After my 8th loss to Chaos Lord I called it quits. Most (if not all) of those losses and a few losses to Rainbow could've been turned into wins if I had a Protect Artifact in the deck. (I had a PA is my other AntiFG deck.) How do you guys deal with the multiple dissipation shields, explosions, and steals?
(I know Pulverizer would help a little, but he usually has 2-3 shields in reserve and it would only be a matter of time before he got rid of your unprotected weapon.)
(Needless to say... +1 Protect Artifact.)
![Undecided :-\](
Overall with all my Anti-matter PuppyChow variants i am 22-8 vs Chaos Lord. He's actually become easier for me then regular rainbow builds with PA's but no pulvy. Yes he can explode and he can steal but for the most part they can all be lured out fairly early and i believe he only has 2 of each. But with that said you can't just play your Pulvy or Eternity whenever you want.
If i play my Pulvy i always make sure i have a steal in my hand (unless i don't have that option). This way if he steals my Pulvy i steal it right back. I also don't play it unless he has dis shields out. Also if i have an eternity, pulvy and steal in my hand and he hasn't played any steals or explosions i'll play my eternity first to be the sacrifice. That really is hardly the case. Also when i typically play the Pulvy it's mid-late game and he usually has found most of his perm control. Vreely has a good write-up in the Ivalmian thread about this exact subject. Basically if you have your dmg setup you can wait to play your pulvy with 4 cards to go and be okay.
My biggest problems with Chaos Lord is when he plays a first round Discord. That tends to really screw me up.
You must have gotten pretty unlucky with Destiny and not getting any novas, or QT's for 6 turns vs Ferox is just bad luck especially with 2 more towers. Seism with me is hit in miss. Sometimes i do really well and then i go on bad losing streaks vs him (16-26). This one i would think you would do better with the additional towers. But not having the pulvy can hurt i guess since you have that smaller chance of getting rid of his diamond shield which is pretty critical (and just in case Perma is better then Diamond shield if you need to decide which shield to use). Also here are some thoughts on other FG's.
Scorpio - i think gets much harder without the Pulvy. Permafrost shield absolutely ruins your day and an early arsenic is bad as well if you can't counter it early.
Elidinis - Not being able to get rid of all his bonds will mean late game you are screwed. Also if you are able to get an early pulvy and he has a quinted forest spectre you can somewhat control him with water quanta control.
Hermes - Pulvy is helpful here. You usually can get rid of his fire shield and if not at least you managed to get rid of another explosion. Still kind of a crappy FG though.
Octane - I find octane not that bad with this build. At 6-7 i can't really complain. Oddly enough he will deck out a lot. 3 of my wins are due to him decking out. Destroying that one gas or that one eagle eye certainly makes a significant difference.
Anyhow i'm sure most of that stuff you know. Sometimes though for whatever reason certain decks don't work for certain people. PuppyChow's original build for whatever reason (bad luck, i suck, etc.) works for many people but for me i couldn't get to win over 40%. And sometimes it's just bad luck. 68 games really isn't that much and a bad streak can easily sink your percentage during that run.
I know this game can be frustrating at times but keep your head up and hopefully you find a build that works for you.