been changed a bit after yesterday...  :o
In my post i actually had a portion that i deleted detailing that ever since Octane has been introduced the ratios for Chaos Lord, Scorpio and Miracles had all been changed for the worse and was wondering if the randomizer had been changed. BUT then i looked at Vreely's stats and when they bore out basically my exact same ratios i have run over the 1000 games prior i just figured it was bad luck.

And I don't see how you guys have wins against Octane. I've NEVER beat him, and I'm using the same deck as Vreely. Maybe you have to get the perfect opening hand... or an early Pulvy, which I never get.  On the other hand, I beat Dark Matter twice yesterday thanks to early Otys and tons of towers.
Like Vreely responded you have to get your Pulvy up rather early and hope that he doesn't get too many gases out. But at least with this version you have a chance to beat him. Considering Vreely and I are 4-7 vs him so far i think you've just been unlucky.

I might try the added Druid version, because I have had a few games from yesterday go awry due to not having enough "firepower." One game, Elidnis used five or six Twin Universes on a weak Forest Spirit right before I was about to win. This healed him a ton with Feral Bonds, and instantly took down a small bonewall (Phase Dragons and other Immortal creatures had been slowly tearing it down). My point is that I had that game won, but the shield and bonds were too much.
I could also see that same problem with Gemini occasionally without a druid. If you don't get an early pulvy and he's allowed to get enough gravity to make dragons and manages to TU a bunch of them (and pray they aren't momentumed) i could see trouble since you can't mutate them down. Even with an arctic your shields will fall if he TU's a dragon 5 times and has 2-3 immortals.

Vreely: I think 2-3 minutes on average for miracle is probably right. Nothing can be helped there but it's just a minor exchange for this build. Chaos Lord is the big problem though. What makes Chaos Lord difficult is that he has steals so if you don't get your Pulvy early and protect it i am leery to play it. I'm not sure if Discord is a higher priority then Pulvy so i pretty much won't play it unless i absolutely have to unprotected because if that gets stolen forget about the game. Because of this i think Chaos Lord is the weakest link of the FG's concerning increased time. That dis shield can be a total pain.

I will also use a normalized win rate because i should get to 10 games per FG as well. Though it seems that Elidinis and Paradox are evading me. The last 224 games i have seen them 6 and 8 games respectively (which hurts since recently i've been 14-2 and 15-0 vs both of them). And then i look at Vreely and his 5 vs elidinis and 12 against paradox in 133 games and go  >:( >:( >:(

Edit: Also something else to add to show that statistics can really be helped with small sample sizes. I no doubt believe PuppyChow's deck works and works well but his current 65.6% winrate is not a completely accurate gauge. His ratios are at 43/42/15 (Bad/Good/Neutral) where the norm is around 46.5/36.5/16 and 14% of his bad FG matchups are against Scorpio which should be in a neutral. So if i adjust the ratios  by making Seism and Scorpio neutral...

Norm - 29.5/36.5/33
PuppyChow - 23/42/35 - 118 games
Vreely - 31/41/28 - 133 games
MrBlonde - 37/20/43 - 76 games

So actually over the long haul i expect the percentages for both PuppyChow and Vreely to fall a little bit as the matchup ratio evens out.

You certainly could be right Vreely. The only way i guess i'm really gonna be able to find out which is better is to grind out a bunch of games with both (probably 200 a piece). I would hate to use only 100 games because i am getting a bad ratio currently in matchups. I have played 76 games and here are my ratios over my 1000 games prior vs my current 76.

Bad FG's - 46.5% vs 56.5% (43 matchups)
(Dark Matter, Divine Glory, Graviton, Hermes, Obliterator, Octane, Rainbow, Scorpio, Seism)
Good FG's - 36.5% vs 19.7% (15 matchups)
(Destiny, Elidnis, FQ, Gemini, Incarnate, Miracle, Paradox)
Neutral FG's - 16.0% vs 23.6% (18 matchups)
(Chaos Lord, Ferox, Morte)

Anyhow i am currently at an unimpressive 35-41 (46.05%) over those 76 games. But checking the ratios of your 126 games bear out that i've had a bad run of matchups since your ratios matchup with my 1000 games (47-39-14, so actually you've run slightly better then my norm). I hope all my ratio stuff makes sense. Basically on a normal curve i would have had 13-14 additional "easy" FG matchups which would have certainly upped my winrate to a decent level.

I do think i need to move Scorpio and Seism into neutral FG territory though(40-65% wins) since they are no longer that difficult. I know you consider Ferox an easy FG as well but i can't seem to win over 65% vs him. I always seem to get outrushed in too many games to get a consistant 70% winrate vs him.

