« on: May 12, 2010, 07:40:11 pm »
Xinef I like the idea that it should be better for new players as well as ones that have played for long periods of time because lets face it, the way things get to be popular is if its a good product for everyone, now I admit I don't PvP that often, could be my lack of actual desire to play against actual people, or just that I have this crippling want to get more upgraded cards, which I am not sure if this is so but maybe you should be able to win upgraded cards in such rooms where only upgraded cards are allowed, (to maybe get those people with aspirations of getting upgraded cards) to get new cards without grinding false gods to do it? As for war rooms you could make a section on the forums about it if the idea got popular so that waiting around didn't take as long, then players could communicate and set up games for actual rewards (I feel that there should be a spin or two just from playing my best friends on the game)