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Messages - Lord_Jadem (43)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Elemental Dungeons
« on: September 29, 2011, 02:41:52 pm »
Elemental Dungeons

To begin, the idea for this came in response to a note by the Great and Mighty Zanzarino regarding future possibilities and some of the things implemented in Arena.  I understand the ideas represented here may be well beyond the scope of anything intended for this game, but is just one of those heart's desires you always hear about.

The general idea is to create a new game mode where players send a party of their decks into dungeons for treasure and adventure.  The player would create a party made up of seperate decks.  Each deck would represent a different member of the party and be customizable.  The party then goes into the dungeon which may or may not be graphically represented, which is not important to the idea.  The dungeons would have 6 levels corresponding to the levels on the Main Menu (level 0 - False Gods).  Size varying with level.  Once in the dungeon the party player would make decisions which way to go.  There would be chance of random encounter at each movement.

The first part of this proposal is to setup a new Adventurer rank and level independant of existing score.  This would let everyone come into the game on an even playing field without causing any disruption with existig score or Arena rank.  Adventurer experience would be gained only in Dungeon game mode and would be gained similarly to existing score with exceptions that will be mentioned later.  I would use the same levels grades as existing as well.  While I had thought of restricting cards based on level, that would seem to hinder players who have spent so much time gathering and upgrading cards that I decided to skip it.  With each increase in Adventurer level come benefits such as Maneuver points and Skill points.  Maneuver points would be unique to Dungeon mode while Skill points would be similar and incorporating those in Arena mode.  Both would be equal to Adventure Level.

The first step in starting an adventure is to create a party of adventurers.  Each player can have up to a certain number of decks (party members) based on level (see Table 1).  Each deck would be constructed with the full skill points of the player and spending them on skills in table 2.  The party would be created in order of battle. That order determines order of deck play during encounters.  Each party member can equip up to 1permanent loot item, which will be discussed later.  Adventurer's skills and deck cannot be changed once dungeon entered.  Equipped items can be changed throughout.

Table 1
Level     Number of party members
1-10   2
11-25   3
26-50   4
51-75   5
76-100   6

Table 2
Skill            Points
+1 draw   (max 1)            20   
5hp               1
+1 mark (max 2)            10
Initiative               10
5hp regeneration* (max 3)         10
Mulligan (max 1)            10
Lockpicking (+5%)  (max 5)         1
Sense chests (counts chests on level)      2
+1 copy of card allowed (beyond normal 6)   5

* - This form of regeneration would appear in same way as the healing of Purify so can be degraded by poison.

Now the adventure begins.  System rolls up random level 1 dungeon and party finds themself in it.  Each dungeon level has 1 portal to next level (except bottom level), 1 boss and at least 1 treasure chest. The portal and 1 level chest reachable only after defeating Boss. More treasure chests on deeper levels.  Player chooses North, East, South or West to go. 

Everytime party changes rooms there is a random (1 in 4?) chance for event.  Usually this would be encounter with monster deck (of same level as dungeon level), but could be treasure or ambush (see Table 3).  Each encounter (except ambush) would start off with first active party member playing the monster deck. If player loses, that adventurer is KO'd and play begins with next deck in line.  If all decks are KO'd adventure ends and all loot aside from standard cards won through spins are lost.An ambush is where a randomly chosen adventurer is attacked instead of the first adventurer deck.  The order change caused by ambush is for this encounter only. If encounter is won normal xp/electrum/spins apply.

Table 3
65% Encounters monster
10% Encounter group*
10% Finds treasure
10% Ambushed
5% Finds chest

If Encounter group rolled there are 2-5 monsters in room.  They are huddled around fire near a chest.  They do not notice party and party can either attack or leave.  If attacking group battle is against entire group, 1 at a time until one party destroyed or player's party flees.  If party wins chest is discovered.  If party leaves room without defeating group, they will not be there if party returns to the room.

