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Messages - Memorystick (713)

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 60
Competitions / Re: False God Competition: Forbidden Romance
« on: January 17, 2011, 05:16:07 am »
Code: [Select]
7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q7 7q7 7q7 7q8 7q8 7qk 7qk 7qk 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 80a 80a 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80h 80h 80j 80j 80j 80j 80j 80s 80s 80s (,19669.0.html)

He was a god; she was but a mortal. It was supposed to be taboo... yet here I am. My mother was denied the afterlife, my father disgraced. I would have been killed... I should have been killed. But I escaped- their weapons could not harm me. I had to learn how they thought, so I could survive. Eventually, I was discovered... but I had found a way to slow them, and I escaped yet again. When they thought I had starved, I gathered their armies, along with my few friends, and brought them to their knees. Now, I am one of them. I am Kebechet, daughter of Anubis and his lover- an Aether Nymph.

PvP League / Re: Elements PvP League - Rules
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:52:56 am »
thenewguy and I discussed some rule changes, and this is what we came up with:
Alright folks. I've seen still more username errors, so I'm going to put some more rules into effect.
  • Everyone in BL will put their forum name (exactly as it appears) in their chat profile, like so: "Forum name: Memorystick"
  • Everyone in BL will use the user tags ((username)) when posting match results
  • Everyone in BL will type the winner in one line and loser below that
Y'all have one more chance before we start getting strict- I suggest you make certain that you post correctly.
Finally, updated.
For clarification, both  and  are acceptable.
(I forgot to post this last night :-[ )

EDIT: For the formatting noobs out there:
Code: [Select]
Of course, those are our respective profiles- you can get the link to your profile by clicking on your name in one of your posts, or by clicking your name in the memberlist (

Make sure your links go to the respective profiles before posting.

And finally, I will accept corrections to any matches that don't follow the format up until I post my "updated" post- no later. Make sure  your posts are correct or that you're in chat when I'm updating! (preferably the former)

EDIT 2: After finding a rather impressive fail, I'd like to point out that is not a specific profile link- to get your profile link, click on your name by any of your forum posts or do a Forum Member Search (;sa=search) for your name.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.26
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:30:00 am »
They played a shield with 1 damage reduction, reducing the damage dealt by the BoL to 9

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 1/2011
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:03:38 am »
Alright folks. I've seen still more username errors, so I'm going to put some more rules into effect.
  • Everyone in BL will put their forum name (exactly as it appears) in their chat profile, like so: "Forum name: Memorystick"
  • Everyone in BL will use the user tags ([user](username)[/user]) when posting match results
  • Everyone in BL will type the winner in one line and loser below that
Y'all have one more chance before we start getting strict- I suggest you make certain that you post correctly.
Finally, updated.

Trial of Earth / Re: 3rd Trials - Phase 1 - Proving of Worthiness
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:19:46 am »
$$$man - wordcounttool showed 598 words.

However, it doesn't count symbols (+) and those mean "and", so you got full credit. Beware though, next time do you word checking with . Symbols have no place in quality articles anyways, so there will be no exceptions like these in future Trials.
I checked word count tool and it showed 622 words. That's strange....
Well, all the chat got 598...
LOL! I just checked it again and got 598, turns out the article I put it, had the BBcode as well xD. :P
Sorry for the confusion, won't happen again :/
That's why I used preview with my card comments, that way I wouldn't get the coding :P

Trial Battle Archive / Re: Time Trials: Memorystick 3-2 Belthazar666
« on: January 16, 2011, 04:55:34 am »
Practically a mirror match, I went for stall and he went for speed.
Mirrors must work differently where you're from
They do... when they're warped :P

Trial Battle Archive / Time Trials: Memorystick 3-2 Belthazar666
« on: January 16, 2011, 03:51:29 am »
I don't remember the exact decks (except the last one), but I can remember most of them.
Game 1: Loss
Code: [Select]
58s 593 593 593 594 594 594 594 594 5ro 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 77j 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q3 7q4 7q8 7qc 7qc 7qcPractically a mirror match, I went for stall and he went for speed.

Game 2: Loss
Code: [Select]
5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fb 5fb 5fb 5fb 5fb 5fb 5rn 5rn 5rn 5rn 5rn 5ro 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q1 7q1 7q7 7q8He used a life duo, I pulled no deja vus for some time. In retrospect, I should have had less pendulums and more dejas.

Game 3: Win
Code: [Select]
4vl 4vl 500 500 5rm 5rr 5rr 5rt 5rt 5rt 5rt 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u7 6u7 7q0 7q3 7qb 7qbSomewhat a mirror match- he went animated discords, I went for neurotoxin and stall. I got the better hand (he only drew one! pillar) and pulled an early discord and second-turn dune.

Game 4: Win
Code: [Select]
5ig 5ig 5ig 5rh 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5ro 5ro 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 7gp 7gp 7gr 7gr 7gr 7h1 7h1 7q0 7q0 7q0He went back to his life duo, I kept his creatures either frozen or rewound for the most part, although his turtle shield made that difficult. I won with 13 HP left.

Game 5: Win
Code: [Select]
5lk 5lk 5oj 5oj 5oj 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rl 5rl 5rl 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 7ac 7ac 7af 7af 7n5 7n5 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q4 7q8I almost used novas, and I'm glad I didn't. He used an aether duo, but got a poor draw. I only got time cards in my opening hand, but got a hope, followed quickly by a life tower and a pendulum, and then a leaf dragon and a queen. Those hourglasses were extremely helpful.

Incredibly good games Belthazar666, and good luck with your other matches ;D

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: January 14, 2011, 08:38:38 am »
:entropy :entropy :entropy :death :life :gravity :darkness :darkness
Looks like the RNG wants me to have the nymphs for liquid antimatter ;D

General Discussion / Re: How did my Lobotomizer get frozen?
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:55:52 am »
It's by design. look in the voodoo doll (,9640.0.html) page for more information

General Discussion / Re: How did my Lobotomizer get frozen?
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:52:03 am »
If you freeze a voodoo doll it freezes the opponent's weapon. not a bug.

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 1/2011
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:44:35 am »
mrpaper: patchx94
Once more-
Make certain you have your opponent's exact forum username, including spaces ( ), underscores (_), periods (.), parentheses ( ( ) ), capitals (Aa Bb...), etc.
If this continues to happen then results with incorrect names will NOT be counted.
I would suggest putting your forum name in your chat profile, that way it's easily accessible after a match.

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 1/2011
« on: January 14, 2011, 01:19:29 am »
Thanks to those of you who honored my request, it makes things a lot easier.
Also, thanks to those who corrected their mistakes, although you don't need to stress that mmuch as long as it is fixed.
However, I still saw several uncorrected (or wrongly corrected) mistakes, so I'm going to remind you all once more-
 Make sure you have your opponent's exact forum username!
Not chat name, in-game name, or nickname- the forum username. Thank you.

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blarg: thenewguy,Memorystick,patchx94