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Messages - Mrblonde (1979)

Pages: 1 ... 155 156 [157] 158 159 ... 165
Death / Re: Unupped AI3 farmer
« on: May 13, 2010, 08:55:07 pm »
good deck i only don't understand why you use mummy's ???
I use mummy's because flesh recluses are 3/3 vs 5/3.

SInce its ai 3 farming you should get rid of the bonewalls and add dragons or recluses.
If i was going to add creatures i would probably go recluses since having 4 dragons would definitely make you prone to more bad draws. Like i stated in the earlier post taking out the shields would make it faster but the percentage would probably be lower.

Trial Final Battle Results / Re: Final Battle
« on: May 13, 2010, 06:37:46 pm »
One quick question. After each game are you allowed to alter your deck or do you need to play the same deck each time?

General Discussion / Re: Quantum randomness
« on: May 07, 2010, 08:21:38 pm »

Doesn't it seem like your towers almost never give you 1 :entropy that first turn so you can play those 3 novas next?

I mean, in theory it's a 50% of getting one
In theory it would be 50% if each quanta could only be selected once

Actually it's ~41% if you do proper calculations.
Actually i think it's 46.1%. Since there are 6 different attempts to get 1 specific quanta of 12 i believe the equation is 1-(11/12)^n.

Forum Archive / Re: Announcing a new party: "Nupz For Pulv Farms!"
« on: May 05, 2010, 07:37:13 pm »
I went for months before getting my first Pulverizer, and I turned out alright.  It's not like there was a time when rare weapons were super easy to obtain; there's a reason they're rare.
I kinda agree with this. For the most part i had to earn the rares i needed. Getting my first eternity and pulvy were a pain. I am not one to ask for farms so i had to grind about 200 T50 games before i managed to get my first one. Many people (specially the older veterans) had to do much more grinding to get where they are at... of course life was a little easier back when you could beat FG's at a 80% rate.  ;D

Aside from that, keep in mind that t50 farms are not your right, they are a privilege.  We're lucky to have t50 players who care enough for other players to put up special farms for us (and often per request).  Please be considerate.  Put in your request, and wait patiently -- no need to start a tirade.
Like most, many of my rares i managed to win through T50 farms. To give back to the community i pretty much have a permanent T50 farm up and continue to check the thread to update it. What gets me though are the people who complain about the types of farms out. Like, i have 23 arsenics and 15 eternities, can't someone put something else up. Or the decks in the T50 that try to be as annoying as possible (6 SoGs, 6 SoD's, 6 Miracles, etc).  But those people are in the minority and i appreciate that the community is thankful for my and other's contributions.

And to answer Arcanis, there typically are so many different rare requests they can get lost. Anyhow i will leave a pulvy farm up for at least a couple days. Just don't forget to give back to the community in some way. Happy farming.

Forum Archive / Re: Best deck for grinding t50?
« on: May 05, 2010, 03:13:16 am »
Well, the problem I see is not total quanta but starting quanta. Standing there with only one or two towers makes you really slow (at least with my variant, but I don't see how it's much more different with this).
The difference is that i don't need quanta to fuel physalia's and i believe you added a bonewall to your deck making quanta even tighter. Trust me, quanta is not a problem at all.  You really just need to try it out. What's funny is that i've had a reverse discussion with someone saying that 8 towers are too much (which i somewhat agree with but i would only take out 1 tower at most) .

Forum Archive / Re: Best deck for grinding t50?
« on: May 02, 2010, 02:07:46 am »
On your deck idea:
While I like the idea of Adrenalined Arsenics, I can't seem to find it working out better, since you need 4 turns to play an Epinephrine (considering the first turn, where you don't get quanta for your mark) and it depends so much on getting Animates and Arsenics in equal order. I often find myself having either lots of Arsenics but no Animate or the other way round, which would destroy this deck. Plus, I'm also quite often having problems getting enough towers to play all stuff with 10 towers while you only have 8.
Unfortunately I don't have any of these Life cards upgraded, else I would try it out. But I really can't see it working. Having two or three Life cards in the starting hand seems like an auto-loss to me. How is this really working out for you? I don't have exact stats on my current deck (where I replaced one Physalia for another Bone Wall with good results), but it feels like an 80-90% win ratio.
8 towers is fine with this setup (it's actually more then enough) because you only need 24 total death quanta to play your whole deck. Honestly 7 towers would be enough it's just that there really are no other cards i would like to add.  2-3 life cards in your start also is no big deal. Admittedly though i don't have extensive stats on this deck but in the 30 games i have played i like it better then my speed poison. Here are my stats anyhow. Honestly in the long run these decks probably will run at a similar rate but this deck will EM much more since speed poison literally never EM's.

