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Messages - MrSexington (270)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 09:11:31 pm »
My question is, why do you use those creamtions? Do you really need them? Its like Supernova, and you are not using tons od fire quanta or i have missed sth

I guess you wanted to change sth from normal rainbow?
In theory, for 3 reasons:
  • Fire Shield + 2 Fire Storm is usually too much fire for a normal Rainbow.  (I may add a 3rd Fire Storm.)
  • Fractal Phoenix Spam
  • Sacrifice creatures to fuel your Graveyards.
But I agree, something's off.  You have to understand that it started as a 60 card deck.  I just threw in everything I wanted and started cutting back more and more.  It started with 2 Fire Shields, 3 Fire Storms, 3 Graveyards, and 2 Feral Bonds.  Mass skeletons was a big part of the deck, so once you had 2 or more Graveyards, the ability to sacrifice them became a big deal.

I guess it's not too impressive if you only have 1 Graveyard in play.


Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 07:59:26 pm »
If I substituted the Rays for SoGs and an extra Dial, or used an Animate Weapon or Sparks for Cremation? Or maybe the Spine Carapace with the extra 1 dmg reduction? I can almost build this deck but was upgrading some rares and didnt want to spend the extra cash if it was futile.
I tried to stay away from the Animate Weapons (and Fahrenheits) mostly because I think FG decks can only support 1 type of combo before it gets too inconsistent with too many dead cards in your hand.  In normal rainbows it's Quintessence and creatures to win the game.  In this deck it's Cremation and sacrificial creatures.

But it's worth testing.

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 07:37:34 pm »
Yeah, I usually end up with a lot of Fire Quanta, but it's mostly there to spam 8 Phoenixes (ideally).

The current version still isn't working as well as I wish it did.  It's the Quanta required to get going.  Cremations are just inferior to Supernovas for all non-fire cards if there aren't any Graveyards in play.  The deck gets a lot of bad draws because of this.

Maybe switch mark back to Entropy and -Towers & + Novas...?

You could always add a normal Pheonix for more punch or maybe a 2nd Fractal to soak up some quanta.  But I don't know about that.


EDIT: Since the Druid & Queen aren't necessary to win, I'm currently looking to drop the Fallen Druid in favor an Antimatter and possibly drop the Queen for an Eagle's Eye to help out with the control and life gain problems.  Then again... they might be too good to leave out.

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 01:51:08 pm »
you can add in 3  sundials and 3 SoGs to fix that
That might work. 

I was stuck on 40 cards but...

...For the greater good!


Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 01:39:12 pm »
A little more testing and without Bonewalls & Shards of Gratitude it takes too much early damage.



Rainbow Decks / MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
« on: June 20, 2010, 01:02:47 pm »
**EDIT: -1 Feral Bond, -1 Fire Shield, +1 Shard of Gratitude, +1 Permafrost Shield.  Updated Pic.  Old Notes.

MrSexington's "Cremation Rainbow"
(a.k.a. MrSexington's "I Just Creamed My Pants" Deck)

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5rp 5rp 5rp 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u6 717 717 74b 77f 7am 7ba 7dl 7do 7do 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7ds 7ds 7gp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7k2 7n3 7q5 7q5 7t9 80i 8ps

Deck Notes:

There's a lot of synergy between all the cards in the deck and one card kind of leads into the other.

  • Time Mark - Even though there are only 2 Time cards in the deck, the Time Mark is essential since I'm running 4 Cremation & 2 Supernova vs. 6 Supernova.
  • Cremation - This is the central change of the deck (vs. Normal Rainbow).
  • Minor Phoenixes & Photons - The Cremation needs targets and these 2 creatures are excellent targets.
  • Graveyards - Instead of running of single Boneyard, I'm running double Graveyards.  The Elite Skeletons aren't just fodder for the Fallen Druid, in this deck they become a win condition.  Between the Cremated Phoenixes and Fire Shields, you get a lot of mileage out of them.
  • Fire Shields - Because you have so much extra Fire Quanta and because Death Quanta is dedicated to the Graveyards, I chose to include Fire Shields over Bone Walls.
  • Improved Miracle - The Fire Shields are nice, but that means you're going to be taking a lot of damage.  I found that the Miracle is essential for the deck.  It requires a lot of Light Quanta so it's a good thing the Photons are in the deck.
  • Feral Bonds - I figured that if I'm going for the creature theme for the deck, might as well do it right.  I chose to put in double Bonds and zero Shards of Gratitude.  If all goes well, with double Graveyards and nearly unkillable Phoenixes, your side of the board will fill up quickly.
  • Fractal - Fractal Phoenixes.  Photons if necessary.  (It only takes 2 Cremations to be able to cast an entire hand full of Phoenixes.)
  • Quintessence - Because the Fallen Druid, OTY, and/or Elite Queen aren't necessary to win, there is no need for Quintessence.  All Aether Quanta is dedicated towards a big Fractal.  Also, an early Minor Phoenix will empty a lot of initial creature hate.
  • Elite Queen - This is a minor point, but the Elite Firefly Quanta is actually being put to good use in this deck.