I must say that though my percentage isn't very good, considering my matchups, i'm still pretty pleased with the deck. I'm winning against all the easy FG's (14-1) and have a decent record so far against some hard FG's Octane (2-3), Graviton (2-3). I also will setup the elements statistics link (just been lazy and for some reason on my laptop the elements site has given me trouble with setting up stuff). Anyhow i will just keep grinding away.

Edit: Okay i added the statistics... what a pain. don't input 76 games when you're tired.. i had to redo 4 times. Anyhow also ignore the percentage, it says 49% but that's incorrect. Also for some reason the time section is blank for me so the cards that aren't listed are 4 SD's, 3 Electrum Hourglasses and Eternity.

I agree the arctic octopus has had the biggest impact to my deck. For the last 250+ games or so with the Octopus it has made certain FG's much much easier. I am 18-1 vs miracle since i put the Octopus in and the one loss was a deckout. Prior to that i was winning 71% of my matchups vs miracle. Also i've been 17-17 vs Scorpio which is probably an even bigger improvement because up to that point i was 6-39 (13.3%). All of my stats used are variants of Ivalmians/Puppychow and maybe a few others smattered in for a few games.

Sorry for jinxing you Asteroth.  :D  The one long game i had against Chaos Lord was ridiculous. I could see how certain games against Chaos Lord would be impossible to win without the Druid. If you're Pulvy gets destroyed you may never get enough dmg going to cut through the Dis Shield late game. And if your FQ dies or your graveyard gets stolen... good luck. I had my graveyard stolen that game and that really ruined my day.

I tried using Vreely's new deck without the druid but after playing a couple extremely long games against Chaos Lord (late late pulvy) and Miracle i couldn't help it... i had to put it back in to make it a 37 card deck. Although it might lose more with the Druid i need it in to keep my sanity.

Currently 18-18 with the deck and am actually quite happy with the results. I have had a pretty bad distribution of FG's so far, 21 of the matchups were against hard FG's, Rainbow(5) Scorpio(4) Divine Glory (3) Graviton (2) Hermes (2) Octane (2) Seism (2) Dark Matter (1) and only 6 against "easy" FG's (Miracle, FQ, Destiny, Gemini, Incarnate). With the 5 SD variant i would have fared a little worse and would have probably gone 15-21if not worse. I won a game a piece against Hermes, Graviton, and Octane solely due to the Pulverizer. It also probably made the difference in a Scorpio victory as well as i was hanging on a thread and ended up destroying two perma's in the match.

As Asteroth posted Morte is not a very easy FG (actually never really has been for me, i consider him an average matchup, i win 51% of the time vs him).  Went 2-3 vs him but for some reason he just seemed harder with this variant. Those 2 victories i had to scratch and claw til the end. You really do need to play a bit tighter with this deck but maybe i just need to work with it a bit more. 

This deck does feel a bit better to play. My starting hands are better and i like the perm control. Also being able to beat Octane and Obliterator is nice rather then having them as virtual auto-losses. Like the deck and will use it for a couple 100 matches at least.

Forum Archive / Re: Best deck for grinding t50?
« on: March 01, 2010, 04:05:31 am »
The optimal T50 deck is the optimal L3 deck. Yours is a terrible earth deck.
Instead of bashing the deck perhaps you should try it out. I personally will never... quote "NEVER" use my upgraded shrieker deck again for T50 in lieu of this deck. This deck fills in some of the gaps vs. certain decks/cards with the gnome riders and ant lions (lightning, quicksands, bone walls). I always thought of both of those units as useless and am glad to find myself in the wrong . The majority of the time my shriekers don't even make it to the field or if they do the game is already in hand.

Now for the obvious: the upgraded shrieker deck is better for those who's cash is limited because it works unupgraded as well. But for those who can spend the money might think about trying this deck out and comparing it for yourself. 

Nice deck Koranuso, my speed poison and upgraded shrieker decks are now shelved.

Edit: Record is at 127-21 (85.8%). The deck that i have the most trouble with are the life decks. Those are just as fast and if they use Jade Staffs with adrenaline, game over.

You might be right with Seism though. With your deck i was starting to turn it around against him (guess i'm just playing him a bit smarter now) before i switched decks over. What helps me most with Scorpio is the octopus. Being able to Congeal the Physalia's, puffer fish, or Ulthiads is the difference maker. Also i'm sure the SD helps as well. That 1 extra turn or 8 less dmg and 4 less poison (physalia, puffer fish) seems to be the turning point for me.

