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Messages - LongDono (1147)

Pages: 1 ... 83 84 [85] 86 87 ... 96
Religion / Re: All of you evolutionists are stupid when it comes to logic.
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:49:30 pm »
Think about it this way. You believe in a big bang, and you say that  no matter can come by supernatural forces. If you say that the big bang created everything, where did the big bang come from? If there's a big bang, there has to be something to go bang.

Secondly, millions of years is not possible. Salt grows in the oceans every day. If the earth really was millions of years, we could literally walk across the ocean.

And last, do you know how complex life is? Only 20 amino acids are used in life, and there are a lot of amino acids. Only the left-handed amino acids are used in life, none of the right-handed ones. There are left and right-handed amino acids. And another thing is that you have to have all of the amino acids in exact order.

Do you REALLY believe that our bodies could be made by chance?
The Theory of Evolution, the Big Bang, and Monotheistic religions do not contradict each other.  Try to remember that.
This so much.
( well sometimes they do cross eachother a little.  :)) )

Religion / Re: All of you evolutionists are stupid when it comes to logic.
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:47:39 pm »
The Truth, regardless of our lack of knowledge, determines who was correct.

and what is the truth then? how are we suppose to know the truth? What if my "truth" that I arrive at is different than your "truth"? whos truth is correct?
Something I seem to not have communicated properly. If both you and me started to work on a very complex math problem above our understanding we probably would get different answers and they probably would both be incorrect. My "truth" (aka my fallacious and incorrect opinion) does not have any effect on the correct answer (Which may be unknowable). How do we attempt to learn the unknowable? I don't know but I believe we have a duty to try (and most likely fail).
Math problems are just 1 example, how about right and wrong? Hard to define sometimes right? That is because we seem to think right and wrong are opinions and yet we teach people not to do wrong. That brings me to truth!
Truth is man made just like right and wrong so that means there is no "truth" but only what seems real to each person on an indvidual level. If it is unknown to man it can not be the truth until man learns of it. God is truth to some, while not truth to others, yet no one can prove god but also some know of him/her/it and to them it is truth and proof enough.
What some call luck some call an act of god, but neither can be proven no matter how hard we try so is it possible to say what the truth is?
( remember I am just playing devils advocate here. )
Is your claim that reality is created by opinion? Ie if we all were of the opinion that we could fly then gravity would not affect us?

I believe that there exist facts about reality. I believe people have opinions about reality. I believe that when these correlate many would call that knowledge. When I refer to truth I am referring to the facts not the opinions or the knowledge. Math (IMO) was true before it was derived.

We often act upon our opinions of right and wrong because they dictate how we ought to act. The wise note that our opinions about facts are not correct unless they correlate with those facts.
Yes and no. Truth if it remains unknown to man is up to opinion, like god. Some believe in god so much they go to insane lengths to worship god. To them god is truth, and luck is gods will. To others god can not be proven and thus is not real. Acts of god are called luck in this case.
In any event it is hard to play devils advocate when you don't believe in what you talk about. Maybe if I sound more like glenn beck and iggnore the other sides talking points people will believe me? ( sorry  but I don't like the guy lol )
The line of thinking I am trying to debate here I have only heard about so I am sorry if I don't debate it well.
If truth is a man made thing like right and wrong then like right and wrong it is up to the person to decide. This only works if both sides of the debate can agree on if truth is a man made thing or not. Because truth is "what is" then that means you can make the debate that truth is around before people just never expressed. Also right and wrong can have something very much the same said about it though that would be more along the lines of "man created right and wrong or god did atleast"
Anyways I don't think I can play devils advocate well this time I am sorry.
Also if you watch anime at all watch Tngn toppa gurren lagann and you will know why I laughed when you said this. "reality is created by opinion? Ie if we all were of the opinion that we could fly then gravity would not affect us?"
Also flying dose not iggnore gravity. ( sorry a little nitpick )

Religion / Re: All of you evolutionists are stupid when it comes to logic.
« on: December 06, 2010, 05:41:07 pm »
Seems another person who cant make any real arguments joins the discussion. Anyways, onto the discussion.

The Truth, regardless of our lack of knowledge, determines who was correct.

and what is the truth then? how are we suppose to know the truth? What if my "truth" that I arrive at is different than your "truth"? whos truth is correct?
Something I seem to not have communicated properly. If both you and me started to work on a very complex math problem above our understanding we probably would get different answers and they probably would both be incorrect. My "truth" (aka my fallacious and incorrect opinion) does not have any effect on the correct answer (Which may be unknowable). How do we attempt to learn the unknowable? I don't know but I believe we have a duty to try (and most likely fail).
Thats why we google it! Google knows everything! lol
"Can't" and "not willing to waste my time" are 2 different things.
Just because you seem like fun I guess I can play devils advocate and debate you, though it seems too early in the day for me.  :)) ( sorry about mis spelling, ect... early in the day... ) )
Math problems are just 1 example, how about right and wrong? Hard to define sometimes right? That is because we seem to think right and wrong are opinions and yet we teach people not to do wrong. That brings me to truth!
Truth is man made just like right and wrong so that means there is no "truth" but only what seems real to each person on an indvidual level. If it is unknown to man it can not be the truth until man learns of it. God is truth to some, while not truth to others, yet no one can prove god but also some know of him/her/it and to them it is truth and proof enough.
What some call luck some call an act of god, but neither can be proven no matter how hard we try so is it possible to say what the truth is?
( remember I am just playing devils advocate here. )