In addition to encounters, the party has Maneuver points it can spend.  1 point to use found portal to go deeper into dungeon.  1pt to attempt to flee encounter, which cannot be done during actual duel.  When encounter starts player will have chance to try to flee (1pt) or to swap one deck for another (2pts). Flee chance percentage would be 50% +1%/5 Adventurer level.  If fleeing fails, duel begins. These actions are also available after each duel if player loses provided there is at least 1 more adventurer left to flee.  At any time other than during an encounter the party can exit dungeon at no cost.  If party has found a chest it must first unlock it (1pt).  Chance of success = 50% +1%/5 Adventurer level for random chest and 25% +1%/5 Adventurer level for a level chest.  Maneuvers and cost on Table 4.

Table 4
Maneuver         Cost
Go down to next level   1
Exit dungeon      0
Attempt to flee encounter   1
Swap party member   (duel)   2
Unlock chest      1
Locate stairs      1
Revive member      5
Change order      2
Sense Chest (need skill)   1

Treasure chests are primary reason to go into dungeons of course.  Each treasure chest has 1-5 card spins of random deck of appropriate level.  Of course there are also varying amounts of electrum as well as a chance for a new type of loot.  This would be new items that can be used only in Dungeon mode.  Lots of possibilites available.   Unless noted otherwise these can be used after encounter but before duel and last for 1 duel only.

Table 5
Bracelet of Power       +1 mark
Amulet of Regneration    5 regeneration pts
Scroll of Initiative      Automatically gets the 1st play
Feather of the Phoenix   50% chance to revive 1 party member during encounter, deck goes to end of battle order.  Can use          only once per level of dungeon
Leather Armor      +25 starting HP
Chain Mail         +50 starting HP
Plate Mail         +75 starting HP
Weapon         Starts play with selected non-rare weapon equipped
Shield Bracelet      Starts play with card Shield in play.
Boots of Quickness      +10% chance when attempting to flee
Lockpicks      +10% chance when trying to unlock chest
Fastdraw Ring      25% chance to start play with random weapon in deck already equipped
Shield Ring      25% chance to start play with random shield in deck already equipped
Quantum Belt      Starts with 5 quanta of same element as mark
Necklace of Speed      75% chance to play first
Belt of the Beastmaster   Starts play with random pet (a la Oracle)
Glasses of Seeing      25% chance to see opponents starting hand (precognition)
Ring of Chance      Player has option to reshuffle opening hand
Cap of Alertness      Ambushes do not change party order if any party member has this equipped

Again these are just a few of the possibilities possibilities and all would be fairly rare, the better ones being even more so.  May need to break those down into further rarity tiers.

As mentioned before each level has a boss, which would have double the normal spins as a standard deck for that level.  The Boss also has enhanced abiliities.  Each Boss gets 1 roll/level on Table 7.  Please note this is in addition to normal,  so FG rolling increased hp twice, Regen, draw and mark twice would have 250hp, regeneration, 3 card draw and Mark *5 total.

Table 7
25% more hp
Regeneration 5hp/turn
Increased draw
Increased mark
Always goes first (reroll if already has)

The rewards for beating a boss would be higher than beating standard deck.  Increased spins, experience, electrum and a chance to win loot.  As noted before, each level has a boss guarding a level chest and the portal to next level.  The FG Boss being much more powerful than standard FGs I think would require an exceptional reward.  Possibilities such as the spin after 3 in a row on Arena Platinum and maybe even possibility of Mark or Nymph come to mind.  Of course perhaps very special loot cards etc.

Multiplayer Dungeons could also be interesting.  Say no more than 4 players per party. The highest level player (or highest experience points if tie) would determine moves and that players Manuevor points would be the party's manuevor points.  Would be able to cede leadership to other member if desired.  This would not change Manuever points of party.  I expect communication would be done through Elements Chat, hopefully PM.  Would be able to either enter a waiting room for autoparty function or Invite/Join other. Each encounter starts with random player.  The players not active in dual automatically in watch mode.  Active player if wins duel gets normal victory rewards, including spin. Inactive members gets even share of 50% of rewards ( so if 90 electrum won on a 4 member party, active player gets 90 electrum, and the other 3 get 30) and if card won, each inactive player gets 50%/party chance of gettting card as well.  I thought of requiring all party members to be within x levels of each other but maybe not.  Certainly an autoparty option which would group players from waiting pool would try to do by level, but if someone wants to create party of friends should be up to them.  If someone has to leave, party can either continue on, invite others to join or open slot up to autoparty queue.