Speed Poison
132-32 (80.49%)
EM-17(12.88%) Probably all farms

Adrenalined Arsenics
25-5 (83.33%)
EM-14 (56%)

Do you have a code or link to another thread for this? I guess it's the Entropy one with lots of different kinds of small creatures, but having a template that works might be useful :)
Here it is although i changed out one of the cards for a flesh spider, can't remember which.

4vm 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 713 74f 74f 74f 77f 77f 77g 7ah 7dq 7gv 7ju 7n3 7q7 7t9 7t9 7t9 80b

Thanks for your Lobos btw, had only one for a loooong time. Now I on;y need two more and two Tridents to have 6 of any rare - care to put up a Lobo/Trident farm? :)
No problem i'll put up the farm later on Monday probably.

Issue Archive / Re: Firefly Queen was broken
« on: April 30, 2010, 10:08:21 pm »
I have played FQ probably about a dozen times since 1.22 and she definitely is not working correctly (which i actually don't mind  ;)). For some reason she is not spawning fireflies automatically when she has the quanta. I've had 3-4 of the games where she has had 3-4 FFQ's out and did not spawn one firefly the whole game. Other games it's been sporadic. All the games have been with a rainbow and it doesn't matter if my oty is out or not.

Anyone tried stick a couple Oty/Quints into this?  Seems like a shame to pass up the most broken combo in the game when you're already using that quanta.
It would slow the deck down too much if you did that and charger decks are already slow as it is. I've played over 100 T50 games with a charger deck and oty's would only hinder it.

Trio & Quartet / Re: Flying Green Poison
« on: April 30, 2010, 06:38:31 pm »
Nice deck, but maybe a bit too much of towers? Maybe it's me but all cards costs 2 :death to play and after then 4th or 5th towers you have more than enough to run through the whole game. My idea would maybe to trade it for some other cards or maybe even emerald towers to help out for the life's card. This is just an idea :P
You certainly can take out a few towers because this deck does not need the quanta BUT i caution you in taking out too many. I have found that in making other decks having less then 6 towers can really give you slow draws. Remember your mark is life so if you only draw 1 tower opening hand it hurts. This is more of a "i have more towers so that i can draw 2 or 3 early so i can play my whole hand by turn 3" kind of deck.

For example nothing sucks more then having 2 epinephrine's 3 poisons 1 tower and a animate weapon as your opening draw.  You can't play anything turn 1 and if turn 2 or 3 don't give you a tower you have to start discarding (i've had that happen a couple times with 8 towers so with less towers obv this would be a more common occurance).

I think adding emerald towers would be moderately helpful but then i wouldn't want to be stuck with it as my sole opening tower or even as 1 of the 2 beginning towers. That would slow down your early rush and if you don't get any animate weapons (which does happen) it's not helpful.

The only cards you really could add to this deck would be life cards (no point adding any more death) and IMO adding anything more then another epi would make it prone to bad draws. Although swapping out a heal or tower for another epi wouldn't be bad i think.

Forum Archive / Re: Best deck for grinding t50?
« on: April 30, 2010, 03:50:06 pm »
you only need 20% of decks you face to be farm decks in order to break even, and I was turning a profit. 
That there is the problem... typically 20% of the T50 decks are not farm decks. But if you are indeed making a profit then i guess it's not a bad idea... I would just hate to add so many needless losses to my record.

Welcome to MrBlonde's Eternal t50 farm how may I serve you? I have every rare available and would be happy to accommodate you. I typically put in my farms around 1-3am PST.

Rare Farm Schedule (Based on PST, USA west coast)

10/26 - Pulvy/Discord
10/27 - Staff/Arsenic

Forum Archive / Re: Best deck for grinding t50?
« on: April 30, 2010, 12:58:43 pm »
I like poison the most for T50. Reasons:

I find Congeal not very useful, since
a) It hinders you playing your Physalia - you already have to wait if you draw more than one without Congeal
b) Most rainbow decks (which is the largest part you (or at least I) face in T50 use quints anyway and Life rush often has Epinephrine which renders it useless

Loses ~50% vs. Life/Fire/Earth due to them being faster - better draws or Bone Wall turns the tide
May lose vs. Rainbow if they draw lots of SoGs early
Not saying this is any better but maybe you would like to try this deck out? You have most of the cards already, works fairly well and you don't have to really worry about creature control or bonewalls. I found that with a regular speed poison deck with physalia's, oty's and RoF's really ruined my day.,5961.msg67844.html#new

My personal favorite T50 farmer though is Jangoo's speed rainbow deck. If you want to get EM's in the T50 this is the deck to use. I'm 145-26 (84.80%) with 84 EM's (57.93%). Probably a little slower then the other speed decks but the win percentage for me is a little higher then my next best farmer. Majority of my losses are due to the prevalent RoL/Hope deck. I really hate that matchup.

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