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Messages - Matthew21210 (4)

Pages: [1]
Deck Help / Re: Oyt Devour/"Synergy" - feedback
« on: March 01, 2010, 12:59:06 am »
Thanks. Really like the Grav death deck. How well does it Tri or Rainbow later on, assuming I threw a few hourglasses in?

Deck Help / Re: Oyt Devour/"Synergy" - feedback
« on: February 28, 2010, 11:56:03 pm »
Alright. Thanks. The Earth/Grav deck there is mostly what I had for a while, but I dropped some of the oty's because I always drew too much, and decking out was common because of the eating's slow speed. Grav shield just recently came out of the deck, it seems like there's more often 8 X/5s than others.

I'll think about it....

Deck Help / Re: Oyt Devour/"Synergy" - feedback
« on: February 27, 2010, 08:39:30 pm »
Alright. I was thinking of thinning it down quite a bit, but a lot of those one offs are there to drain excess quantum I get. Any suggestions to replace some of those, rather than just be frustrated that I have three  :gravity and fourteen  :air ?

Edit: Also, does every deck have to revolve around either drawing 3 cards X6 and the quantum for em, or giant monolithic 90 card decks that tank unless you draw into one of the hourglasses in it?

P.S. What's wrong with heal?
P.P.S. Is there a particular direction to recommend in taking this deck?

Deck Help / Oyt Devour/"Synergy" - feedback
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:44:20 am »
Alright. Asking for feedback and any thoughts. Not trying to make an FG deck, just a farily good all around one, effective for pvp.

46 Cards
10 x Quantum Pillars
7 x Grav Pillars
5 x Oyts
2 x armagio
2 x sapphire chargers
2x momentum
3 x plate armor
2 x heal
2 x steal
2 x parallel universe
Enchant artifact
Unstable gas

As you can see, most of the cards aim at accentuating the oytughs devour ability, plates to get them ready to devour, adrenaline to capitalize on the relatively low atk they end up with sometimes, as well as to put on the spark if I need to.
Bones and aflatoxin to feed each other, enchant to protect important things, steal as a matter of fact. same with unstable. Just something I can dump unused quanta.
Parallel is good for a particularly powerful oytugh with buffs or something to steal (Duh), and the momentum makes sure the valuable oyt's don't get stuck behind a shield. Sapphires and Armagio seem to buff it out nicely. Anything to consider cutting or increasing?

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