With the druid included with Vreely's build, i am currently 117-98 (54.42%) . I will admit i am not one of the better players but in retrospect i was running at about 46-48% with Ivalmian's builds over the last 250-300 games or so (Ivalmian's worked better for me then Jangoo's and PuppyChows builds). So take that for what it's worth. I too am interested to see if Vreely's stats have held up.

My most marked improvement with this build is vs. Seism (10-11) and Scorpio (8-14). Before my totals were Seism (16-35) and Scorpio (8-46).

Alrighty, finished my 100 games with Vreely's deck of 5 SD's, no steals, arctic octopus, w/ fallen druid (41 cards) and finished at 56% (62% if i took out Dark Matter and Rainbow). For me this is an excellent stat vs FG's. In my 700 prior FG games i was running at around 44% (50% if i took out DM and Rainbow). So color me ecstatic.

I did run across a little bad luck decking out four times (eternity last card) vs. Chaos Lord, FQ, Incarnate and Miracle in games i would have won.  This comes out to decking out 6.67% of the time in those 60 games i could have won with my 41 card deck. I should only deck out 2.44% of the time so i lost 2.5 games there. So on a normal curve with this sample size i should win 58.5% of the time.

Not having 2 protect artifacts seems very helpful. Although it hurts a little bit against Seism i truly don't miss having the extra one in my deck. Too often it would just be a dead card. I was 5-6 vs Seism though with just 1 protect and i would take that every 100 games (i did lose my last 4 in a row vs Seism because my protect ended up being near the bottom of the deck). Not having a steal is really the card i miss. It definitely slows me down vs Chaos Lord (not being able to steal his Dis Shield), and makes Obliterator, Divine Glory and Hermes virtually impossible if any of them play Pulvy, Fire Towers or Fire Shield. Also not being able to steal the Grav Shield from Graviton makes that matchup a little more difficult as well.

But heck what am i complaining about? Running at 56-58% over 100 is pretty darn good for me. Thanks guys for continually posting your builds and helping out.

Chaos Lord  (5-1)
Dark Matter (1-5)
Destiny (4-0)
Divine Glory (0-2)
Elidnis (6-0)
Ferox (1-1)
Fire Queen (9-4)
Gemini (1-0)
Graviton (0-3)
Hermes (1-5)
Incarnate (4-1)
Miracle (9-1)
Morte (3-3)
Obliterator (0-3)
Paradox (5-0)
Rainbow (0-5)
Scorpio (2-4)
Seism (5-6)

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Missing upgraded cards
« on: February 20, 2010, 01:18:29 am »
I'm having this same problem as well.. i keep having my game saves getting rolled back. I've had it happen to me twice today and have lost 22 games of FG farming and a few upgraded cards.  :(

I agree it is dangerous to use your Druid offensively but sometimes you just need to take that chance and basically you only do it unless you absolutely have to. Really it's only dangerous against a few of the FG's (Chaos Lord, Rainbow). Most of the time i use it the FG can't even use the special ability. I honestly think it would cost me more games using a elf due to the fact that i use him to mutate my own troops 90% of the time. 

Played 33 games with Vreely's 5 SD, Arctic Octopus deck and i gotta say i'm loving it. I've mainly run Ivalmian and Vreely's other decks prior to this (tried Puppy's but i really suck with his deck). I do have one difference though, i kept the fallen druid so my deck is 41 cards.

Was 21-12 (60.6%) with it today although not against the toughest lineup i've faced. Small sample size but i just like the feel to this deck better. Some of the games i won i feel i would have lost with my other deck due to the Arctic Octopus allowing extra creature control. Hermes and Obliterator are pretty much insta-losses though without a steal. Once either gets a fire shield or pulvy up you really have no chance. Oddly enough just like Vreely i've done better against Seism although i now only have 1 protect.

Time-wise i think it's about the same although i have had two games drag out pretty long against FQ and Seism due to me winning games i usually would have lost. FQ i started off with no towers in the first 4 turns and against Seism i didn't get my protect til i had 11 cards left and had to battle it out with 3 towers + limited quanta and would have decked out if not for him rewinding my creatures for 4-5 turns on my last turn. Those two games turned out to be much longer then usual for me. Beyond that i haven't found it any quicker or slower.

Chaos Lord  (2-1)
Dark Matter (1-2)
Destiny (2-0)
Elidnis (1-0)
Ferox (1-0)
Fire Queen (2-1)
Hermes (0-2)
Incarnate (2-0)
Miracle (4-0)
Morte (2-2)
Obliterator (0-1)
Paradox (1-0)
Rainbow (0-1)
Scorpio (0-2)
Seism (3-0)

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