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Messages - Mrblonde (1979)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: March 22, 2010, 07:12:07 pm »
For Seism don't even play your hourglass. That one or two extra turns your eternity can give you has made a difference for me when his diamond shield was protected. Bursting through that shield is rough.
Hmm... I've had good luck with Seism rewinding my creatures for me...
Oh Seism will definitely rewind you 6-8 times. It's just that if he manages to protect his diamond shield it's really hard to finish him off especially if he uses stone skin. With limited quanta you can't afford to mutate any creatures until most of those rewinds are out and if you don't mutate creatures he typically does not use his rewinds til late. I do try to send out my druid as much as possible to get rewound but even with the entropy mark i can't manage to burn through more then 3 or 4 of them.

So sometimes you will need that Eternity to rewind yourself that extra 1 or 2 rounds. Because decking out in this game is quite irritating because it does take so long.

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: March 22, 2010, 07:58:34 am »
1) NEVER play more than 1 hourglass unless you're desperate and KNOW you will have the quanta to draw twice every turn (4+ Qts).

2) Stop drawing with 5-9 cards left depending on what you need and how close you are to winning.

This way you very rarely deck out.
Good advice. Also with certain FG's like Miracle i am very very judicious with using the hourglass at all. If i feel i can survive i don't even like using it at all. That time quanta can be very precious vs him. For Seism don't even play your hourglass. That one or two extra turns your eternity can give you has made a difference for me when his diamond shield was protected. Bursting through that shield is rough.

About your 0/8 with Chaos Lord, that's pretty weird to me since with my latest stats (which I haven't taken in awhile) I was 100% with mostly EMs. He IS pretty random so you could just be very unlucky.
Yeah 0/8 is pretty lucky. I feel like i'm on the opposite spectrum and am riding the lucky train. Being 5-0 vs Graviton and 9-2 vs Scorpio just reeks of fortune. So please take my statistics with a grain of salt. I'm pretty positive once i get another 100 games or so in my percentage will be around 59-61%.

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: March 21, 2010, 06:54:43 pm »
After my 8th loss to Chaos Lord I called it quits.  Most (if not all) of those losses and a few losses to Rainbow could've been turned into wins if I had a Protect Artifact in the deck.  (I had a PA is my other AntiFG deck.)  How do you guys deal with the multiple dissipation shields, explosions, and steals?

(I know Pulverizer would help a little, but he usually has 2-3 shields in reserve and it would only be a matter of time before he got rid of your unprotected weapon.)

(Needless to say... +1 Protect Artifact.)

Overall with all my Anti-matter PuppyChow variants i am 22-8 vs Chaos Lord. He's actually become easier for me then regular rainbow builds with PA's but no pulvy. Yes he can explode and he can steal but for the most part they can all be lured out fairly early and i believe he only has 2 of each. But with that said you can't just play your Pulvy or Eternity whenever you want.

If i play my Pulvy i always make sure i have a steal in my hand (unless i don't have that option). This way if he steals my Pulvy i steal it right back. I also don't play it unless he has dis shields out. Also if i have an eternity, pulvy and steal in my hand and he hasn't played any steals or explosions i'll play my eternity first to be the sacrifice. That really is hardly the case. Also when i typically play the Pulvy it's mid-late game and he usually has found most of his perm control. Vreely has a good write-up in the Ivalmian thread about this exact subject. Basically if you have your dmg setup you can wait to play your pulvy with 4 cards to go and be okay.

My biggest problems with Chaos Lord is when he plays a first round Discord. That tends to really screw me up.

You must have gotten pretty unlucky with Destiny and not getting any novas, or QT's for 6 turns vs Ferox is just bad luck especially with 2 more towers. Seism with me is hit in miss. Sometimes i do really well and then i go on bad losing streaks vs him (16-26). This one i would think you would do better with the additional towers. But not having the pulvy can hurt i guess since you have that smaller chance of getting rid of his diamond shield which is pretty critical (and just in case Perma is better then Diamond shield if you need to decide which shield to use). Also here are some thoughts on other FG's.

Scorpio - i think gets much harder without the Pulvy. Permafrost shield absolutely ruins your day and an early arsenic is bad as well if you can't counter it early.

Elidinis - Not being able to get rid of all his bonds will mean late game you are screwed. Also if you are able to get an early pulvy and he has a quinted forest spectre you can somewhat control him with water quanta control.