Religion / Re: All of you evolutionists are stupid when it comes to logic.
« on: December 06, 2010, 03:51:41 pm »
You'll all see on Judgement day. If you still want to at least listen to what these guys have to say, please do it. Go to I'm positive that they will convince you, even though I'm not.
This is funny I admit.
Tell me this "judgement day" has also been called armageddon correct? Please look up and define armageddon. 2012 has the potential to become the biggest magic trick in history. If a "new begining" really dose start it is not because of the wrath of god itself.
Also I find it funny that you say you are positive right after talking about judgement day when god will have millions of people die or something like that.
Also you should not force what you think on others, and yes you are due to the tone and choice of words you choose. Maybe if you scream loud enough and kick up enough dirt someone might believe you out of your passion alone. It worked for glen beck.  :))

Forum Archive / Re: Newbie's KOTH ( Need good players! )
« on: December 06, 2010, 09:07:56 am »
Hmmmm that is good, ok thanks we don't need to keep track of it. We can just look it up and use that.

Religion / Re: All of you evolutionists are stupid when it comes to logic.
« on: December 06, 2010, 01:17:04 am »
@ Antiderivative: This thread was not worth it from the start. The ops own talking points can be used against him/her/it. It's like taking candy from a baby but easier.

Forum Archive / Re: Newbie's KOTH ( Need good players! )
« on: December 05, 2010, 08:12:38 pm »
Ok thank you. No score? Eh not a big deal. Score is something that don't really matter a whole lot and I am sure is hard to keep track of.
So 51% winning rate.
Did you keep track of the TTW? ( turns to win ) That plays a big role in match ups if the winning percent is too close to call. If not thats ok, we will leave TTW out of this match up and hope that they are not close match ups, lol.
Thank you very much for your hard work.

Forum Archive / Re: Newbie's KOTH ( Need good players! )
« on: December 05, 2010, 05:27:06 pm »
Thats ok colossus.
Thank TNG, you rule!

Duo-Decks / Re: Redefining Death/Entropy Rush
« on: December 05, 2010, 04:16:49 am »
This should be moved to beta decks.
Add some control?

Forum Archive / Re: Newbie's KOTH ( Need good players! )
« on: December 04, 2010, 10:49:08 pm »
Well sleep is calling. I believe I have both testers.
It will be grabbix vs double dragon, life rush, shriker rush, or lava rush. ( letting the second tester choose. )

Forum Archive / Re: Newbie's KOTH ( Need good players! )
« on: December 04, 2010, 10:30:56 pm »
@ Colossus: So you are willing to play until you face 100 non-farms? I did not like sickpillows way because if you ended up having one deck face a few more farms than normal and one deck face a few less farms than normal then one deck may only have like 85 non-farm games while the other has 78, and they my only be a couple percentage points apart from deciding the winner or something like that, and acouple more games can change everything.
If they both have to play the same number of non-farm games then the room for error narrows alot!
we can do it the same way that sickpillow did if thats what the testers wants.
Also +1 karma for the help.

@ thenewguy: First of all awesome name! Second of all if you want to do matches then give me a minute to look into you past post and decks you posted, though I am fairly sure I have seen you around. I already have Colossus testing the grabbix deck so I will have you test double dragon/dragon rush as posted on the first page, or 1 of the big 3. ( Lava rush, shriker rush, life rush. )

Forum Archive / Re: Newbie's KOTH ( Need good players! )
« on: December 04, 2010, 10:08:16 pm »
"The winner will be decided based off winning percent Overall profit. ( Farms dont count )
Total score and electrum gained while testing I or the tester will keep track of. ( Not counting farms. )
The deck must have a TTW of 9 or less."

I personally don't like this. It's a LOT more work on whoever your tester(s) will be. Why not just do like Sickpillow did in the upgraded KOTH thread and just post how many farms you ran into.

Yeah the stats will be a little different and not as 'accurate' that way, but it's easier on all involved since it'd be 100 decks/games you'd meet in the T50 if you were playing.
So do you mean play games until you play 100 non farms, but keep track of the farms, or play 100 games only but keep track of the farms. Honestly the first one will give 100 times better results and that would be the only one I would accept.

Either way thank you I shall make a change to the first post.

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