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Messages - Lordpants (134)

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Aether / Re: Spark / Ball Lightning
« on: May 16, 2010, 01:20:45 am »
Its actually quite fun >.> I found myself giggling a lot right before comboing it all out (because getting big creatures is cool like that)

Air / Re: Unstable gas deck
« on: May 16, 2010, 01:15:38 am »
Yeah that was a mistake on my part, and it made me look like a total d bag when I didn't mean to, I have been attempting to work with a deck like this, and was thinking too much for upgraded stuff, my apologies.

Humor / Re: Where's Anubis?
« on: May 13, 2010, 10:04:50 pm »
Because you might have thought it was too easy, besides Anubis can't drive, hes too busy holding his staff.

Humor / Re: Where's Anubis?
« on: May 13, 2010, 06:39:04 pm »
Actually took me a minute to find him in the moon one but he is there look hard.

Humor / Re: One of our members is a hacker!!!
« on: May 13, 2010, 06:36:58 pm »
Gotta watch for those Skelly's Xinef, but thanks for the easy mastery as always ^_^

Humor / Re: Where's Anubis?
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:05:45 pm »
Anubis, is everywhere, this however, is just as awesome ... although i hope he doesn't make anything too immortal while hes on his world tour

Humor / Re: One of our members is a hacker!!!
« on: May 13, 2010, 01:58:53 pm »
Don't worry I can hack it so that you will have it back in no time Xinef

I would also like to note, that this thread was started months before I joined, oddly enough I did play for a long time before joining the forum. fascinating, I think I have a stalker in Scaredgirl =P (obviously joking)

Design Theory / Re: Abilities!
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:55:27 am »
okay I have a bunch so here we go

Run Away: If this creature has 1hp at the end of your turn its returned to your hand.
Lucky Shot: Flip the coin if heads the attack is doubled if tails it misses
Sure Shot: Will hit through any shield that could make you miss.
Soul Steal: Absorb adjacent monsters atk/hp (this would cost quantum)
Chaotic: Randomly adjusts this creatures atk/hp at the end of your turn that equals the sum of its original atk/hp
Time Loop: Creature attacks twice but could end up in a time bubble for 1 turn (50% chance?)
Trickery: Lure a creature to your side with an attack lower than this creature (for low atk creatures only)
Stomp: An opponents creature with 1 hp is destroyed whenever this creature attacks successfully.
Swamp: Creatures adjacent to this creature cannot use activated abilities.
War Drum: All creatures gain attack equal to half there hp, but are destroyed at the end of turn.
Protection: Prevents one source of damage to itself once per turn.

Design Theory / Re: New ideas for debuffs
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:40:59 am »

Massive Swing: Attack is doubled but stuck in a time bubble for the next turn

Chaotic: Randomly change the atk/hp to a sum of its original atk/hp (basically meaning if a creature was 3/3 it could become a 1/5 or 5/1 or anything inbetween)

Flare: Cards adjacent take one damage when this creature attacks.

Crucible Archive / Re: Pigley | Pigley
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:34:34 am »
So it effects the card holder who puts it in there deck too hmmm, yeah that could be interesting to even play it when you start with one.

1 tower you get one quanta, and if you don't have another one, well, there goes your quanta? is that how it works if its in your opening hand?

Forge Archive / Re: Aleph Mask | Gemini Mask
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:45:17 pm »
You could end up drawing 2 fractals, or 2 of the said card you need to fractal, and having say 3 fractals in a deck, would and could net you six with the current numbers, so that you can use fractal more often.

Thats how I saw it anyway. Also something I didn't think of, drawing 2 towers could be OP when combined with Fire, I say could be because it adds 4 more on that turn then 2 extra each other, again doesn't seem like THAT big a deal but who knows.

Archived Decks / Re: Yaladilae's Poison Quartet (v1.21)
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:08:45 pm »
So far I like the look haven't played it yet for obvious electrum reasons, but I will probably make this one because A. I love Anubis and B. Poison is just plain fun, and C. Quantum towers love to hate me and give me everything I don't need. So kudos for making a non rainbow =)

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