Hermes - Pulvy is helpful here. You usually can get rid of his fire shield and if not at least you managed to get rid of another explosion. Still kind of a crappy FG though.

Octane - I find octane not that bad with this build. At 6-7 i can't really complain. Oddly enough he will deck out a lot. 3 of my wins are due to him decking out. Destroying that one gas or that one eagle eye certainly makes a significant difference.

Anyhow i'm sure most of that stuff you know. Sometimes though for whatever reason certain decks don't work for certain people. PuppyChow's original build for whatever reason (bad luck, i suck, etc.) works for many people but for me i couldn't get to win over 40%. And sometimes it's just bad luck. 68 games really isn't that much and a bad streak can easily sink your percentage during that run.

I know this game can be frustrating at times but keep your head up and hopefully you find a build that works for you.

Archived Decks / Re: Eternal Concordance (Time/Aether)
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:09:33 am »
After some testing I'm really missing the permanent control - if it's Obliterators Pulverizer, Elidnis Feral Bonds or Hourglasses, there are so many ways the decks looses without that, especially as it can't generate enough damage without Fallen Druids

It may be the opponents I faced yet, but I don't see a chance to get near 50 % wins.
Maybe take out the precogs and add a couple phase dragons? Not sure how scarce aether quanta is in the deck but the extra 20 dmg might help?

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:16:13 am »
I honestly don't even see the point of an eternity in this deck. 
It's really not needed much, mainly against Miracle, but it does have it's uses. On occasion you do need to rewind a nasty creature or to even rewind your poisoned/lobo'd creatures. It still has enough minor uses for most of the FG's to keep it in. I know someone in this thread took it out with little difference (he did state he decked out a bit more, obv). [/quote]

>>Entropy superior early game, Time is superior late.
And beating FG's is typically about surviving the early game.

Archived Decks / Re: Eternal Concordance (Time/Aether)
« on: March 19, 2010, 09:00:14 pm »
With the nerfing of certain cards in 1.21 this deck may be a decent alternative to most current rainbows. Seems pretty interesting and since i have almost half of those cards upgraded it would only cost me.... oh 50k more. What will be nice that with 1.21 you get fractal.

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: March 19, 2010, 08:22:34 pm »
Wow.. lots of action going on in this post. So my thoughts on some of the posts.

Purple Nymph, -1 antimatter - Vreely messaged me earlier on my thoughts on this and i didn't think it would work very well because of the high cost of getting her out and using her first antimatter (13 entropy total). Also if you had to quint her it would take that much longer to use your first antimatter. Many times survival is based on early round usage of the antimatter and just figured it would take too long to get her going. Benefits though are that if you do get her running you probably can't lose. But heck i can't test to see if it's better since the oracle hates me.

3 antimatters - i just think this opens the door too more bad draws. Getting 3 antimatters stuck in your hand early would really muck it up.

1 Bonewall - I don't think this is a bad idea but getting an early bonewall is critical in some wins. Also it's very helpful vs FG's like Obliterator and Graviton too get out the explosions or surviving a Pulvy.

No Pulvy - Hmmmm... would hate to lose the Pulvy. The perm control for some FG's is extremely helpful and useful for almost every FG.  Although when the Pulvy gets nerfed this might affect the build drastically.

Pillars - Yeah sometimes you can be quanta-starved but i don't find this too be that bad. I've also only decked out in a couple games but it had nothing to do with quanta but with having my eternity destroyed in long games. Like Lex i never use 2 hourglasses and am not aggressive with it at all, having two in your deck is just so you can find it earlier.

No Queen - hmmmmm. This one i'm not sure what to think about. Problem with taking her out is that there are no protects in this deck so if you lose your graveyard you have no way of creating additional damage. Also like Mr Sexington said she is a top priority so you can slip in the Oty if you are desperate. Also things change a bit if the Queen is nerfed in 1.21.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Best Weapon Competition: Gravity Splitter
« on: March 18, 2010, 12:28:10 am »
Hmm nice idea, pity that the competetion has finished.

This could be incredibly useful just one question the half is rounded down or up?

Oh another question:

Special effects don't carry over? Does this mean if I use this on a frozen creature it is unfrozen? In that case would it work the same on Basilisk Blood?

Could be very nasty as a way of creature control.

Good work.

I would think the HP rounds up. Also special effects would stay on like poison, freeze, etc. What doesn't carry over are special abilities. This prevents from using it on yourself and abusing it, say you mutated a creature with steal/destroy/etc, splitting that would probably make it OP.

