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Messages - LongDono (1147)

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 96
Deck Compilations / Re: A not-so-normal Vampire EM deck.
« on: December 11, 2010, 09:40:19 pm »
One big thing you have to worry about is CC. You have 6 creatures and NOT a 30 card deck.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Make a Lite version of the game.
« on: December 11, 2010, 09:36:21 pm »
This is a godly idea. Simple but it is what I think this game needs, far more players could play this game then. :)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Devourers's Quanta Drain is messed up
« on: December 11, 2010, 09:33:05 pm »
But see it is not 50/50 from what I have seen. The time quanta seems to get drained far more often than the earth quanta.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Devourers's Quanta Drain is messed up
« on: December 11, 2010, 08:47:58 pm »
Quick question, if there is a thread out there that explains how random works in this game or for each card then can you please PM me the link? I would really love it and you forever. lol
On topic..... I use shriker rush unupped at the moment for farming top 50, and it is rather annoying how time quanta is stolen almost every time. ( lol pun ) Is there a fix that can lower the chance of a certain element being stolen without killing the card and chaning how random in this game works?

Tournament Archive / Re: Western Tournament - Dec 11th - A Second Chance
« on: December 11, 2010, 06:18:00 pm »
LongDono 1 vs 0 mrpaper

Round 7 / Re: (Air) Dogg 2 - 1 jmdt (Fire Lt)
« on: December 11, 2010, 02:24:46 am »
+ karma for Dogg for showing us one of the best moves in a PvP game that I have ever seen! O.o
Great job both of you!

Deck Help / Re: scorps/frogs adrenalines
« on: December 10, 2010, 08:13:20 pm »
I agree, dragons are a bad idea in this deck.

Deck Help / Re: scorps/frogs adrenalines
« on: December 10, 2010, 06:40:00 pm »
I found that taking out 1-2 scorps for pillers is REALLY good and here is why.
1. Lowers the chance of having only 1-2 pillers hands
2. Increase the chance of a 3rd turn adrenaline alot. ( 1st turn play  pillers, second turn play frog/scorp, 3rd turn play another frog or scorp OR if you have 4 quanta you can play your adrenaline! )
3. stuff like devourer wont be so bad but still bad.

Design Theory / Re: Requires quanta, but it's free.
« on: December 10, 2010, 04:18:43 pm »
This works basically like SNova.

It does actually "Cost" Quanta, but requires you to get a certain amount of quanta in the game before you can start using them.

With enough cost, you could think of it as an advanced card that you can only play late game.
SNova is a good example. It is a quanta generator and thus truly costing quanta would be silly (see quanta engine instead). Having the "2 :entropy" requirement does play a good role in this case.

However the cost of a SNova is not  :entropy :entropy but rather closer to  :entropy :entropy/SNovas per deck. (Or even less because usually you can just wait for more Entropy quanta so you don't have to reserve  :entropy :entropy)

I would be very cautions when designing "free" cards. They caused a terribly broken set in MTG. (We can do better than WotC though)
This ^
Not only that but a few super novas could power them for the rest of the game if cost is too low. Nerf Supernova/nova or make sure these cards cost alot.

Design Theory / Re: Requires quanta, but it's free.
« on: December 10, 2010, 04:15:25 pm »
I like the idea. It could be abused if the cards for it are not balanced.
Lets say a card requires 2 quanta to use but it's free and then 1 super nova could power all of them in the deck.

Wow this dose look fun to play!
Great job!

I don't like changes in general, so it may be a while before I get used to all these new cards and stuff, but this t500 idea sounds interesting. I would actually like this to be AI4 though, and have t50 moved up to AI5, with something like health increase to 150, and keep track of wins/losses there too, so that people would have more motivation to put up decks that will actually win games instead of just handing out rares.
Increase health to 150? Thats a bad idea for decks that already have something to gain for winning. Remember based on how well the deck dose it will gain or lose rank, ect.... So now it will be a top 500 with everyone building good decks, so why in gods green earth would you raise thier health to 150 when they are already building fantastic decks.
Also how many out of the top 50 even put out farms? Not alot so don't complain. It is easy to complain when you got all the rares or close to it.
Unlessed we can win upped cards 150 health sounds like a terrible idea.
If I misunderstood anything I am sorry.

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