Ok.  Those are my initial thoughts on this, what little there was of it. :)

Some friends and I had started doing a variation of this with a similar real world ccg.  1 dungeon master playing the various 'monster decks' as they were randomly encountered and the 3 other players playing their starter deck.  Winning each battle provided random cards to customize with in addition to the treasure chest items which would have more cards plus chance at the out-of-ccg loot.  Over time we built up 'hireling' decks to accompany us and the DM (rotating) had to start building boss decks kind of like FG/Arena here: double draw, increased life or increased hand size as well as certain other abilites such as regeneration.  It all got very complicated after awhile but completely addicting.  I lost so many hours to that game. :)  Now I feel tempted to try to put together a new group.

I am now half hoping Zanz doesn't read this in fear of him banning me from game/forum entirely just to keep me the hell away from him.  8)

I had originally posted part of this under a different thread but decided to remove it as I thought there was enough content to start a new thread.  The thread it was inspired by was:,29880.0.html

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Faction Rating System?
« on: September 28, 2011, 05:16:07 pm »
I have mixed feelings about the faction system as mentioned above.  On one hand I think it is fantastic to add something new to the continuous grind.  It certainly makes sense to build up an affinity with a given element.  Losing affinity with the diametrically opposed element also makes sense.  Were I less prone to switching and playing with different decks at any given moment I would be completely in love with it.  I guess life is about choices.

Another possibility is after reaching certain heights in loyalty to 1 faction, you might start to lose loyalty in all the others especially those close to diametrically opposed faction.  "If Wizardbob is that loyal to faction x, it calls into question his supposed loyalty to us."  This would make sure that no one is ranked highly in more than 1 faction.

It almost seems like this could utilize some of the Arena concepts.  Each empire could have the different level of outposts corresponding to the levels of the arena.  If you attack the remote remote outpost it would be the bronze level people of that faction.  While assaulting the castle would be platinum level loyalists.

I was actually planning on writing up some sort of proposal for this, but having stumbled upon this is much better!  Trying to sell an idea to someone else who would have to do all the work is so much harder. :)

As to the card creation, I think that is an excellent idea.   I think perhaps might first have to win a blueprint/recipe/summoning spell etc through questing.  Perhaps different level blue prints.  The very best of course only available through the highest level of conquest.  (Have fun storming the castle!)  Not every succesful raid would garner blueprint. Materials could require raiding as well.  Steel/Stone in the empire of Earth, Glass in the empire of Time, Wood in the empire of Wood for instance.  For materials in empire that you are attuned with however, maybe have option of Defend the Realm to face AI 'invaders' to win materials in payment.  Blue prints also maybe available through events and donations.  Perhaps even lucky oracle spins.

Perhaps the pets could be tied to your loyalty.  At certain tiers of rank new pets become available.  Can either have only 1 pet at a time or perhaps even have a stable where you can park one while you trot out another.  In fact, I think it would be great if everyone started with 1 and could only get addional stalls via winning events or through donations.

Clearly I have gone far afield and maybe a tad crazy.  The ideas in the original post just created way too much excitement in me that I failed to suppress.  I have never been more excited about this game than I was when I read those ideas.  If I gone too far down a narrow pass, please forgive me.  I simply more ideas than self control. :) 

Tutorials / Re: What the cards don't tell you...
« on: September 28, 2011, 03:37:39 pm »
      This is a nice thread.  I almost wonder if some of the card specific notes should also be added the individual card threads as Notes of play.