  • I don't have any stats for the deck yet.  I've beaten some False Gods, but I don't know if I got over 50%.
  • I'm also not sure if I'm happy with the permanent control.  1 Pulveriser and 1 Steal feels a little light.
  • I also use this as my Top 50 deck.  It probably takes longer to win than a normal rush, but it matches up well against all of the normal rainbows in there.

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: What's your life like?
« on: June 19, 2010, 03:58:35 pm »
I'm 27 years old, born and raised in the Bay Area, California.  After changing majors twice, I finally finished my Bachelor's Degree in Biology and currently attend Ross University School of Medicine, in the Caribbean.  I intend on specializing in Emergency Medicine.  If you do a little searching about medical schools, you'll soon find out that that are only 4 schools worth attending out here (among 30+).

(At one point in time I wanted to get into Computer Programming.  What was I thinking?)

I study 12 hours a day and occasionally screw around online.

Oh yeah, and I'm $100,000 in debt and will be $250,000 in debt by the time I'm done... hahaha... no really.


Trio & Quartet / Re: Thor's Hammer
« on: June 18, 2010, 07:30:04 pm »
Yeah, I think Puppy's is superior, but if you win 1 turn earlier with the ball lightnings (if you win)... guess that works too.


Trio & Quartet / Re: Immortal Flying Titans!
« on: June 14, 2010, 06:41:24 pm »
While trying out different variations of flying titan decks, I realized that the flown titans, especially the gravity pulled ones, get owned by rewinds or mutations.

Therefore, I have created this deck.

It's simple; use the fact that flying Titans have 70 hp to gravity pull it and absorb all the damage from the enemy. A VERY good anti-rainbow rush.

Any comments? :)
I assume you want to use the quints on your Titans and not just the Nymph.  Unless they changed it recently, gravity pull and quintessence don't work together.

Have you play tested this deck?


I've gone to the oracle every day since February when I discovered elements.  I've only gotten  :gravity and  :aether so far.

It would be nice to be able to play the game.


General Discussion / Re: Another thing about elements i don't like.
« on: June 14, 2010, 02:33:52 am »
One of the strategies in elements involves a fire/aether combo. Where the player sends out a minor phoenix, which is unlikley to be killed. They then use cremation followed by fractual to spam a couple of dozen more minor phoenixes, which wipes out almost any opponent. Because of cremation, it's not possible to prevent the player gaining the mana needed, whilst shields won't work due to explosion

It's pretty clear there's no skill whatsoever with this strategy. It is purely dependent on whether the player has a minor phoenix, cremations and a fractual, pretty early on. Chances are, they will.

But this is all luck. A knowledgeable opponent will know exactly how they will play, but there's nothing they can do to stop it. All that knowledgeable opponent can do is hope the phoenix spammer has a poor run of cards. So there's no skill influencing the outcome.

Elements is, generally, a pretty skill based game. But this strategy is purely based on luck, and it doesn't exactly make for interesting battles either. So this is a bad thing in elements.

Something should be done to ban this strategy, and ensure elements most skilful players are the ones who flourish.
The Invincible Anti-matter Deck is the answer, obviously.


Archived Decks / Re: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
« on: June 06, 2010, 01:05:47 pm »
I guess you won't have a Micro to use Eternity on over and over again... small price?

Back when I tested Nymphomania one of the biggest problems was that any deck with Fallen Druid kicked my ass.  Eternity kinda-sorta helps (until they get 2).


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