Also i meant the Attack Power to be halved as well. So if a Basalt got split it would turn into 2 5/6 basalts. So if you had a -2 shield up a basalt would now do only 6 total damage instead of 8.

And i thought the competition might be over but it just came to me so i figured i'll just post it.

Card Ideas and Art / Best Weapon Competition: Gravity Splitter
« on: March 17, 2010, 11:29:32 pm »
Cost: 5  :gravity (unupped), 5  :gravity (upped)
Damage: 4 damage (unupped), 4 damage (upped)
Ability Cost: 4  :gravity (unupped), 3  :gravity (upped)
Ability: Splits target creature into two with each creature having half the attack power and hit points. Special abilities do not carry over.
Flying: 4/5 (unupped), 4/5(upped)

This would work in tandem with the Otyugh being able to mince creatures down to eatable size and helps with dmg reduction if a shield is present. Although it would be detrimental if you had gravity shield up.  Might make Oty's a bit overpowered. As if they need help as it is. 

Water / Re: Permafrost Math
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:43:45 am »
Perma is useless against DG and Rainbow.
I call Shenanigans. Permafrost Shield is an absolute wrecking ball against Divine Glory.
Sorry i should have explained as Essence just did. I don't run a PA in my deck. But i am glad you brought that point to the forefront. I haven't used a PA for a while because for the most part it isnt necessary for most of the FG's and ends up just being a dead card. It would help out a little vs Rainbow and Chaos Lord. Probably be a moderate help to Seism. Most likely a moderate/big help to Divine Glory. Still not sure if i could justify putting one in but it makes it a closer decision.

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:07:52 am »
Anyway, I like your antimatter build more than the sundial one. Maybe I've just been unlucky, I don't know.
It's pretty hard to gauge. I'm honestly not sure which build i like better. Before i restarted my stats for 1.20 they basically won at the same rate. I personally just like the ability to have the extra stall and card pulling. I found with the non-sundial build if i didn't pull any hourglasses early i could run into trouble setting up. This just gives me a little more leeway. And luck certainly plays a factor in this game.

Quote from: Lex
Nova upgrade for full set of 40 cards and I must say I already likes this deck :) Although I do not have such high winning % as you ;P (but I'm still learning, have only 2 weeks of experience with game) I prefer this way of fighting over SG's deck.
My winning % at 1.20 is abnormally high right now and i certainly don't expect it to stay anywhere in this range. I expect to win anywhere from 58-61% over the long haul with this build. At 287 games in combining all builds at 61.32% i would consider that a fair assessment.

Quote from: Lex
Elite Skeletons with 2 power can overcome some enemy shield with -1 damage reduction, so I think it is worth.
I consider this upgrade a preference one also. PuppyChow likes the unupped better. I prefer the upped just because it helps speed up some games. Either way works fine though.

Here's a few tips that might help you.

Seism - use antimatters on Basalts unless you absolutely have to. It's tempting to use it on a Silurian but they are easy eating for your Oty whereas Basalts typically stay up most of the game. Also 2 rain of fires kill the Silurians. I posted before that you should steal the Diamond shield but Perma is actually better so if you can help it don't swap it out. Just make sure you destroy his Diamond shield.

Paradox - If a 8/8 or 11/11 deja vu or ray of light pops up make sure you antimatter them ASAP. Even if they are frozen it's best not to take a chance because if they TU them you could be in trouble.

Gemini - Save both antimatters for the Dragons

Scorpio - Do not use them on pufferfish (if you do they will still be able to poison you and now you can't block them).

Rainbow - try to use them on his Graboids if you can't eat them.

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: March 16, 2010, 11:02:51 pm »
40 card deck - 2 Antimatter, 3 Sundials, 1 Dim Shield, 1 Feral Bond, -1 SoG
Do you use all cards upgraded in this deck? I mean: even Sundials?
yes i'm sorry.. everything is upgraded in the deck. I even upgraded the boneyard to a graveyard. Just personal preference. I actually completely forgot about that and should add that in the comments.

I think switching another shard for a bond wouldn't work as well. What the SoG's do is allow early survival. If i had 2 bonds in my starting hand and i start slow i know i'll be in trouble. Although it's only 5 healing it really makes a difference for the early game which is the most important part. That extra +20 or so HP in the first 5 rounds can definitely make the difference in a win or loss. EMing is nice but i think you would give up some wins. Also i think it would mess with the quanta since with only 7 towers you usually never have an abundance of life quanta.

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