      A couple more notes:

      • A creature with momentum bypasses gravity pulled creatures.
      • A creature with venom will only poison opponent 2 times instead of 4 when using adrenaline.
      • Sanctuary prevents the new gain light quanta ability of solar shield.  This one almost seems like a bug...
      • A spark is a creature not a spell.  If it is buffed to 1 or more hp it will stay until killed.
      • Otyugh's favorite meal is frog legs with red wine.
      • Rewind now turns a skeleton into random creature (including another skeleton) so will not cause it to be returned to hand.
      • A creature with vampire ability that is given antimatter will heal its opponent and damage its owner.
      • A shard of readiness does not work with photosynthesis (rustler).
      • Mitosis creates a new creature with original abilities and stats, not a copy.
      • Creatures with 0 strength do not trigger shield affects.
      • Spine Carapace reduces damage by 1 and will not infect creatures with 1 strength.
      • You can hover over a creature card to see 'hidden' abilities such as airborn and see how many rounds it will be frozen/delayed etc as well as its current/max hp (important for next note).
      • A voodoo doll that is copied (Parallel/Twin Universe) will instantly deal opponent damage equal to difference in current hp and its max hp.  If copied doll has 1hp out of 20 - 19 damage.
      • Shards of Gratitude and Sanctuary heal after creature attacks but before weapon does. Vampire ability, Regeneration and Empathic Bond healing occurs at time of attack  This can be important when trying to get Elemental Mastery.
      • A mutated creature retains status affects such as poison, gravity pull, momentum and adrenaline.
      • Playing quintessence on a frozen creature will remove the frozen affect, but poison will remain.
      • Purify has a cumulative healing effect that works like poison in reverse.  Adding poison to it detracts from the healing.  So if you have +3 purify applying poison will reduce it to +2.
      • Nightfall affects all Dark/Death creatures on both sides.  Stealing a Nightfall has no real effect.
      • Drain Life can be used as a euphamism for Elements the Game.
      OK.  It was more than a couple.  Not sure if how many of those will be deemed useful, but there it is.

      Thanks for playing.  Better luck next time.  The check is indeed in the mail.

Light / Re: Solar Shield | Solar Buckler
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:20:28 am »
Thanks for clearing that up.  I was kind of thinking it was broken too.  Didn't realize sanctuary negated it.  That is too bad.

Entropy / Re: Chaos Seed | Chaos Power
« on: September 27, 2011, 11:59:18 pm »
My fastest win ever was due to this card.  Entropy Towers + Ball Lightning + Chaos Power = fun.  1 game round 1 20dmg.  Win on round 4.  Round 2 Discord helped as well.  This is rare luck but awesome when it comes out that quickly.  And isn't luck what Entropy is all about?

General Discussion / Re: Elements Nymph Count
« on: September 27, 2011, 06:12:33 pm »
 :entropy :entropy :gravity :earth :earth :life :fire :fire :water :air :air :air  :darkness :darkness :darkness :darkness :darkness :aether :death :death :light

Black Nymphs dig me for some reason.  No time nymph yet.

Books & Comics / Re: Marvel or D.C. whos your favorite.
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:33:45 pm »
Make mine Marvel!

One thing about DC that always annoyed me was the whole disconnect from our world.  Metropolis?  Gotham?  Marvel characters are based in the real world. 

Plus I really just loved the real problems their characters had from such an early point.  Being blind, alcoholism, picked on kid etc.

Books & Comics / Re: Superheroes
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:28:25 pm »
I am a Marvellite from days of old.  Avengers especially.  Iron Man and Thor would be my favorites over all.  A little disappointed by Thor movie.  I was a very avid mythology buff when I was a kid.  Actually what got me into comics in the beginning. In a supermarket and saw Avengers comic with Thor facing off against Odin. 

In roleplaying superhero games (Champions,  Aberrant, DC Universe Online) I often tended to builed Iron Man tribute characters.

X-men faverites were the Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Colossus trio.


Duo-Decks / Re: Powerful Wyrms (Air Rush)
« on: June 09, 2011, 10:54:06 pm »
After having played with this some it does seem that the blitz is worth it.  If you get out damsels early and cannot seem to get wyrms, blitz can catch you up on damage rather quickly.  There is also something satisfying about doing more than 50 damage with 1 creature in 1 turn. :)

Thanks for the deck.  I can only imagine it will get much better once I get more of it upgraded.

Lord_Jadem 2
Mojafa 0

Lord_Jadem 2, Kidsinister223 1.

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 3/2010
« on: August 25, 2010, 03:08:39 am »
Lord_Jadem 2 mrpaper 1

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